If you had read the post I just made, Boogs, you might have noticed a lengthy quotation from the post in which you made your argument. Are you saying that the statement you made after your argument has nothing to do with your argument, and that you have disowned everything you previously said to plump instead for this statement as a summation of everything you want to say:
All I mean to say is it's a bit much to expect everyone to be a silver-age revivalist at times like this. I don't buy the dark comics = bad comics arguement.
Is that, in fact, all you meant to say, and everything else you said you have now discarded as worthless? If so, fair enough, but it's worth noting that 1987-1992 is not the Silver Age, so the comparison with the Giffen/Dematteis Justice League is not "Silver Age revivalism". Unless you mean that the G/D JL was silver age revivalism, in which case what was it about 1987-1992 that made it reasonable at that time to expect everyone to be a silver age revivalist, when the world was even then a pretty nasty place, better in some ways, worse in others? Or possibly that, because George Merriman likes to do Silver Age stuff, anyone who does not like Countdown to Infinite Crisis only dislikes it because they are unable to appreciate the value of anything not written by Gretchen Moripoll, because that is the only possible reason, making any opinion dissenting from yours snide fanboy dipshittery? Does anyone here actually expect everyone to be a Silver Age revivalist, now or at any time in the past? Has that expectation been mentioned before?
If you mean that I should go further back than your big post at the top of this page, perhaps you could help me and my chum Scott McCloud out on how to interpret such densely allusive statements as:
Oh for fuck's sake, it doesn't look that bad...
Fun Spectre. Fucking great. He won't destroy a whole country with god's awesome wrath, he'll have a custard fucking pie fight or some shit.
I know that in your world people only disagree with you because they are all shit and also all doing each other all the time, but it's hard to be won over when little you say seems to display any understanding of what the words in previous posts by other people or yourself actually mean when assembled in that order. Although the idea that anyone who has just reminded us of the fate of Supergirl can then tell us to stop all this comic book guy crap, and let the people who want to read this stuff get on with it is pretty fabulous, if your argument is that it is somehow unsportsmanlike not to like things because it puts those who do off their stroke, you might want to spend less time in places where negative opinions might be expressed, like anywhere. I had not realised previously that only this believe was preventing you from expressing dissatisfaction with other things, but you might have seen other people be other than glowing about various Seven Soldiers products. Your criticism is not going to ruin anybody's life. It might ruin the odd thread, because it will start out incoherent, contradict itself repeatedly, fail utterly to comprehend anything anyone else says and go rapidly downhill into a series of non-linear personal attacks. |