A few months ago, while staring at a worn gravestone, I had an idea for a story and I want to know if it's been done before. i.e. am I unconsciously plagiarising a film / book / etc that I've forgotten?
The basic theory behind the story is that when we die we all go to a kind of airport waiting room, where we wait for our number to be called before going to the next place. However, the rule is that one can't "pass on" until all memory of one's previous existence has (like the name on an old gravestone) been worn from living memory. This means, therefore, that if one's birth-name was (in)famous and is in the history books (etc), one has very little chance of making it to Heaven, Hell, or wherever.
I'm looking forward to maybe writing a short film of this idea, e.g. with the likes of Confucius, Nietzsche, and Hitler arguing in the airport bar, and having a Deli Lama pass straight through to check-out to everyone's amazement, etc. However, as always, there's a nagging voice in a corner of my mind masquerading as my conscience and calling me a "Rip-off!"
So,....help? |