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Moderation requests & discussion thereof


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22:30 / 16.08.06
Mr Falcon...

I'm all confused now. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow.
The Falcon
22:38 / 16.08.06
I'm imagining, somehow, you hit modify post when responding to DM's post about Neil Gaiman and attempted to post your response in the reason box. Because no change was either evident or necessary, and the reason was something like 'Gaiman hasn't done that himself, DM?'

If that helps.

You daftie.
22:41 / 16.08.06
Sounds plausible. My alcohol tolerance is really dropping. Which has to be a good thing!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:49 / 22.08.06
I swear I could modify a thread abstract before, but I can't seem to now. Maybe I'm just very dense today.

Anyhow: could somebody change the abstract in the Convo thread "I want Galaxy Minstrels" to reflect the fact that Kali and I are willing to start a UK-NA Barbecandyswap, and that all comers are welcome to jump on board?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:50 / 22.08.06
Oh! And I just noticed that I somehow double-posted in the Hairstyles thread in Convo, too. Uh... sorry.
11:48 / 23.08.06
Both in the works, Matt. I believe if you double post, you can start the moderation process yourself by clicking edit, and then the radio button for delete. Note that it's a double in the "reason" section, and tickity boo, it'll be gone before you know it. <3
Jack Fear
12:08 / 24.08.06
Thank you, mods, for adding an abstract to the "OUTLAW NATION cancelled" thread in comics. Only problem is, the title no longer reflects the content of the thread. Could we change the title, too? Perhaps to something like "The death and rebirth of OUTLAW NATION"?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:56 / 24.08.06
Hmm.... I think Red Concrete might be right; can / shall we move the 'Barbelith's "Universal Declaration of Member Rights"?' thread to Policy?

The Falcon
13:25 / 26.08.06
This post is TRUTH, but need it be said twice? Possibly.
23:24 / 29.08.06
Can the Switchboard mod's fix this?

I posted a reply to Sleazes thread and somehow, God knows how, it's got muddled up with Sleaze's post.

I really don't get how this can have happened. I'm not even a Switchboard mod so there's no way I could modify Sleaze's post.
01:12 / 30.08.06
I think I fixed it. I think it was actually a kertwanged html tag- either a missing closed pointy bracket or quote which caused your post to get eaten.
08:49 / 30.08.06
Sorry, Sally, but the Old/white/men thread in Switchboard still seems to have a problem. The thread only shows me sleazenation's opening post, and I have to do this to see Olulabelle's posts.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:52 / 30.08.06
I've put in a mod request which I think should fix it.
10:08 / 30.08.06
Agreed to it. Curses, I'd really thought I'd unkertwanged it.
12:15 / 30.08.06
It is still very weirdy. I don't like being what David Cameron said.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:38 / 30.08.06
Right! Okay, this time I think I've got it...
15:40 / 30.08.06
Bitchin'! What'd you do?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:06 / 30.08.06
It was weird. The HTML glitch was such that if you clicked on the "edit post" button it took you to one post, but the actual glitch was in a different post. I had to hit the "moderate post" button, then cut'n'paste the actual post number into the "moderate post" URL. Then I found the single quote which had been thornifying our collective side.
18:37 / 30.08.06
You are clever women.

I have also moved to delete the two dupes which come under my name, but which are actually just copies of what sleaze said originally.

Thank you muchly.
21:47 / 30.08.06
La, la, me again.

Can someone delete Tom Tit's thread in switchboard, here because as Ganesh says in the cross post conversation thread there is already one by Grant.

It might be worth moving Grant's over to Switchboard, too.
04:18 / 31.08.06
Music Mods: earlier this evening, in the Guitar Wolf thread, I linked to a soundtrack sharity blog that is offering the "Wild Zero" soundtrack for download. I did so under the impression that the album is not readily available domestically (, for instance, doesn't carry it, and lists it as "currently unavailable").

After further reflection, though, I'm wondering if this was just a Plain Bad Idea. This post, then, is my way of saying that I will happily accede to a delete, if appropriate. What say you?
The Falcon
16:59 / 02.09.06
I've put everything beyond this up for deletion, because I don't really think it's cool or acceptable to be a total shit to someone in their birthday thread. If anyone wants to disagree this, please do come and discuss it here.
17:05 / 02.09.06
I've agreed your requests, Falconer, because I feel that if there's a strong personal dislike between one poster and another, that ought to be addressed via PM or, at the very least, in its own thread (if there's been a breach of policy, a Policy thread). I don't think it's appropriate to evoke that personal dislike a propos of nothing, in what's clearly a light, fluffy birthday thread, in Conversation.
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:07 / 02.09.06
I admire your intent, gents. But personally, I'd rather leave it as a matter of record, and have the people who've been such fuck-holes apologise.
The Falcon
17:08 / 02.09.06
Well, quite. There's also the oft-passed over 'ignore' function if someone's posts drive you to such distraction.

The posts remain, so let's just wait and see.
The Falcon
17:10 / 02.09.06
x-post, there.

I'd rather have the maligned poster's feelings spared this excessive and deeply unnecessary ire, pw.
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:13 / 02.09.06
Fair enough. Tough call. 'tis why I'm not a mod', probably.
Dead Megatron
17:27 / 02.09.06
Let him post away. For all to see.
The Falcon
17:33 / 02.09.06
Well, I'm sorry you've had to read people being shitheads to you in your b'day thread, DM, but I'm going to assume (hopefully incorrectly) - after a half hour - that someone has blocked the request(s), and I'd very much like there to be a discussion about why this is, and for all about whether this is acceptable behaviour.
17:36 / 02.09.06
My response is complicated... I actually agree (small "a") with you, Falcon, but I'm not sure I Agree in a mod sense. I Agreed the first couple, partly because I thought the "abortionist" comment was way out of line, but largely, I admit, because I assumed the mod making the request was the same person as the poster. (My bad, I know). From then on, I've Skipped them. If they're still there in half an hour or so I'll probably have made a decision.

I'm not having a particularly decisive day today.
17:37 / 02.09.06
Oh, having seen your last post, I'd just like to make it clear that I haven't Disagreed anything.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:44 / 02.09.06
I've disagreed the request to delete my post (and so had to disagree all the others. I think it's a bit odd that you'd choose that one, Falconator, when it was the one that actually raised the possibility that I might be wrong, and invited those people who do, for whatever unfathomable reason, think that Dead Megatron is a credit to the board to post their favourite posts of his in celebration. Weird.
The Falcon
17:46 / 02.09.06
Right-ho. I'm logging off tonight, but I think it's well worth having a chat about these off-topic personal attacks for future reference. I'm sick and tired of it.
17:59 / 02.09.06
... invited those people who do, for whatever unfathomable reason, think that Dead Megatron is a credit to the board to post their favourite posts of his in celebration

I'm not at all sure how I'd go about defining "credit to the board", much less appreciating how this rather abstruse, subjective term is germane to whether or not one chooses to verbally piss on someone in the thread celebrating their 30th birthday.

Discussion for later, perhaps.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:01 / 02.09.06
I was willing to overlook the bit where he taunted myself and Haus to come and have a go, but to be reminded that he's now been polluting this place for a year... It was too much.

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