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13:13 / 22.08.06
sometimes when sexual harrassment happens I just get confused for a minute while I process if what the person said was fucked up or just the way I was interpretting it was fucked up.

It happened last week in my office and I dealt with it as if it was not SH and then went to check in with some other folks and run it by them. The consensus was that the person saying the offensive remark should have known better than to use slang in that context but that it wasn't a blatant case.

I was left feeling upset and wierded out but without a clear path of action because it was all so open to interpretation.

Disco is My Class War
13:29 / 22.08.06
No. More. Drama.
No. More. Drama.
Leave. Well. Alone.
Leave. Well. Alone.

I'm thinking of making a placard and marching up and down.

(Sorry, this is not in reference to this thread, or sexual harassment discussions. And Deva, I wish I had thought like that when I was more susceptible to sexual harassment. Because I couldn't do anything about it, at all.)
Cat Chant
13:41 / 22.08.06
I was left feeling upset and wierded out but without a clear path of action because it was all so open to interpretation.

GAH. I think that's one of the worst things about sexual harassment: I don't know whether people do it consciously or not, but the way it works is that the harasser just has to say one unconsidered thing, which is incredibly little effort - ze doesn't even have to be original or anything - and, as a result, the harassee will be chucked into a head-maelstrom of confusion and self-blame and having to go over and over the incident trying to work out if they're crazy or what. It's like they can just activate a part of you which will do the longer-term work of harassment for them. I'm firmly convinced that that's a huge part of the damage that sexual harassment does. So GAH, again, to whoever made you feel that way.

(And the same resounding GAH of sympathy for Mister Disco.)
13:59 / 22.08.06
is there a sexual harrassment thread floating aound? I searched and didn't find one.

I'm pretty good at calling bullshit on bahavior when it is clearly that, but yeah the grey area of asshatery befuddles me.
Cat Chant
14:53 / 22.08.06
No, I was just thinking we should start one.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
14:54 / 22.08.06
xk I think it's to do with the What Does It Take to Get You Banned in Barbelith Thread in the policy which I've just come over to vent about and had my thought firmly put into perspective by youse guys posts.
02:10 / 01.09.06
Alex's Great Great Grand Aunt. Or whatever.

He makes his pisstakes almost reasonable. Enviable. The tit.
02:11 / 01.09.06
Which is why I like him. Or hate him.

The tit.
12:11 / 08.09.06
So begins the most baffling series of posts ever embarked upon by a board member.

Not exactly annoy, more nnnggBRAINnnng

Incredible, really.
paranoidwriter waves hello
12:57 / 08.09.06
Thanks, Boboss.

Kind of you to say?
13:09 / 08.09.06
What's annoying me with Barbelith?Allthe cool fora are empty and nearly everyone is participating in this month's big ruck. Bo-ring! Can we pretend it was like, 2 months ago, resurrect the Big Brother thread and talk shite into the wee hours? Anyone... no? Oh, you're all over there.

Okay letme try this, I've just got Zatara powers through the post (got off eBay, bargain).

.tegrof :htilebraB

*wobbly screen effect*

Does this mean that Haus will become even more cut off from the rest of Barbelith now evenually sending out spy-bots, and Olulabelle will put her criminal ways behind her and fight on the side of the angels? Oh well, at least no-one will remember what Flyboy did to DM that time in the satelite... and when was the last time Ganesh really inspired anyone, anyway?
electric monk
13:33 / 08.09.06
Just this past weekend, John.
13:43 / 08.09.06
Ganesh is dead!?!?!?! Death of a 'Lither, Funeral for an Elephant, Reign of the 'Neshes?!?!

electric monk
13:50 / 08.09.06
Alright, that's really fucking annoying.
14:00 / 08.09.06
Good. This is the annoy thread, I try my hardest.

By 'just this past weekend', do you mean for the last week, right? It's Friday now.
14:02 / 08.09.06
Y'see, I though you meant that Ganesh had inspired someone this past weekend, hence the deathof superman riff. I was coming up with some kinda Bibbo-esque role for Xoc, but I'm at workand stressed, brain no work proper.


14:12 / 08.09.06
And my FUCKING spacebar doesn't fucking work properly!! ARGH!!!

Deep breath, less than an hour 'till hometime...
electric monk
14:20 / 08.09.06
Totally didn't get the Superman thang. Thought you were dancing on 'Nesh's theoretical grave. Which I wasn't going to stand for.

Breeeaaaathe, John.
14:30 / 08.09.06
No, I like Ganesh which is why I gave him the Superman role in my little meta/similie game I had there. And Bibbo Bibowski is Supes' biggest fan. Haus is Batman (aloof, devastatingly clever, sometimes a right dick), lula was catwoman, and DM is poor, poor Sue Dibney. I was comparing Barb toa recent DC crossover, and Batman said to superman "The lasttime you inspired anyone was when you died,", hence RIP Ganesh (he comes back though, and soon we'll have Ganesh red/Ganesh Blue, which will fucking Rock!) These kinds of posts don't go down too well outside of the comics forum, do they?

Hmmm, I think we could do with an infinite Barbe-crisis thread, who's in?
14:32 / 08.09.06
actually, fuck it, I'm going home. Catch you later when I am more drunk!
14:41 / 08.09.06
This presumably makes John Metamorpho - he's gone, but he'll be back!

Or maybe Sue Dibney.
14:49 / 08.09.06
I'm annoyed with all these comic references - and I'm a geek.
17:25 / 08.09.06
I'm sorry. It was a public stress relief system. I was hoping to find someone on the board that felt like playing, but ne'ermind, I home now and my spacebar works okay! Phew...
17:39 / 08.09.06
So, happily thanks to you John, if anyone does a search for me on the internet what will now come up is a reference to my being a criminal. Joy, joy, joyest joy.
18:00 / 08.09.06
PW, I'm not trying to be mean, but I opted not to post yet another request for you to clarify just what your impersonation was all about because, well, it would have been just that: yet another request - and last time I checked, that approach hadn't really worked.
By posting here I was attempting to highlight just how impenetrable, I, and I assume many others, have found your posts to that thread.
18:06 / 08.09.06
(Sorry, to clarify, I appreciate that you've put a lot of work into what you think is an adequate explanation)
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:07 / 08.09.06
Boboss, I understand. But I'd have rather you sent me a PM than make a comment about my posting style in the Barbannoy thread.

I am still waiting for a PM from either miss wonderstar or ibis, but sadly, I'm losing the will to live.

I may need take a very long and extended break, to remember what it's like to be around people who don't want to bring me down, and instead would rather lift me up. I don't feel welcome aruond here anymore, and, under the circumstances, I find that VERY sad.

And no, I'm not annoyed. I'm now depressed. Who's fault is that? I'm not sure anymore...
Char Aina
18:24 / 08.09.06
I may need take aevry long and extended break, to remember what it's like to be around people who don't want to bring me down, and instead would rather lift me up.

...or at least until distance gives you the perspective to be able to tell the difference.
i'm not sure you are right now, dude.
18:25 / 08.09.06
Hey, I don't want to bring you down, man, I merely want to prise an explanation out of you.

Christ, I really think you should stop with this idea that you're being attacked, or that someone wants a fight*, or that you have to defend yourself, and get on with explaining your intent. Quite why we're waiting for PMs to be returned I have no idea. Surely you know what you were talking about?

Fucking absurd situation.

*I read Fly's comments over the way as genuine concern
18:28 / 08.09.06
Hey, yeah, best to take a break p.w. Haven't read all the conversation but it's been a highly charged number of days on here and some perspective mightn't go astray.
Sweet dreams when you get there.
18:34 / 08.09.06
But, yeah, taking a break is probably the best idea - at least for the time being.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:56 / 13.09.06
The nightmare has already begun.
08:18 / 13.09.06
By crikey. My eyes hurt from trying to read that.
08:25 / 13.09.06
You tried to read it?
Bed Head
08:28 / 13.09.06
I found it hard to focus too, but the bit about sometimes it means fine wine and cheese made me think this thread might perhaps be fun to have in Convo. Also the bit about breaking down clots.

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