Cassie: I was hoping for more essential Alix, but like every other issue, it focusses on some other character... which i guess is the point. Penetrating others.
Alix Harrower is the supporting character in her own narrative. She's the Professor's Wife in #1, then Sky-High Helligan's hired muscle in #2 (and, after a fashion, hired glamour-puss and taxi service), then Stella Stellamaris's bodyguard in #3, and finally she's Sally Sonic's super-nemesis in #4. Being pushed to the sidelines is pretty much what Alix has been subjected to for the entire mini, and it's all to push her to the point where she says NO to destiny, NO to Greg Saunders, NO to saving the world. Because she's constantly treated like a piece of meat, a piece of metal, a spear not thrown - she's not a set piece, she's a person!
So #4 worked perfectly. She's tired of not being included in the story because everybody else has to feel special. |