I have absoutely nothing to do - nor do I want to - with Haus argumentation in the past three pages or so of this thread on why Flyboy attitude towards me is uderstandable (I suppose that this was his point, if he had one at some point)
Helllo, Dead Megatron, and happy birthday.
I'd like to direct your attention to a couple of places, all in this thread. First up, the first post I made here, where I specifically said that I thought that Flyboy should lay off you.
Next up, I'd like to point you to the place where I say, specifically, that I believe that Flyboy and Triplets should apologise to you. Then to the place where I agree that it is reasonable to find their behaviour unsavoury and to protest it. Then to the place where I agree that they were out of order. Normally I would provide links, but I think it would be good for you to read this discussion as a whole to winkle those statements out, for reasons that may become clear later.
If you do read the relevant part of this thread, you'll find that most of the rest of my conversation on this thread is not actually about Flyboy at all. It is about the specific questions of when posts should be deleted in the Conversation, when people should be proposed for banning, and about the more general topic of how you and I interact. Specifically, it is about the fact that about two months ago you undertook not to post to threads which you had not read. I believed that this represented a significant step towards your profitable engagement with Barbelith, and I have pointed out here that I have been trying to be nice to you since then, to encourage this process. As such, I was therefore hurt that you repeatedly lumped me in with Flyboy, who did not apparently share my faith, and specifically that you decided to claim that your invitation was made, and I quote, in an:
"I hope they show up and we can leave our differences aside for a while and have a good time together for a change, and they can pick up the hatred tomorrow, if they really must" kind of way.
I did not feel that a daily dose of hatred in any way characterised my interactions with you - I had not actually posted to Barbelith for a week, and was only pulled back by this car crash and the sense of duty that had me reading the Policy, which incidentally means I missed your birthday thread anyway - and it saddened me that you had appeared not actually to have paid attention to what was actually happening on Barbelith before deciding to make this self-exculpatory and unfair statement.
As I said, I had taken your commitment to read threads before posting to them to be a sign of a commitment to being a more productive member of Barbelith. I was saddened that your comments about "hatred" suggested that you had not actually stuck to this entry-level commitment to try to contribute value to Barbelith. I am now further saddened that your mischaracterisation of what I have said in this thread seems to prove that you have decided not to stick to the promise you made - to read threads before posting to them - at all. Given that that undertaking was made in your family's name, and that didn't stop you breaking it, I don't know how you'd get the trust back, there.
Forget about Flyboy for a second, if you can; this is about you. I trusted your word, and you have now made me feel like a hopelessly idealistic fool for doing so. This saddens me. |