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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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All Acting Regiment
12:40 / 03.07.07
How many pounds to a Euro?
14:09 / 03.07.07
Does the estate agent have any legal grounds to demand the return of the money they gave her?

Sounds like their problem to me. Especially since she sent them back a check once already.

I suppose, should she care to be deliberately obtuse, she could mention that she sent a check back and they returned it to her.
14:20 / 03.07.07
Allecto- 1.5 Euros to the pound, a Euro is 68p.
doozy floop
19:56 / 03.07.07
Were I, hypothetically, to be planning a dirrrty weekend in Brighton, no expense spared, what are the most fabulous hotels and restaurants from which I might select the cornerstones of said weekend?
20:26 / 03.07.07
No expense spared? The DeVere Grand Hotel, and Terre A Terre for dinner.
20:30 / 03.07.07

If you want posh, expensive food and 5 star service I, and many foody guides, would recommend One Paston Place, as it's pretty much the most poshest, expensivist, 5 starist place we've got.

As for hotels, well, there's always The Grand, which is so no-expense-spared the Tory cabinet got blown up there in the 80s.
20:31 / 03.07.07
(Terre Terre is also very good, but it's a lot more informal, although the food is always an exciting surprise)
20:32 / 03.07.07
Linky for Terre A Terre
20:44 / 03.07.07
Also, we now have a slew of expensive boutique hotels such as Drakes, Hotel 19, Square, and loads more
21:38 / 03.07.07
Regarding the £250:
Seeing as you write 'cheque' I assume we are talking English law, but actually most places work pretty much the same on this. Unfortunately the money must be paid back, regardless of who made the mistake. It has technically been held in trust by your friend for the agency.
Once the mistake is discovered by either party, there is a responsibility not to go spending it and so on. But, their demand for 7 days payment is something you can argue about - a payment plan that works for both sides could be negotiated, and this is what would happen were it to go to the small claims court. But then you'd have costs on top and that would be bad.
Write them a letter offering to pay over about 3 months, if that can work for your friend? As is probably obvious by now, I am not a lawyer and this is not advice of any sort.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
22:12 / 03.07.07
WP, if for some reason you're not keen on downloading/installing software, esp. at work, Zamzar is a handy online file conversion utility. There are others, too.
07:32 / 04.07.07
Brighton has many tucked away, expensive special hotels like Pelirocco (each room themed ie, Mod, Diana Dors Pin-Up, Rubber(!), Punk etc. Bar has playstations and is open till 4am, and if yr lucky you will bump into rockstars on tour, or if your unlucky, local coke dealers.

Also, try Blanch House. I dont remember much about it, but i do know that it is supposed to have a great restaurant, at least the top room has a hot tub, and if you try to light a cigarette the barman will reach over and do it for you. (except not any more of course), also when you want a taxi because you cant walk, they bring a old bakalite phone on a silver platter for you. Now thats service!
Whisky Priestess
08:40 / 04.07.07

online converter - any currency to any currency

All: thanks for MP3 help. Off to try again.
All Acting Regiment
09:57 / 04.07.07
Supposing some miscreant used to download music using soulseek and that, then stopped, but then decided to start again - how would he do that, do you think - and how can we stop him?
10:50 / 04.07.07
Unfortunately the money must be paid back, regardless of who made the mistake. It has technically been held in trust by your friend for the agency.

How does that work?
Does a person need to specifically say 'i am giving you this cheque so that you can cash it' before it is legal to do so?
The law seems odd.

Lecto - I'm not sure what you're asking. Would this miscreant be wanting to continue the download of files that are half-done, or would ze be wanting to just use the soulseek client again?

As for stopping them - pull out the ethernet plug on their computer.
All Acting Regiment
10:56 / 04.07.07
The miscreant in question hasn't been using any fileshare for two or more years; he wants to know what's "hot" on that "scene"; this, unfortunately, is the calibre of person we're dealing with.
11:07 / 04.07.07
The point is not that it was illegal to cash the cheque, just that once the mistake is discovered the money must be paid back. It may not be practical or possible to do so immediately which is why a payment schedule over time is often arranged. I believe delaying or spreading the payback is required if to do otherwise would 'cause hardship'.
Whisky Priestess
13:22 / 04.07.07
MattShepherd: Why, if you weren't already engaged,* I'd ... I'd kiss you! Yes, that's what I'd do.

In short - Zamzar worked a treat and you are my hero.

(*Or is that one of the other Matts?)
Jack Denfeld
19:51 / 04.07.07
Is there a money/wealth rune? What it look like?
20:04 / 04.07.07
Yeah, Fehu.

Like an unserifed F, but with the horizontals at an upwards slant.

Although it's more complex than that I suspect. Probably should ask some of the NT people.

Of course, there is always the dollar sign. That's got some pretty loaded symbolism now.
21:13 / 04.07.07
Lecky - as far as i am aware, soulseek is still 'the biz', as 'they' say. However, i am an upstanding citizen and fear the wrath of Law, so i might be outdated. My illeg... friend who likes to keep backups of hir music doesn't have much trouble breaking the la... finding backups to lots of interesting music that may be harder to find through other channels.

There is also bittorrent. I only ever use it legally to download open source software, but i hear there are a few specialist sites that might cater for more eclectic crimin.. *ahem* backup needs. might be onesuch place, but i really wouldn't know. If you need an invite to the place, most definitely do not ask me, because i won't be able to help.

Obviously, you should advise your friend to be careful to download only backups of music ze already owns.
This Sunday
23:38 / 04.07.07
What's a good size if I were to have a five minute shot-on-mini-DV movie shrunk down and put online? I'm thinking nothing more than forty to fifty MB, but have friends who're laughing at me and assuring me most people with computers can handle a much larger download. I'm more worried about 'patient enough to' rather than 'handle', to be honest.
All Acting Regiment
23:46 / 04.07.07
I just so happen to have a free MP3 of jolly local dancing songs from Chepstow. It doesn't seem to play in Itunes - now why is that?
07:42 / 05.07.07
Not the correct format (MP4), perhaps? Maybe a format that can't be converted?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:03 / 05.07.07
Does it play in other media players (Quicktime, WinAmp, whatnot)? If so... weird. If not... try opening it in a sound editor like GoldWave or Audacity to see what happens.
Whisky Priestess
16:28 / 05.07.07
Are there any bear god myths that people know about? I tried wikipedia and but there seems to be precious little.
jentacular dreams
16:45 / 05.07.07
Hindu mythology has Jambavan, the king of the bears (a minor deity?) in the Ramayan(a). There's the celtic god Aedeche and the Gaulish Artaius/Artos (possibly related to the figures of Arthur or Gwydion)

Does Ursa Major/Callisto count - not really a deity per se, but the constellation must have intersected with a lot of belief systems?

Sorry, I would dig up the myths for you but I was about to rush off - hope this is of some use.
20:31 / 05.07.07
Well, Odin's over the berserkers, who're bear-skinned warriors.

Their Wikipedia page leads to another page on bear worship, which is surprisingly slender, but does (in a roundabout way) lead to Otso, the Divine Bear of Finland, who seems to be more of an ancestral spirit or force of nature than a god proper.

I *think* I've read some Bear stories in collections of Native American myths, but absolutely none are coming to mind, so maybe not.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:18 / 05.07.07
One of Odin's heiti--nicknames--is the word for Bear.

(OT: Incidentally, the derivation of the word "berserk" is somewhat disputed; bear-sark, i.e. bear-shirt, a shirt made out of a bear-skin is one interpretation; another might be bare-shirt, implying one who went half-naked into battle. The whole berserk thing is pretty sketchy, info-wise...)
Spatula Clarke
21:47 / 05.07.07
What purpose do bluebottles serve? As in, why do we have to have them? All animals supposedly fit into this chain of nature somewhere, with everything - bar us, I suppose - having a natural predator and being that predator for other species, but bluebottles just seem entirely useless. Yes? No?
02:22 / 06.07.07
In a world before garbagemen removed the corpses of steaks and rats and dogs and, um, medical waste, bluebottles filled a far more important role.
This Sunday
02:25 / 06.07.07
Considering gabagemen just compact and pile a lot of that stuff, and some of it just sits around beside peoples' houses and in giant bins, really, the bluebottle's still awfully useful. Now if only they could be taught to mix drinks and dictate letters.
08:31 / 06.07.07
How should I gamble £77 tomorrow morning (07/07/2007), at 07:07?
08:34 / 06.07.07
I assume we are talking about the morning, if so the Lottery would probably be the easiest, ahem, bet at that time of day
09:14 / 06.07.07
Oh my.

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