Finally, I saw it. Much has been said already, so I won't go into much details.
So, so...
The movie was alright, mind you, but for those of us who had contact with the original source, it falls short. Too short.
First. It was not long enough. It was rouglhy two ours long. It should have been three. The story seemed kinda rushed. character mentioning riots and how they would unfold. instead of showing them unfolding. it took away much of the strenght ot the material.
No mentioning of Anarchy by V. he's motivation was purely a vendetta, not the transformation of society (or end thereof). Weak.
Now, some have implied that movie V was "gay", due to his "affectation", I guess. Assuming that we believe that affectation = gay*, I have to say, I didn't see it. His affectation, and his appreciation for old movies and music have nothing to do with being gay. It has to do with - and that's my point here - Is that "Vee" is not gay. He is an actor. A theatre actor, for that matter. His gestures, his attitudes, his "affectation" are influenced by his craft, not his orentation. Not that he's not gay, he could be, and his professed "love" for Evey at the end could be easily a fraternal love.
Movie V is more human than Comic V. Less "sociopatic". I didn't care for that either.
I did cry with Valerie's story, though. But then again, I was already predisposed to.
* I gave the subject some though. I guess people associate "gayness" with too much gestualization/"affectation" is because straigh male are so repressed, we/they can't move their arms around much. Pay attentation, straight male always have their arms crossed, or their hands on their pockets, or they are holding a mug of beer. We don't know what to do with our hands, being so self-repressed. Gay men could have less of a issue with that, since they already have some "training" with setting themselves free from conformity to societey.
Of course, this is all a crude generalization. IRL, this thing have to assessed in a case by case basis. (I'm speaking with the newbies) |