the problem i have is seeing where in your argument you actually make a case for your opinion being more valid/likely-to-be-truthful than mine, aside from a general air of it being self-evident. please elucidate, seriously...
OK. Let's go back to the post you just quoted. In it, I quote what Dead Megatron actually said. He said that Flyboy was his puppet, and commanded him to dance for his amusement. He then demanded to know where I was. I explained why I did not feel that that supported the reading that Dead Megatron subsequently claimed - that it was an invitation in good faith to put aside the "hatred" just for one day. I explained why. You have not yet at any point actually addressed what he actually wrote - instead you started attacking me as a person and then started, as I said, putting things in quotation marks that I did not actually say.
So, I do not believe that my analysis of Dead Megatron's post is the only possible one. It is the only one that currently exists which actually attempts to tie in to what he actually wrote, which, as I have said, does not seem to support the reading that you think "most people" would agree is the correct one. It is the reading that you and Paranoidwriter have adopted, but apparently without looking at what he actually said, rather than what he said about what he said, even after I had quoted it. If you would like to address what he actually said, then there will be two readings available for discussion.
So, that, really. As for victimhood - that was (and yes, I'm going to admit it) rhetoric. The intention was to make people think about how uncritically they were accepting glosses placed on statements by people on the grounds that they felt that they were the injured party. In this case, since I was the "victim", or at least very clearly the subject rather than the object - I had not appeared in that thread in any context before Dead Megatron decided to pull me into it for reasons of his own, which may or may not have been as he descibes them but were not, for my money and with reference to the actual text, made at all redolent of the reasons as he has subsequently described them (and I'm still waiting for a recantation or readdressing of that "hatred" line, of course...) - I intended to highlight the unsafeness of this formulation. I hadn't realised that this would not be clear, but I live and learn. |