Boboss, I am suppposedly hypoglycemic, but, excusing that my beta blocker takes care of any shaking, the only thing I really suffer from it is nearly-nonsensical (but generally mild) irritability if I don't eat regularly. I'm half convinced I displace a lot of heart-related issues into the hypoglycemia, because there's a lot of symptom crossover, and while I do get weird food/taste cravings for sweet, sour or protein, I don't have the intensity many hypoglycemics experience in these cravings.
If you're not experiencing any allergies in your regular diet, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just be aware of new dishes, I guess, and keep track of when you feel lousy for legitimate reasons, or anyway reasons that aren't related to not having had a snack in the past forty minutes. Do consult a doctor, of course, and treat any nervousness/irritability/exhaustion as you would otherwise inexplicable bouts of such. Making sure people who have to be around/with you during bouts are aware of the situation may help keep things smooth and sociable.
Also, don't eat a whole lot of bread or bread-like stuff, or so I am told by people with the appropriate letters following their names. |