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Random Q & A Thread - PART 2


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11:09 / 22.06.05
Fucking fuck. I've just looked this up because I asked ages ago and I still don't get it for these sentences:

"4 of the 84 objections were with regard to the effect(s) of the train on the residents of this street and that street."

"135 objections were made regarding the effect that the Visitor Centre would potentially have on both national and local traffic."

(Because: The effect(s) of the land train on the residents means that the the residents will have been affected by it?)

I'm sorry. I've just had a complete brain meltdown about this.
All Acting Regiment
11:36 / 22.06.05
Does anyone know how to deal with a friendly, obviously domesticated cat that you've never seen before, who just sort of turns up, comes in your house and no, they're not causing trouble or anything but it's obviously someone else's cat and it won't go away?

When it's just sort of coming in, cuddling you, then going to sleep on the chair? I don't dislike it, I just don't want to be known as the one who homes people's cats without asking...
12:37 / 22.06.05
Thanks for the suggestions on ‘caszh’. I thought it was going to be one of those ‘doh!’ questions that would get a definitive answer pretty quickly from one of the writerly/editorial crowd. Do I have a skewed impression of how common the word is? I can’t think of another word that I hear as regularly, that has – it seems – no established spelling.

Don’t court stenographers have a bunch of proper phonetic symbols for making sounds? I thought maybe you were writing a story or something. - Bed Head

Maybe, but I assume the transcripts are then transcribed into regular English. And I’m not writing a story, but the question arose because a colleague wanted to use it in something she was writing. Had to tell her to avoid it in the end, and not knowing how to spell something seems like a pretty dumb reason not to use a word you want to use. I assume there are situations where it couldn’t be avoided…

Lula – I’m not exactly sure what your question is, but I think the use of ‘effect’ is correct in both those sentences. With the exceptions that have already been outlined elsewhere in this thread (effect a change, etc), as a general rule of thumb - affect is a verb, effect is a noun.

Legba – Get a dog?
12:59 / 22.06.05
Legba - iirc any house that doesn't have cat is fair game to be added to a cat's territory. You have two options really, shoo it off whenever it turns up (if you're particularly keen to see it off squirt it with a waterpistol) or just accept that you've been adopted. As long as you don't feed it it shouldn't see your house as its primary home.
I wish a cat would adopt me. I miss having cats.
All Acting Regiment
13:10 / 22.06.05
Thanks all. I've already got 3 cats of my own, and they're none too happy about teh newcomer (as they call it when they go on usenet).

I'm pretty sure the problem'll sort itself out when this visitor gets round to the idea I'm not going to feed it. If my trio decide to make friends with it instead of getting all prissy, I suppose it can stay. It is bizarrely friendly.
13:32 / 22.06.05
"4 of the 84 objections were with regard to the effect(s) of the train on the residents of this street and that street."

"135 objections were made regarding the effect that the Visitor Centre would potentially have on both national and local traffic."

(Because: The effect(s) of the land train on the residents means that the the residents will have been affected by it?)

Lula: The word "effect" is being used in the same way in both sentences. The general rule "an effect is created as a result of something affecting something" is about right, but it's not how the words work. To go a bit deeper:

"Effect", as both verb and noun, comes from the Latin effectus, which is a form of the verb efficere, which is in turn derived from e - out - and facere - to do - and means to accomplish. So, if you effect a change, you bring about a change. An effect is therefore something that is brought about by another cause or agent. The effect of an explosion is what is brought about by the explosion. The effect the visitors' centre has on local traffic is therefore the subset of the things brought about by the visitors' centre that is relevant to local traffic.

"Affect" is actually not one word but two. The more common usage is derived from affectus, which comes from afficere, which is a compund of ad - to (in the sense of towards) - and facere (to do, again) - so, it is to do something to something or somebody. If I affect local traffic, I do something to it - I act upon it. If I am affected by a sad song, it acts upon me.

if I act upon something (that is, I affect it), I can usually also be said to have brought about a change to it (that is, I have had an effect upon it).

To confuse the issue a little further, there's another word which is spelled the same as "affect", but which is derived from a different term - affectare, which means to strive for or pretend to have. So, if I affect a French accent, I'm pretending to have a French accent, not acting upon a French accent - it's a different word.
19:23 / 01.07.05
Selling stuff online.

I maintain (don't giggle) a website for a friend of mine who wants to use it to (among other things) sell CDs and DVDs of his live performances.

What's the best way to sell that kind of thing online? CDBaby? Cafe Press? Some other option?
08:01 / 02.07.05
How do you refer to the upright parts of a railing? I've found "baluster" but that seems to apply to large ornamental vase-shaped sort of things, whereas I'm thinking of skinny metal ones. Would you just refer to them as "uprights"?
07:03 / 04.07.05
How do you refer to the upright parts of a railing? I've found "baluster" but that seems to apply to large ornamental vase-shaped sort of things, whereas I'm thinking of skinny metal ones. Would you just refer to them as "uprights"?

Yep - or spindles. The bigger one on the end is called a newel.
All Acting Regiment
10:57 / 04.07.05
Veigns in the ear lobe. Should they be hard and painful? Is that piles, then?

Asking for a friend, you see.
Whisky Priestess
12:07 / 04.07.05
Let's not forget affect's other identity, i.e. in its noun form. I expect Ganesh will back me up on the following (not my own phrasing):

"In psychology, affect is an emotion or subjectively experienced feeling, or the involvement of such processes in a psychological system or theory. Contrast with mood, which is more sustained."

Thus to be affectless (a la, say, Patrick Bateman in most of American Psycho) is pretty much to feel dead inside. A surprisingly useful little word in these dark days.
Mourne Kransky
12:35 / 04.07.05
True, Priestess, and the stress here is on the a rather than the ffect.
10:49 / 08.07.05
What's the deal with hidden files?

What are they there for? Why would you want any file to be hidden? Are they like a backup of normal unhidden files? Once hidden can you unhide them? Why is it when I save sometimes the computer automatically makes a hidden copy and sometimes doesn't?
Baz Auckland
22:51 / 08.07.05
You can hide and unhide them in your Windows Explorer settings... I think they usually hide them as they don't trust people to not accidentaly delete them. Most of the C:\Windows directory is hidden, and the important stuff in your root directory.

They also hide temp files too as you don't really need them most of the time... or you can hide your pron and whatnot from your wife/husband/roommate/pets in hidden files.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
12:34 / 11.07.05
Did I imagine an Aerosmith video with battling mechs (huge fighting robots if you're not as big a geek as I)? If I did not imagine it what is the name of the song? If I did imagine it why can't I have made the soundtrack come from a cooler group?
Cat Chant
10:53 / 16.07.05
I am trying to get hold of some model-railway scenery from the 1950s/1960s (specifically, some tiny model rabbits). Anyone know where would be a good place to start looking?
11:05 / 16.07.05
Would the Hornby site have scenery?
09:40 / 17.07.05
I'm trying to launder some really sketchy towels. I mean really sketchy. So sketchy that I should probably just throw them away, but I really don't want to be that wasteful, so I'm laundering them. I was going to put in a lot of bleach, but there's no regular bleach here. There's colorsafe bleach. Will color safe beach sanitize my towels? I mean, normal bleach would, right? I looked all over the package to see if there was any mention of how the colorsafe bleach would get the nastiness out of my towels, but it didn't say anything about it. Thanks.
14:04 / 17.07.05
sterile and vibrant!
14:29 / 17.07.05
eBay Canada train merchants

model train forum

Yahoo train merchant directory.

ask the people in these places.
11:55 / 18.07.05
UK road signs question.

Why are some Give Way signs upside down and why are some stop signs octagonal?
11:57 / 18.07.05
like, compulsory (triangle) or just recommended.
Benny the Ball
12:08 / 18.07.05
Using a mac, using Quicktime, I'm downloading an .avi file, with some quicktime files you can preview what has been down loaded as it is still transferring, however Quicktime doesn't recognise the files when I try to do this and I get the following error message "it is not a file that QuickTime understands (-2048)" - is this because you are unable to preview .avi files, or is it, even when fully transferred, something I will not be able to view? If not, how can I change this?
unheimlich manoeuvre
12:11 / 18.07.05
Triangular is a warning and circular or octagonal is an order.

Highway code online
12:26 / 18.07.05
yeh, something like that. nearly a decade since i passed, god, probably due a refresher.
12:39 / 18.07.05
Fuckbaked, are the towels white? If so, I'd soak the towels in a pre-laundry solution (ideally something designed for nappies) and then do a hot wash - 90 degrees if your machine does that.
Coloured ones might not be so easy, but they'll still benefot from soaking and then hot washing, maybe at 60 degrees.
12:42 / 18.07.05
Sorry, now I re-read that it sounds like you're at home/ work and want to use what you have. The bleach will help, yes - how hot does the machine go?
14:16 / 18.07.05
A couple of computer questions, I'm afraid.

Firstly, where can I find new, budget laptops for sale? Secondly, does anyone know where I can get a cheap, good quality operating system; a cheap, good quality word processor*; and a cheap, good quality desktop publishing application?

*I'm hoping to start up as a freelance business writer, so it will have to be up to the task.
14:23 / 18.07.05
Ubuntu Linux is free, and contains OpenOffice, a full-featured office suite that can save into Microsoft formats, although actually you'll be hard-put to get a laptop _without_ Windows XP on it. Basssssstards. No idea on DTP, I'm afraid - I use InDesign, but it's not cheap.

As for t3h ch3ap laptops... first-hand, refurb? Price range? Requirements?
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
14:30 / 18.07.05
Boboss, try ebay for laptops. My old boss purchased a brand new laptop for about $800 plus shipping. There are tons for sale on there, though so make sure you buy from a vender who has decent feedback. If you're not buying on ebay at the moment have a word with Julian about what you want, how much you want to spend etc, as he's a great source for good ebay deals. He may even bid for machines for you with his sniper programme. If you need his tel or owt give me a tinkle.

Good Luck
Spatula Clarke
14:35 / 18.07.05
Was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly actually publicised as a prequel to the Dollars movies, or was the whole poncho bit intended to be a surprise for fans of the other two films?
14:48 / 18.07.05
Well, I washed the towels twice, with detergent and colorsafe bleach. They look vibrant as grant suggested, way too vibrant. One of them is black, one is dark blue, and the other 2 are white with colored stripes on them. One of the white ones has dark colored stripes on it, the other has pastel colored stripes on it (why the hell do I have a towel with pastel stripes on it? what was I thinking when I bought it?). I washed them with warm water, because I forgot to put the machine on hot water. I think I might wash them again before I bring them back into circulation at my house, this time with hot water. I don't know how hot the machine actually goes. It just has a hot setting. So, I don't care if the towels fade, or if the one with the pastel stripes changes colors. Actually, I want the one with the pastel stripes to change colors. I don't know what a pre-laundry solution would consist of, and I don't have much expirience with washing nappies (I have no children, thankfully). Thanks for the suggestions.
15:40 / 18.07.05
Benny: even when fully transferred, something I will not be able to view? If not, how can I change this?

Quicktime doesn't speak .avi. What you'll need to do is find a program called Divx Doctor, which converts .avis to .movs.
Psych Safeling
15:42 / 18.07.05
What's the word for a female cuckold?
Psych Safeling
15:43 / 18.07.05
and yes, Sienna, I'm looking at you.

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