Quoth Who killed Dead Megatron? A theatre actor, for that matter. His gestures, his attitudes, his "affectation" are influenced by his craft, not his orentation. Not that he's not gay, he could be, and his professed "love" for Evey at the end could be easily a fraternal love...
I had a real impression that a sub-text existed, beneath the surface plot of the movie, implying that V could have been Evey's brother. That perhaps she did not see him actually die in the hospital. We know nothing of a funeral. This is, of course, a grasping at threads on my part. The movie seems to suggest, to hint at, something not unlike this, however.
There is, of course, the matter of the age difference. V seems older than her. This may not be the case, however.
In either case, the relationship between the two does seem decidedly fraternal with overtones of something romantic. It was certainly not erotic; their loved seems to have transcended eroticism.
Movie V is more human than Comic V. Less "sociopatic". I didn't care for that either.
I did cry with Valerie's story, though. But then again, I was already predisposed to.
It seemed forced and overdone, to be honest.
* I gave the subject some though. I guess people associate "gayness" with too much gestualization/"affectation" is because straigh male are so repressed, we/they can't move their arms around much. Pay attentation, straight male always have their arms crossed, or their hands on their pockets, or they are holding a mug of beer.
This is a generalization that is highly dependant on cultural factors. I've known, and have grown up with, Indo-Pak Desi straight men who certainly do not lack gestualization or affection, especially recent immigrants. Indeed I've seen gestualization of an intensity that would be considered highly effeminate in many straight, white, quarters. Ditto for many Arab guys I know.
Within the bastion of Western culture, there are many other ethnic sub-cultures in which a high degree of gestualization is a norm among straight men. In spite of degrees of stoic self-repression of emotions, or whatever.
I think that the aspect of self-repression is highly stereotyped. I can only speak from my own experiences. |