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Moderation requests & discussion thereof


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The Falcon
14:08 / 04.09.06
I have put through your lock request, DM. It'll require agreement, but hopefully this shouldn't prove terribly controversial.
Alex's Grandma
15:35 / 04.09.06
Never mind DM; to paraphrase Irvine Welsh, it's not really a party without a decent fight.
Dead Megatron
15:55 / 04.09.06
That is one STRONG TRUTH!!!

But every party has to end sometime
17:16 / 04.09.06
I have absoutely nothing to do - nor do I want to - with Haus argumentation in the past three pages or so of this thread on why Flyboy attitude towards me is uderstandable (I suppose that this was his point, if he had one at some point)

Helllo, Dead Megatron, and happy birthday.

I'd like to direct your attention to a couple of places, all in this thread. First up, the first post I made here, where I specifically said that I thought that Flyboy should lay off you.

Next up, I'd like to point you to the place where I say, specifically, that I believe that Flyboy and Triplets should apologise to you. Then to the place where I agree that it is reasonable to find their behaviour unsavoury and to protest it. Then to the place where I agree that they were out of order. Normally I would provide links, but I think it would be good for you to read this discussion as a whole to winkle those statements out, for reasons that may become clear later.

If you do read the relevant part of this thread, you'll find that most of the rest of my conversation on this thread is not actually about Flyboy at all. It is about the specific questions of when posts should be deleted in the Conversation, when people should be proposed for banning, and about the more general topic of how you and I interact. Specifically, it is about the fact that about two months ago you undertook not to post to threads which you had not read. I believed that this represented a significant step towards your profitable engagement with Barbelith, and I have pointed out here that I have been trying to be nice to you since then, to encourage this process. As such, I was therefore hurt that you repeatedly lumped me in with Flyboy, who did not apparently share my faith, and specifically that you decided to claim that your invitation was made, and I quote, in an:

"I hope they show up and we can leave our differences aside for a while and have a good time together for a change, and they can pick up the hatred tomorrow, if they really must" kind of way.

I did not feel that a daily dose of hatred in any way characterised my interactions with you - I had not actually posted to Barbelith for a week, and was only pulled back by this car crash and the sense of duty that had me reading the Policy, which incidentally means I missed your birthday thread anyway - and it saddened me that you had appeared not actually to have paid attention to what was actually happening on Barbelith before deciding to make this self-exculpatory and unfair statement.

As I said, I had taken your commitment to read threads before posting to them to be a sign of a commitment to being a more productive member of Barbelith. I was saddened that your comments about "hatred" suggested that you had not actually stuck to this entry-level commitment to try to contribute value to Barbelith. I am now further saddened that your mischaracterisation of what I have said in this thread seems to prove that you have decided not to stick to the promise you made - to read threads before posting to them - at all. Given that that undertaking was made in your family's name, and that didn't stop you breaking it, I don't know how you'd get the trust back, there.

Forget about Flyboy for a second, if you can; this is about you. I trusted your word, and you have now made me feel like a hopelessly idealistic fool for doing so. This saddens me.
Dead Megatron
17:51 / 04.09.06
What part of "nor do I want to" do you not get?

"put aside the hatred" is a figure of speech, you literally-obsessed person. Change to animosity, or lack of friendship, or incompatibility of personalties, or anything you like. I don't really care.

(And I'm not the one who called you "dung-covered village idiot", remember?)

I did read this thread very carefully, which is why I decided not to engage in the argument in anyway, if possible. (this single post being the exception)

And, if you say I should forget about Flyboy for a moment, maybe you should remember that this discussion was about him and his attacks on me, until you turned it into a nittypicky-fest on all my past mistakes as justification to why Flyboy had the right of being abusive towards me (a logic that I find morally questionable), most of which I have already apologised for, and none of which have anything to do with the case in point.

So, this is all I'm going to say about this subject. If you insist, be warned you will not get any further response. (which, I guess, means you win in your book. Yay!)

17:55 / 04.09.06
OK. This not for Dead Megatron, but for the rest of the board.

If Dead Megatron did read this carefully, then he is lying about what it says and what I have said. If he did not read it carefully, then he lied to me two months ago, and is now lying again. Either way, he is either unwilling or unable to interact with Barbelith as a place where people's words are given the consideration of reading and response.

Either way, I'm afraid that he is heading towards troll territory, and pretty fast. I want to resolve this, but I am clearly not going to be able to do it with him. I would like to invite senior members in good standing to offer suggestions. Possibly by PM, or in another thread.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:03 / 04.09.06
How about backing off him for a bit? For a number of reasons DM has been rather at the centre of discussions over the weekend and perhaps now's the time to take a breather. Let's try and go for a week before we start talking about the next person we throw off the island shall we?

On the issue of deleting 33's clothing thread: funny, I could have sworn when he was still here people were asking why those threads weren't deleted. I didn't move for the Humpty Dumpty thread to be deleted because I felt the parody's were funny, but the clothing thread didn't really have the same thing. So, is the ideal situation on Barbelith that nothing should get deleted ever, unless it's Anti-Semitic?
18:07 / 04.09.06
Haus, is doing it by PM a good idea, really? If you think DM is moving towards troll territory and you would like to discuss that, surely it would be best to do that openly?
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:09 / 04.09.06
How about backing off him for a bit?

I take it this is addressed to Dead Megatron, regarding his claims that Haus has said precisely the opposite of what we can all see he said?
18:09 / 04.09.06
I have absolutely no faith in DM's ability to back off me, Flowers, which is a problem. However, if he apologises for misrepresenting my efforts to treat him like a worthwhile member of Barbelith for the last two months, then we can maybe negotiate a truce, which he can have fun breaking later.

Regarding 33 - a post I drafted earlier:

Well, there is precedent of a sort. We "ghosted" Hawkmoor's threads in the Creation, because what he was saying was so virulently homophobic and horrible that we didn't want it to be available for viewing by the casual browser of the board. Speaking personally, I don't find 33's comments to be in the same vein - they are mad, and incidentally bad, rather than bad and incidentally mad, if you see what I mean. However, we don't generally delete threads started by people who have been bannneda s a matter of course, except in extraordinary circumstances.

However, you could theoretically put together an argument for deleting (rather than ghosting, if no record is kept of the thread address) 33's thread, if you sincerely believed it to be intolerably offensive. That is not, however, what we have. There's a lack of detail in the request - there is actually no explanation of why he thinks the thread should be deleted - what combination of stupid shit, offensive shit and stupid, offensive shit it contains that requires that it be removed from sight and all the contributions made to it by all the posters, most of them not currently banned removed with it. This is as a reason for a significant moderation request unfit for purpose, I think. This probably means it will just be rejected, but we have already established that some moderation requests are passed without adequate scrutiny. I don't have any sense right now of why Flowers wants it deleted. Is it that ze believes it is practice for threads to be deleted once their originator is banned? Does ze believe that the particular circumstances of this ban were such that it justifies the egregious step of deleting 33's threads? Does he think that we should tidy up Barbelith by deleting the threads that we feel have no value in general, and coonveniently 33 has been banned and will not therefore make a fuss. Or d) other? Right now, I have no idea.

So, my answer would be that I don't think you gave a convincing reason to delete it, which may be why it was disagreed. If you want to get something major done like that, you need to make your reason an argument, not a demand.
18:31 / 04.09.06
Either way, I'm afraid that he is heading towards troll territory, and pretty fast.

I, for one, don't agree. Could we all perhaps agree to take at least 24 hours out before coming back to this? I'd like to contribute constructively, Haus, but am feeling the looming-sabbatical tiredness you've previously mentioned, and would hugely appreciate a gap in the proceedings.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:16 / 04.09.06
Haus, as you're one for the exacting use of language, perhaps you can explain where I made the 'demand' about deleting the 33 clothing thread?

I'm not going to necessarily take a Barbelith-sabbatical but I think I'm going to take a Policy-sabbatical as it feels that all I've done is get involved in one argument after another about Barbelith rather than taking part in the other glorious fora out there.
19:51 / 04.09.06
Forgive me. If you prefer, allow me to rephrase:

The fact that you did not a convincing argument for the deletion in your request, instead simply saying that it was time to do it, presupposed that simply being alerted to this timeliness would be enough to convince people to agree the request. This has been demonstrated not to be the case.

I hope that's better. "Demand" was indeed a shorthand. "Fait accompli" might be more appropriate. None of which, of course, alters my recommendation: if you want the therad deleted, make a convincing case for a significant moderation. If you do not, then by not reproposing the thread delete you will make all turn out according to your desires. I hoped only to give you some context on the deletion of threads, which I hope was not lost.

Ganesh: Surely. I'd like to finish up, however, by returning to that ol' Transformers thread. Both Dead Megatron and Flyboy has cited it as a case of the one goading t'other. E. Randy Dupre, Cameron Stewart and others also at variouspoints lose their patience. And yet, I appear to be in there, bantering, chatting, not insulting and generally treating Dead Megatron like a worthwhile member of Barbelith. Or how about here, where I again seem actually to be cutting him a surprising amount of slack, given his largely "look at me!" posts. I actually thought we were making progress there - he was actually referencing things that were happening by here. Of course, if I'd known that he was ignoring all that in order to strenghthen his bulkwarks against this hatred I apparently feel for him - or animosity, or lack of friendship, or incompatibility of personalties, it really doesn't matter which - I probably wouldn't have bothered. It does at least explain what at the time seemed this frankly bizarre second bite at the "having a go at me" cherry, here - I hadn't noticed that we were mortal enemies.

Now I really am depressed.
19:56 / 04.09.06
I'll add my bit tomorrow, Haus, once I've slept properly.

Enjoy your birthday.
21:11 / 04.09.06
In the Temple this afternoon I modded the Yoga thread summary to, er, actually have one but this is not yet done.

Are there any Temple mods around? Are we just slow ir was there something wrong with it?
23:01 / 04.09.06
Maybe a mod could move the Scientology thread that's in Lab at the mo into Conversation? It doesn't have anything to do with the Lab, that I can tell, and it might be able to be rescuscitated by some kind soul with a keen wit in Conversation— whereas in Lab I wish it would sink like a stone with an anvil wrapped around it.
22:14 / 05.09.06
24 hours later, and a year older, I'm not sure whether and where t do this, but I guess I wanted to flag that I still feel v. let down, especially after this in the mercifully-locked "Dead Megatron: His Crimes" thread.

I believe Haus already have linked recently on the Moderation Request thread every single mistake I've made

This is a) darkly hilarious and b) a sign of the same disturbing tendency. Once DM has decided, based on sketchy, sketchy readings, that he has an enemy, it seems the nibbling will never stop. I'd like it to, quite soon. Best estimates?
Dead Megatron
23:42 / 05.09.06
My intention was to direct people to a place where they could find plenty of info on why Flyboy doesn't like me
09:28 / 06.09.06
I think we should stop having this conversation here and keep the thread for mod requests.
15:58 / 06.09.06
Fair enough. Where would you like it to go, though? Into bullying? I suppose DM has been bullying in a way, but it might derail the thread a bit, and I haven't even got a coherent response to my lovely Venn diagram yet...
16:16 / 06.09.06
Haus, it's likely that I am being very stupid but where exactly is your lovely Venn diagram which needs coherent comment?
Dead Megatron
16:16 / 06.09.06
How exactly am I bullying?
Spatula Clarke
16:29 / 06.09.06
You know a couple of posts up, where Lula asked that this conversation be moved elsewhere? Could we maybe go with that suggestion? Now?
16:44 / 06.09.06
Would you like to do the cuttng and pasting, Randy? Otherwise, you may have to wait a little while. People can help by not posting to it in the meantime. If somebody does want to post to it, they would be advised to start by cutting and pasting the last page or so into the bullying thread, or into a new thread entirely. Bullying thread might be apposite to look at how DM can be seen as bullying here.
Spatula Clarke
17:02 / 06.09.06
Oh, I'm not proposing moving the posts that have already made on the subject. To be honest, I can't be bothered faffing about with all that, and I'm sure the same goes for most people.

Move it as in continue it elsewhere. Link there to the bits that are in this thread. Job done.
19:42 / 10.09.06
He's really not a top London designer.

Off-topic, one word, superfluous, unfunny commentary.
Pm poster then immediately move for deletion?
19:47 / 10.09.06
Yeah, hopefully it's nothing more sinister. Although this is a suit that was registered in 2001, made 7 posts around that time (all of them intelligible), and never posted again until this.
Personally, I might leave it there for a bit, as a heads-up.
19:52 / 10.09.06
Well let's face it, most likely it is a suit hack (or something similar).
Profile 343. Username: Floating Point. (just in case).
I don't think I'm overly paranoid, do you?
20:08 / 10.09.06
Well that's class.
The Falcon
21:12 / 11.09.06
Would someone like to put an abstract on Seth's old Neon Genesis Evangelion thread please? I've not seen enough to come up with one, but it's floating near the top atm.
Baz Auckland
01:55 / 12.09.06
Can a Gathering Mod change the summary in the Psychic TV thread?

The poster's request was denied, and the current one just isn't helping...
13:49 / 12.09.06
Change it to what, though? I didn't see the Caleigh's original version, although I suspect that it was rejected because it involved a sea of insults in which a drop of information bobbed like a cork... could whoever rejected the change confirm or deny?
14:09 / 12.09.06
Off-topic, one word, superfluous, unfunny commentary.
Pm poster then immediately move for deletion?

That's definitely what I'd do. There's a note here in Policy to serve as a heads-up -- I think it's more important to keep the thread clean.

Unless it's a joke I'm not getting (something about the Blitz?), it serves no purpose other than to disfigure the line of conversation.
Bed Head
14:14 / 12.09.06
could whoever rejected the change confirm or deny?

I haven’t seen, skipped or disagreed with this one either. But then I was away for a lot of the weekend, so it’s possible that I just missed it. But Baz, I’m just the teeeensiest bit dubious about her claim that anyone would disagree a reasonable request, frankly, after being accused by Caleigh of ‘changing’ a summary that ze never actually wrote in the first place, and then seeing everyone on barbelith accused of being too lazy to click on a link that ze hadn’t, in fact, bothered to make clickable.

And, really, more than one person has asked *when* and *where* this gig is going to be happening, and as soon as I see that information, either in a mod request, or anywhere on barbelith, then I’ll change the summary so it includes such helpful, typically summary-ish information. Promise I will. But I’m not going to go off-site and find out this stuff just because Caleigh’s getting noisy.

Now, until anything happens, I agree that maybe it’d be best to stop poking at that thread. I’m awfully sorry for sparking off this three-threads-plus-PMs-snotfest, to be honest. Apologies, everyone.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:31 / 13.09.06
May I ask someone to veto the request to move the 'Racism?' thread to Conversation? -- as mentioned from this post onwards in the 'Racism?' thread itself

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