Fuck'em. Or, like Lenny Bruce would have it, unfuck'em!
If your particular angle of magick is one where you feel capable/comfortable trying to protect or limit others, then do so. Personally, I find myself really unwilling to do that to people, as I prize people's self-awareness and will over anything else, even if it isn't necessarily real and is just a pretense. Most of my friends and much of my own family disagree with this on a spiritual/magickal level, and would recommend you set up barriers, work some vengeance, and/or operate on your friends, loved ones, and former bed-sharing types to keep them safe. Short of pushing them out of the way of an oncoming car, I'm not so big on that style of practice. A good sense of perspective and a healthy dose of unfuck'em has served me well enough over the years.
As for the success? Good for him. Let him enjoy that. Money's good for people. I'd be more worried about mine than his. Success, that is.
But, of course, warn people. Pushing them out of the way when there's an oncoming train or a bullet whistling by is one thing, but if there's time, warn, build up the warnings, and so forth. |