It's bad enough as it is, but the true Gleeeushusheshusheush moment comes nearer the end. Trust me, you'll know it when you hear it. This comes from Lil' Markie, who is totally unrelated to Little Marcie except for their shared strong Christian values.
Lil' Markie's message was so damn powerful that twelve point nine seconds after hearing it I went out and bought six quarts of gin and a gross of wire coathangers.
The hanging with Hannah doll is now being advertised in My Weekly. That will teach me not to look in one of my mother's magazines again, it was a shock.
So dolls that are designed to be lifelike representations of children are Gleeeushusheshusheush, but what about children who have been turned into lifelike representations of dolls?!
You should edit your link, it´s broken. I was still able to view it though. It´s designed like a porn site. It takes Gleeeushusheshusheush to all whole new disturbing level.
That guy could just as well tattoo p*dophile on his forehead.