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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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17:29 / 26.06.07
I reckon put it in the scary comics thread.
17:34 / 26.06.07
yeah see I'm divided. Maybe we do need a scary comics movie cross over thread or something in movies? Still not sure if I should just chuck it into the Transformers thread...
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:41 / 26.06.07
I would hesitate to frame the article's palpable despair over the loss of a particular type of parental figure as neccessarily being "scary sex stuff," although I'm not sure I can articulate exactly why. It left me feeling sad rather than icky, and if you ignore the posturing over "emo Spider-Boys," it felt more like listless frustration over the reshuffling of parental gender constructs rather than a dubious backlash... uncertain times and all that.

I don't even know if I'm making any sense. But it's a movie thread, no question in my mind.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:46 / 26.06.07
Ack. That sounded remarkably apologist. I think I meant the article's attitude & underpinnings seem like they'd benefit from examination rather than something closer to confrontation -- the scary sex stuff thread usually feels like it's a more confrontational setting?

Crossover counterpart scary sex thread in the Film would be good, XK.
17:48 / 26.06.07
It has nothing whatsoever to do with comics as far as I can see, although I think I can see why xk might want to tie it into the discussion there.

New thread, I reckon
18:03 / 26.06.07
well there was a metric shit ton of gender value slinging and I as a female fan felt like the door was slammed in my face (Go home and play with your dollies!). There seemed to be an equal amount of rumbling about the woes of modern masculinity I wanted other people to help me look at.

Because these days, the only real men left are giant robots.

I mean c'mon!

however I'm thinking a new thread on scary movies akin to the scary comics might be a bit more epic then a wee summer block buster. dunno.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
18:12 / 26.06.07
Yeah, I can see what you're saying there, XK, I don't think I approached the article with enough active reading. I'd suggest putting it directly into the Transformers thread, though - keep in mind that Haus brought up the weird racial disparity apparently running through the film on the most recent page.

There is something funny with regard to the "Only Real Men" = "Big Robots" thing, though -- real men have no tears!!11!! I find the whole mentality toward the Big All-Dad Lost Masculinity thing a bit strange, but then the big scary dad type didn't really play into my childhood life...
19:48 / 26.06.07
Real men have no lips!!
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
12:28 / 28.06.07
Real Men die penniless, alone and unknown, face-down in the gutter, bubbling quietly away in a pool of their own vomit. Everyone knows that.

Uhm...sorry, anyway here's my stupid question: there's a lot of (valid) complaints about Barbelith's current setup, including the name and other associations with the Invisibles, and the lack of power for moderators. So...why, exactly, hasn't someone made a new one? Would it be hard to do in some way I'm not seeing?

It looks like almost anyone here could sign up for a build-your-own-board thing, for free, we vote on a name, we vote on some moderators, person X turns over the power to the mods, and then you're off. raise money to get rid of ads, get the creationy people together for designing prettiness, boot annoying people, copy over info from old threads if you seems like the free DIY boards have most or all of the same features here.

What's the hold up? And feel free to point me to the X other threads where you've already explained this and I'm a dummy.
electric monk
12:53 / 28.06.07
There's a thread about that here, as a matter of fact. Ya silly.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
13:08 / 28.06.07
I have read that...seems almost more like a pet project by someone who's new and not here that often, to recreate barbelith as it is, same name, same design, but with more juice. is that what people want?

I was thinking more like a whole new board, all the work done for us by some hosting place, people who are on lots can change stuff without being computery types, not having to wait for one person who may or may not be around to change functionality.
Whisky Priestess
10:16 / 29.06.07
I know this makes me the lamest Luddite ever but ... I just can't figure out how to post audio files from my desktop as downloadable/listenable audio files on MySpace.

I tried the "add music" button but it only lets you add stuff already on MySpace, which seems a bit chicken-and-egg.

Helps pleez?
12:50 / 29.06.07
I want to buy some boots and I've just remembered the various problematic associations of different colours in the laces which were used to advertise different kinds of racist bollocks between skinheads.

I realise nobody's likely to mistake me for a Proper Skinhead, but nonetheless: does anyone know of anything that's associated with oxblood boots? Because they're really lovely. Are they just generically skinhead, or more specifically racist? Ta.

(This request was slightly cheekily brought to you in part by impending closure on ebay auction, and the desire not to end up on an unsavoury website while at work.)
Saint Keggers
12:52 / 29.06.07
Whenever I buy a leather belt it always cracks in the areas where it bends due to fastening and unfastening... how can I prevent this in future belts?
Whisky Priestess
13:19 / 29.06.07
Oil them.

Now myspace help please please?
Ron Stoppable
13:28 / 29.06.07
Ex, my understanding was that it was white laces in black or cherryred boots that had the NF connotation.

Not sure about the oxblood - these days I doubt it's much of an issue but I can understand why you'd be hesitant.

Oh, and oxblood DMs? Nice. Very nice.
Jack Fear
13:33 / 29.06.07
Ex: As I understand it, it's not so much the boots themselves as the bootlaces that indicate skinhead affiliation. White laces signify white supremacy: red laces indicate that the wearer has shed blood for "the cause." (I've heard of other variations—blue laces for peace punks and pink for gay pride stick in my mind—but I can't find any references online, so these may have been local or even apocryphal.)

And racist skins generally wear their boots "straight-laced," in a horizontal system, rather than crossed.

Early skins favored oxbloods Docs, true; but rather than get 'em that way out of the box, they achieved the effect by treating cherry-red boots with black shoe polish.

If you wear standard laces and standard lacing, there should be no mistaking you for a racist fuckhead.
Whisky Priestess
15:04 / 29.06.07
Seriously though, has NOBODY on Barbelith EVER uploaded ANY of their own songs to their MySpace?

Is how to do it some sort of closely guarded secret?

Are you afraid of what I'll put on there?

15:39 / 29.06.07
Thanks, Ron Stoppable and Jack Fear (and thanks for the home-made oxbloods tip, JF).

I was a bit on edge after I found one fairly bland boot manufacturer assuring its customers that its boots didn't come with swastikas already on them, so there wouldn't be any problem with local legal restrictions.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
15:57 / 29.06.07
WP - not totally sure for sure for sure, LOOKS like you can only add songs from Myspace artists.

To get a new song onto Myspace, you have to *be* an artist and make an artist page, which is slightly different than a normal page. Then you can upload music for others to link to.

however, with any kind of profile, you can upload Videos. and your video could be a really sucky video with only audio content, I reckon.

from the FAQ:

How do I upload music to my page?


* You must have a Band/Artist profile.

* Click 'Edit Profile' > 'Manage Songs' tab, and then upload the mp3 in question.

* Music files should not exceed 10 MB in size.
Whisky Priestess
13:09 / 30.06.07
Thanks Pants, you have saved my brane. I did check the FAQ, honest, but it was in haste at work so I probably missed something.

I'll try the videos thing first then, if that doesn't work, set myself up as a band. This will be my project for this rainy Saturday ... until Doc Who goes on anyway.
13:57 / 30.06.07
Is there a smoking ban thread? I'm planning on going to the pub later to smoke on principle.
14:23 / 30.06.07
Clostest threads are the Effective anti-smoking campaigns and the Banning Booze threads, but no specific one on the smoking ban.

I can't wait for tomorrow. Mmmmm, beerfart smell...
13:14 / 02.07.07
'll try the videos thing first then, if that doesn't work, set myself up as a band.

Yes, this is why I have two myspace pages. And don't much like either of them.
Char Aina
13:28 / 02.07.07
Are there any rules against using a band site for a not-band?
15:06 / 02.07.07
"Rules"? No, but since the two things are so integrated (to the point where it's hard to tell there are two kinds of memberships when you're first signing up), I can't really see why you'd want to have a non-band band page.

I mean, for the purposes of MySpace, I think spoken word & any other audio art would count as "band."

Oh, and by the way:
Billy Bragg on MySpace's weird licensing deal (which has apparently now been corrected).
Whisky Priestess
15:48 / 02.07.07
So super, I've set myself up, new name, new friends list blah - but although there are about 10 different kinds of video files you can upload, when it comes to music it's MP3s or nothing.

All my files are WMAs.


Does anyone know how to convert the one to the other? Sorry to be so techno-helpless ... is there a free thingy out there that will do it?
15:59 / 02.07.07
There's probably a bazillion of 'em, Whick. I have you tried Google?

(I just did. Looks rather more than promising)
15:59 / 02.07.07
Weird typos
Whisky Priestess
16:05 / 02.07.07
There's probably a bazillion of 'em, Whick. I have you tried Google?

No, I'm being lazy and pathetic and hoping someone will recommend something. Have stopped now. Will try the Jodix one and report back.
Whisky Priestess
16:11 / 02.07.07
Access denied. Can't run it.

So I'm fucked if I try to do this on my work machine, and double fucked if I try to do it on my home machine because it runs Win98 and nothing works on that any more.

Jolly good!

Jack Fear
16:25 / 02.07.07
I fucking hate WMAs, and I've yet to find a free & easy way to convert 'em to MP3s on the machine.

The pain-in-the arse workaround is to burn 'em to CD as audio files, then rip the CD tracks to mp3s.

It's a bit lossy, I suppose, but if these are gonna end up streaming on MySpace, well, your end result isn't gonna be audiophile-quality anyway...
16:50 / 02.07.07
WP, what operating system are you on?
I have a lovely free WMA to mp3 converter for my mac and I believe there are a bunch out there.
Char Aina
16:56 / 02.07.07
itunes'll do it. I don't know if there's a quicker way, but if you add your WMA songs to your library via the add file option (in the file menu) it does it automatically.
Make sure you have itunes set up to convert to mp3 rather than AAC (in the settings bit, under rip, or something like that), and it should go easy.
19:01 / 02.07.07
This one's a question for a friend. She's got a money trouble (who doesn't), and needs advice from somebody who actually knows something about anything (here we see the dangers of a pool of friends composed of ex-students...).

She says:

Last September my estate agents sent me the £250 deposit refund cheque twice. The second one wasn't signed so I sent it back and they sent it back to me signed so I did what any poor ex stdent would do and cashed it. They phoned me last month saying they noticed they'd sent me two and wanted me to check my statements and I kinda ignored it but now they've sent a letter demanding £250 in the next 7 days. I just want to know if I legally have to pay them back as it was a mistake they made etc and I really can't afford £250 at the mo, if anyone knows any lawyers or anyone who can advise please help!!!!!

Thank you!

As she tried to return the cheque, and as the cheques were legal and not cancelled before being cashed, i reckon she's at no fault (well.. no fault she can be done for), but then i'm a bit of a fool.

Does the estate agent have any legal grounds to demand the return of the money they gave her?

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