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Moderation requests & discussion thereof


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22:28 / 15.09.06
Any chance of getting a title change on this thread? I found myself hesitatnt to bump it but didn't want to just drop the discussion and start a new one as it seemed to make sense to keep all the Banksy stuff in one spot. I propose dropping the words that follow 'sell out'.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:32 / 15.09.06
Done. Well, moved to get done when/if 2 other peeps agree.

I'm glad yr back.
22:55 / 15.09.06
I've agreed it.

I like this. I'm so glad you're back Fred.
22:56 / 15.09.06
Cheers -- and thank you.
23:19 / 15.09.06
That was spectacularly quick for a mod request. An AFD one at that. And on a Saturday!

That's a pretty good welcome back, I reckon.
03:51 / 17.09.06
Mods can you see/track poster's IP addresses? Or is that a Tom on server only kind of thing for this board?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:40 / 17.09.06
Unfortunately, no--that's a Tom-only power. Which is a shame as it might come in useful...
11:00 / 17.09.06
It might indeed. What's the issue, xk? Feel free to PM If you think it's sensitive...
15:58 / 20.09.06
Could a Creation mod put an NSFW warning on the photo links in this this post?
20:18 / 21.09.06
Could someone fix this?

paranoidwriter waves hello
09:49 / 22.09.06
Could someone delete the OneWebDay thread in the Conversation?

Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:58 / 22.09.06
Cat Room- I've put in the request.

Paranoid Writer- Why?
paranoidwriter waves hello
10:00 / 22.09.06
Because I was hoping to celebrate, not mock. Hence the thread title.

Personally, I love the web and I like the idea of OneWebDay.

Plus, I can't be arsed to keep trying to keep that thread on-topic.
10:18 / 22.09.06
PW, I hate to do this to another sentient, but do you think you might be being a bit oversensitive, here?
paranoidwriter waves hello
10:20 / 22.09.06

I just fancied a decent, on-topic discussion / celebration.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted it in the Conversation, eh?
10:22 / 22.09.06
So far, every post to that thread has been ontopic, hasn't it? Possibly light-hearted, but ontopic. The only offtopicality, really, has been inspired by John's join-my-club attention-seeking...
paranoidwriter waves hello
10:24 / 22.09.06
Sorry Haus, I didn't realise you were celebrating Internet Porn.

The rest of John's post was very on-topic (IMO).

And did Al Gore invent the Internet? Wow. Wonders never cease...
10:30 / 22.09.06
No, he didn't. But the canard that he claimed to has been a part of the political discourse of the US, and as such is potentially a very good example of how the Internet - and its presence in people's minds - has shaped the world.

Annyway. I don't think that thread is likely to be deleted, because it's up and running and has yet to collapse into Hell, so we may as well make the best of it.
paranoidwriter waves hello
10:31 / 22.09.06
Yes, I suppose "we" should. Good idea. Not opaque at all.
13:03 / 22.09.06
Haus - how was my post off-topic? I was replying to PW's comment about deleting the thread, so my lil' two sentence aside was on topic (or at least, in continuity).

Anyway, I'm feeling a lot of bad vibes coming from you recently. Is there a way we can sort this out, or is it something I'm going to have to ignore every time you take an unprovoked and unwarranted poke at me?

I want nothing more than to be able to get along, and to put a few silly comments behind me. I thought we sorted this via PM in July. In fact, I have a PM here saying (and I'm sure you don't mind me quoting here, for accuracy) "you've made it clear now that this is where you're at, and I'm more than happy to respect that", which is not happening.

Now, I really really don't want to make a big deal of this. I want to be able to relex when I get home from work tonight, not get into a fight. So, concisely, what do you need from me? How can we get along?
13:08 / 22.09.06
I've kinda posted here and in PW's thread (my deleted post disappeared then reappeared and it's now gone again), but I'll try to keep it in here from now on. Sorry.
Spatula Clarke
15:36 / 22.09.06
Christ, but I'm sick of you constantly moaning, PW. Do you ever do anything but?

You do not get the say on whether or not a thread that plenty of other people have contributed to gets locked simply because you happened to start it. If you don't like the way it's gone, start another one and define exactly the sort of posts you want to see in it in the abstract or the opening post. See how seriously people take you and how many bother replying to it.

It's called Conversation for a reason. You don't like it, set up your own board, then you'll be perfectly at liberty to delete or lock whatever you want without having to put up with people disagreeing with you. You'll probably be stuck having to talk to yourself, mind.
15:42 / 22.09.06
Is there a way we can sort this out, or is it something I'm going to have to ignore every time you take an unprovoked and unwarranted poke at me?

Well, John, you could stop dropping into threads just to insult people and then complain when they don't worship your balls for it. I was happy to respect where you said you were, but you don't seem to be able to get out of this mode of using any slight, real or imagined, as an opportunity for you to start up the insults to your imagined enemies. If you can manage that, we won't have a problem. If you can't, we'll have the same problem.
15:55 / 22.09.06
OK. Right. let's all take a cleansing breath. This is the moderator requests thread. John is not requesting a moderator action, and I think it's safe to say PW's request is not going to be followed, and that he would not at this point want it to be. Clear the decks, move to other threads?
paranoidwriter waves hello
16:12 / 22.09.06
Christ, but I'm sick of you constantly moaning, PW. Do you ever do anything but?

Well...Oh fuck it. What's the point?

I'm going for a silly dance.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:34 / 22.09.06
I must say that I for one am glad you started that thread pw, even if it's not turning out the way you wanted because there's some interesting stuff in there.
Spatula Clarke
18:28 / 29.09.06
I'm flagging this up here. I've just disagreed paranoidwriter's attempt to delete an entire chunk of stupidity from one of his posts to the 'Racism?' thread. Part of the reason that thread remains visible, while locked, is so that it can be pointed to as an example of past behaviour should that become necessary. Allowing him to wipe evidence of that behaviour renders it useless.

More to the point, the majority of the remaining four or five pages' worth of posts within it spring directly from the one that was put forwards for editing, and I'm not about to agree an edit that makes that amount of posting nonsensical.

I'd imagine that the same edit will be put forwards again. When it is, I'll skip the action and let others make the decision. Wanted to make the reasons for my decision clear to everybody, before he does his usual.
Char Aina
18:52 / 29.09.06
i support keeping it whole, dude.
have you PMed him as well?
might be an idea to let him know that you will continue to block him and why.
18:56 / 29.09.06
Same here. I'd want a good reason before I agreed that. What was the given reason, Randy?
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:11 / 29.09.06
FYI: This was my mod' request "reason":

"I have edited this post, because I no longer think this is a safe space to talk about my friends from RL.

And note: this is first party deletion. I'm deleting my own words and you, the moderators, are being notified about it.

If you prefer (then please PM me) I can take the time to rewrite this post; but immediacy is my primary worry in relation to this post, so...

Also, if you like, I might PM Flyboy and others to alert them that this post has been edited and that the context of the thread has therefore changed. However, as nobody actually addressed or responded to it when any degree of reference, I now believe it makes little difference to the overall conversation within this thread. "twas worth a try, but retrospect shows me I may have put a friend at risk (even if only in a minor way).

Thanks for your continued patience (sincerely)"

I used the following graphic to illustrate this within the post:

paranoidwriter waves hello
19:15 / 29.09.06
(Actually, I think I may have added a few sentences, such as "there were about six paragraphs deleted"; I didn't save everything.)
Spatula Clarke
19:34 / 29.09.06
And I'll tell you what. This:

And note: this is first party deletion. I'm deleting my own words and you, the moderators, are being notified about it.

really didn't make me any more likely to believe the reasons provided.
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:43 / 29.09.06
Why's that exactly?

Are you trying to read my mind, again? Be very careful...
19:45 / 29.09.06
I wasn't one of the people involved with the Racism thread, and I don't know what post paranoidwriter wanted moderating, but, PW, you're going to have to explain to mods (by PM if necessary) how your post puts your friend at risk, and how your edit is appropriate to remedying that particular problem.
Spatula Clarke
19:47 / 29.09.06
For reference, this is the post in question. The suggestion that it's not been referenced by anybody else within that thread is laughable, not only because you yourself then went on to tell Flowers and Flyboy to read your contributions to that thread again, but also because it was - as I've already said - one of the main launching pads for everything that followed.

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