Oh, I'm so game:
Haus, maybe you could avoid mentioning me in that particular derisive tone of yours, since it's been ages since I posted (pictures or whatever else) in the Conversation, a forum which these days I avoid like the plague. I really dislike your tone, and the feel of vain frivolousness it lends to my online behaviour here.
> Those were only pictures, you arse. I posted them for no other reason than that I had them in my computer, and that that was a thread for the posting of pictures. Since there were no explicit rules as to the maximum amount of pictures one could send, I really didn't see a problem in posting some once in a while. I did it innocently, without any agenda or sinister purpose that could justifiably make some 'lithers jump and scream the way they did. I posted them just as I could not have posted them.
> Now - I value my time more than anything else, and I'd hate to waste it trying to come to terms with why some 'lithers were so jumpy at something they might as well have ignored (keep pressing that "Ignore" button, you'll never see my ugly face again, you idiots).
> After a certain point, I started doing it just to see some 'lithers jump (and jump they did, predictably enough); that stopped being funny quite fast, and then I ceased to post on that thread.
> I don't know what exactly people were thinking about my motivations in posting those pictures; but they certainly were perceived as sinister and condemnable; it got so ridiculous, so fast, that I didn't even bother answering.
> The only reason I'm writing this is because I thought you would have grown out of it. It wasn't an issue then, it isn't now. If there's a case against my behaviour, I'd like to hear it. But I sure as hell won't take this sort of shit anymore.
Now, um, angry angry PM, yes. There's an "arse" there (the "idiots" was directed at all the people who were spitting their skulls out everytime I posted a pic of myself - you were not amongst them, IIRC). I think I could have ended it after the first paragraph, but I also - quite naively so - tried (in a way that could have been more ellaborate, I admit) to explain why I thought it wasn't a nice thing of you to bring that issue back again, and then you have 5 paragraphs of it, which is an attempt to explain to you how I saw that whole imbroglio, and is *not* abusive to you in any way.
Now, a "considerate" response would not have be necessarily a "polite" response. It would be a response which addressed, it doesn't matter in which scathing terms you chose to express yourself, the issue I had brought to your attention. I would have loved to go on from that, on the PMs. But instead, I got:
Haus: Can I post this PM in the Conversation? I think it's the best thing I've seen all day.
Maybe we can agree that that wasn't really the best effort you could have done to try and clarify this issue. You say I'm all for "losing my shit", but look, I tried *again*, I tried once more even though I sort of new what kind of answer I would be getting:
Jade: No. Maybe you could just answer my question, and we leave it like this.
Then ol' Haus maybe felt like stringing someone around and decided to pay an unnecessary and un-cooperative attention to the finer terms of the debate:
Haus: You didn't *ask* a question.
Oh, really? You mean, like, you cannot really, trying as hard as you can, the best that you can, discern what was my intention in writing you that PM, even when it started with: Haus, maybe you could avoid mentioning me in that particular derisive tone of yours. Mmm. Selective stupidity? I don't know - but I'm too old for this shit and can very well read between the lines, so I just answered with:
Jade: Well you just answered it.
Then Haus again - some more dodging:
Haus: That doesn't mean anything, Jade.
And that was when I saw I wouldn't be getting anything out of that.
My errors? Well, as I said, I could have stopped after the first paragraph. The only insult I can see is the "arse", really, and there's not much I can say but that I went head over feet with that one. If I can try to minimize the issue, it's by saying I was pissed off at the time, and if I had given my PM some drawer time before sending it to you, the "arse" bit most likely would not have made it. Compare with the "cunt" insult, which was totally cold-headed and still not taken back.
Now lets talk about how abusive my first PM was. |