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Random Q & A Thread - PART 2


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Jack Vincennes
13:03 / 02.06.05
Deva -as far as I know the .dat extension is used for plain text files -I use it if I'm creating a text file in a Unix environment. So I think that opening it through your webmail should work fine -and if it asks you which program you want to open it just select whichever text editor you normally use. I think, anyway; I just saved something as a .dat in Windows, and it opened fine in Word (altho' it complained that it might be a system file before it did that)
13:32 / 05.06.05
Someone got into my email account. I tried to check my email, and it kept telling me my password was wrong. I definitely knew it, so I finally realized that I wasn't just mistyping it over and over and that my email had been hijacked. I got in with my secret question and changed the password.

So...why would someone want to get into my email? My first concern was that they would be able to get my mom's credit card information because all of our correspondence with is sent to the email address in question, and I keep all of it. But, I went and clicked on the links to in the emails and such, and it seems that whoever got into my email couldn't access the credit card info.

So...again, why? Why would someone want to use my email address for anything? I was going to put this in the arrg fuck thread (don't make me look up what it's really called...and stop laughing, dammit), but then I calmed down and realized that there didn't seem to be any damage done.
11:13 / 06.06.05
Sorry, We, can't help, but I do have a question...

...buuut, before I go any further I should stress that I am going to do some research of my own.

Okay, does anyone know where I can get webspace fer cheap? I'm thinking about starting a business and I reckon I'll need about 100MBs.


Grey Area
11:53 / 06.06.05
Most of the companies which provide domain name registration can offer you hosting. The thing you'll want to think about more than storage space though is bandwidth allowance. If you've got 200Mb of storage but not enough bandwidth for all your customers to look at it, you'll have issues.
11:55 / 06.06.05
Cheers, Grey. I had considered the bandwidth angle. The company I'm currently checking out offers unlimited bandwidth - I'm looking for the catch.
unheimlich manoeuvre
12:04 / 06.06.05
We - So...why would someone want to get into my email?

There are other less malevolent options.
Perhaps an error was made by your email provider?

If you are *sure* your account has been accessed, start by doing a thorough virus and spyware search.
Baz Auckland
20:43 / 06.06.05
Does anyone here live in Dublin?

I'm thinking of moving there early next year, and am just wondering about things like flat prices and availability, areas to avoid living (if any), unemployment rates, etc. etc.
waxy dan
13:34 / 07.06.05
A: BazI'm from Dublin. What kind of area would you enjoy living in? What kind've cost are you prepared to go up to? What kinda job are you looking for? Etc. etc.

General stuff: Public transport is arseways; it's an old city with no metro and narrow streets and it does take a long time to get in and out of the city. Look up the Luas trams. They just started last year and have a made a huge difference; try to get on one of the lines if possible. Or go for a bike; usually the best idea.

It's an expensive city, but pay cheques tend to match up faaaaiiiirly well to the costs.

Q: Has anyone in the entire universe ever used a piece of video editing software called Liquid? They have it installed in my new job; it's causing me loads of hassle as it appears to be poo. But I might be wrong?
22:13 / 07.06.05
Baz, try for accommodation also maybe the (odious rag) herald for jobs and/or accommodation, plus various temp agencies. I've found that living as near as possible to the city centre is worthwhile despite price hikes because of the shitty transport although hearing great things about the Luas network. Personally some of the Northside I find to be a bit grim although places like Phibsboro are pretty central.
19:04 / 15.06.05
Does anyone have any idea about what legal rights I have regarding access to my Dad's photographs? As far as I know, he didn't specify what should happen to them in his will but I can't confirm this because my step-mum won't tell me who his solicitor was. (Is there a way I can find that out?)

I presume the actual slides themselves belong to my step-mum.

What I would like to know is if I have any legal right to digital copies of the pictures. My step-mum is being very difficult about letting me have copies and I am concerned that my side of the family will lose access to them in the future. I don't want them for anything, not to sell or make freely available. It's just that my Dad took them and I feel attached to them. There's more than 20,000 in total.
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:09 / 15.06.05
What I would like to know is if I have any legal right to digital copies of the pictures

I'd imagine so, especially if you're not asking for the rights to market them, etc.

I have a good friend who's a copyright lawyer who I can ask tomorrow, if you like?

Also, is there an intermediary family member who could help, and thus avoid litigation, etc?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:17 / 15.06.05
Also, is there an intermediary family member who could help, and thus avoid litigation, etc?

I just realised how daft that question may sound to you, as I'll bet you've tried that route already. However, it's likely to be the only civil question my mate asks you before he snaps his leash and goes for their jugular on your behalf. He's a bloodthirsty copyright hound and his bite is far worse than his well-trained bark!

Like I typed, let me know....
20:24 / 15.06.05
I'd just like to say those photos are bleedin' ace. Good luck.
21:12 / 15.06.05
I have a good friend who's a copyright lawyer who I can ask tomorrow, if you like?

I would very much like. At least then I'd know where I was and what I need to do. There isn't really anyone who can intervene; she's being sniffy with my sister too.

I'd just like to say those photos are bleedin' ace. Good luck.

*Sadly* They are, aren't they?

Thank you both of you.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:43 / 16.06.05
Apologies for repeating myself, but the traffic in Film, TV & Theatre is pretty busy and as I typed before, I REALLY WANT THIS CLIP! PLEASE?!

"... does anybody know how easy it would be to get hold of an old clip from 'You've Been Framed?' The clip I want is of a (seemingly) stray dog in an alley who, seeing the camera, rears up onto his hind legs and proceeds to prance up and down as though he's mocking humanity. A stranger even walks past and the dog follows him down the alley for a while! I REALLY WANT THIS CLIP! PLEASE?! ... "

Of course, the immediate, quick, and droll answer is "Phone the bloody production company, ya big numbnut!". But for many reasons, which I can't be bothered to outline in detail (e.g. laziness, etc), I was hoping you might know of a hitherto unknown website or somesuch source, hiding somewhere where I might use be able to use it and therefore download the clip in question. Alternatively, anybody know the lovely Lisa Reilly?
10:23 / 21.06.05
If you can tell me the transmission date of the episode in question, I might be able to help you out with that, paranoidwriter. PM me.

Can anyone tell me how you would spell the abbreviation of ‘casual’ that falls somewhere between ‘cash’, ‘cage’ and ‘cadge’? It has that ‘zh’ sound (like ‘zhuzh’) but ‘cazh’ doesn’t look comprehensible to me, and gets no results on google. Someone must have written it somewhere – directly quoting some cunt talking about their outfit or somesuch. Any ideas?
10:47 / 21.06.05
I think if forced I would write it 'cazhewal', because if you type cazh clothing into google you get the write sort of hits. Nothing for 'cazhewal' though, whereas 'cashewal' does at least get a couple.

I don't think we've got a spelling for that sound in the English language have we? That's what makes it hard.

Sitting here at my desk making odd 'cazh-shoo-al' faces and sounds now. Thanks.
11:06 / 21.06.05
Hmm, cheers Lula. It’s annoying, isn’t it. And considering how often I hear the word said, I’m surprised a spelling isn’t better established. Like you say, I imagine people just avoid writing it – and for that I suppose we should be thankful.
The most authoritative reference I can find is for caszh, on the BBC. But if I read ‘She was looking caszh’, it would give me a long pause.
Jack Vincennes
11:11 / 21.06.05
The only word I can think of that has a similar sound is 'Raj' -the google search brings back results for clothes, but mostly for a company called 'Caj Clothing', so I'm not sure that's the expected spelling.

Like Lula, I now have to do something (anything) to get the word caj out of my mind...
paranoidwriter waves hello
14:57 / 21.06.05
How about "Casjg"?... Nah, maybe not.
15:07 / 21.06.05
Non probs if we were French - it's "cage", as in "La Cage aux Folles", innit?

"Ah, oui oui, c'est tres cage!"
15:11 / 21.06.05
Please tell me you don't pronounce cazh (caszh, caj, casjg, whatever) with a long aah, Sav. Tell me it's not true, yah.
15:15 / 21.06.05
No, I mispronounce the French! Think French as she is spoke by lazy Brits like myself.
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:17 / 21.06.05
"Cazge", "Cazjge", "Casyg"?

This is bugging me now..
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:20 / 21.06.05
I feel like French and Saunders doing their Irish accent. "How arrr yooo, Hoye arrr yoi,...?"
15:21 / 21.06.05
Yeah, the accent approach is rife with potential for under- or over-cooking, innit. For instance, per Saveloy, for me that’d be ‘Ler cadge oh folls’, and we’re really no closer.
Bed Head
15:37 / 21.06.05
Um. What's wrong with just using 'caz' as for short for caz-ual? I think that’s what they’re doing here.

Not knowing what this is all for, is it absolutely necessary to squeeze every last nuance of phonetics into the spelling? I’d be inclined to keep it as simple as possible, and then pronounce it however I want. But that’s me.
15:54 / 21.06.05
Ooh, that’s a new one. Would you instantly know what that word was if you read it, Bed? You see I think I’d pronounce that to rhyme with ‘jazz’ and wonder what the fuck it meant. Don’t girls called Caroline who dot their i’s with little circles often abbreviate their names thus? Have I been mispronouncing Mr Aukland’s name all this time?

As for the context, imagine that you have to transcribe an interview, verbatim, in which that word is used. How would a court stenographer spell it, for instance?
paranoidwriter waves hello
16:12 / 21.06.05
Erm... (I don't want to be picky, but) Bed Head the text on that web-page says:

"Top 5 Caz Musts, Guide Picks from Casey"
Bed Head
16:22 / 21.06.05
Would you instantly know what that word was if you read it, Bed?

Mm. Well, no, I wouldn’t. Sorry. Not all on its own. I think it kinda works in that article because the connection’s already there: you know what it’s short for, so you know the zed might be supposed to sound like ‘zjh’. Doesn’t work otherwise.

Don’t court stenographers have a bunch of proper phonetic symbols for making sounds? I thought maybe you were writing a story or something.

pw - I did see that, but I figured the zed was probably more cazual that cayzey. Just guessing, though.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:10 / 21.06.05
Quick question- is it worth it going to war for oil if that oil is used to fuel an awesome Voltron-like robot? I think it is.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:43 / 21.06.05
For years I've been mentally pronouncing Spare's "Neither-Neither" as "Neether-Nyther." Is that right or am I too too hopelessly gauche?
doozy floop
08:37 / 22.06.05
Does anyone have any idea about what legal rights I have regarding access to my Dad's photographs? As far as I know, he didn't specify what should happen to them in his will but I can't confirm this because my step-mum won't tell me who his solicitor was. (Is there a way I can find that out?)

You might've sorted this out by now olulabelle, but just in case...

The chances are very high that whoever is administering your dad's estate (lawyers, probably) will have to apply for a Grant of Probate before they can deal with his assets. This might take some time if his estate is big or complicated, but eventually they will have to apply.

In cases involving litigation and similar serious matters, you can register with the probate office to block probate and prevent the assets from being distributed, and I strongly suspect that this would lead to you finding out the solicitor's details. Alternatively, you can register with the probate office to be notified when probate is obtained. This makes the will a public document, and you'll be able to see who your dad nominated to carry out his wishes and exactly what, if any, instructions he left regarding his pictures. There is a charge for this but I don't think it's huge.

This website
gives you all the info about probate offices, contact details etc. They're usually very nice and helpful.

If your dad left no specific instructions about his pictures, they might fall under the categories of 'personal chattels'. If he left no instructions about his chattels, then it all depends on the phrasing of the will as to what will become of them. Unfortunately, spouses tend to take priority over adult children when it comes to assets that haven't been allocated by the will. I hate to say it, but it's quite possible that you don't have any legal rights to the images. Hopefully you can work something out though.

Let me know if I can help any more, and good luck!
doozy floop
09:07 / 22.06.05
And while I'm at it, can anyone recommend a Man, or indeed Lady, with a Van operating around north London (N16) who can assist with the lifting and carrying of weighty personal possessions, pack all my possessions into said Van, drive it a mile down the road, and do that lifting of heavy stuff again to fill up my new flat with lovely lovely belongings? And who isn't too expensive?

I'm sure someone's asked this somewhere before, but I'll be jiggered if I can find it.
10:33 / 22.06.05
In re: shortening casual into a one-syllable word: it's always been written cas. when I've seen it. Of course, I have no good reference for it...


"today is biz-cas clothing" is one reference, but the google is confounded by the fact that there's a brand called CAS clothing.

And, also, it stands for Cowboy Action Shooting (clothing). Which is a good enough reason to use it anyway, if you ask me...

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