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Random Q & A Thread - PART 2


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Char Aina
18:29 / 25.07.05
i suspect he is a nice guy realy, but like so many cold callers(i have been one), he was letting his frustration take him over and becoming exceptionally rude to me just for asking questions.
i didnt really think he was literally out to rob me(although the possibility did cross my mind) but i did get the feeling he hung up so he could dial someone more likely to fall for his line of shit.
i reckon i might ring him every day for the next month and try and sell hi my services.
what do i do?
well, for twenty pounds a month i'll never call you at three in the morning.
11:07 / 29.07.05
New question. I want to get a personalised email address. Anyone know if I can get one for free, and what I need to look out for?

C'mon, you know you have the answers I need.
17:13 / 30.07.05
Cat Chant
17:17 / 30.07.05
What do you mean by 'personalised email address', Boboss? Like, a domain name?
17:24 / 30.07.05 That kind of thing.
All Acting Regiment
18:02 / 30.07.05
I have a friend who might know, Boboss. I'll ask.
18:16 / 30.07.05
Cheers, Leggy.
Whisky Priestess
18:29 / 30.07.05
not gmail then?
18:38 / 30.07.05
Not as far as I can tell, having just read about it for the first time.
09:46 / 01.08.05

I've done a little research but I'm still interested in what you lot have to say for yourselves. So quickly now, fill me in.

Cat Chant
09:56 / 01.08.05
I have an email address of the sort you describe (, except obviously not actually that), Boboss, which I got by buying/renting the domain name from a company which does email forwarding for free. So I actually have a crappy webmail account with a different email address (, for example), but I set the "from" and "reply-to" fields to "". But, like I say, I had to get my own domain name to work this. ones are quite cheap, .com ones less so, but I don't know how you would get one for free. How important is the "free" bit?
10:04 / 01.08.05
Not so important, but cheap is good.
As for domains, yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. I've seen some advertised for as little as a fiver, but I'm a little wary of paying so little.
Char Aina
15:54 / 01.08.05
so many atheists are specific about which god they dont believe in.

i can find a few sites against the specifics of christianity, but not too many about any other religions.
can anyone reccomend similar stuff about other religions?
Cat Chant
12:28 / 02.08.05
You know how before, when I was still the King of Barbelith but I didn't have a "va" in my name, I used to talk about Nimrod a lot?

Well, um, who actually is Nimrod?

I have a feeling I might need to know, soon.
Cat Chant
12:36 / 02.08.05
Boboss, I just looked up your example (bobossity*) on the site I use to host my domain name,, and they say you could have it as a domain for two years for £8.96 with really basic services. But I'm about to leave, because I want to do some shinier things and I've been told that they're a bit crappy, so am going to move to Easily, who tell me you can have for £9.99 for two years. (The .coms, .nets, etc, are a lot more expensive at £25/year, so probably not your best bet if you just want it for email.)

*Just as an example. Not because I think your real name is boboss and that is what you want your email address to be. Honest.
13:58 / 02.08.05
Well, um, who actually is Nimrod?

Mutant-hunting robot from the future. Work with me here.

In a possible X-Men future, mutants have been exterminated or interred by armies of mutant-hunting robots - sentinels - who have taken over the US. We first encounter this future when Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)'s spirit is sent back in time by the telepathic mutant Rachel Summers (both of whom you may recall from the comic Excalibur - we'll get to that) to possess her younger self and persuade the X-Men to avert the assassination of the mutant-hating politician Senator Kelly, one of the key events in the history of the sentinel programme.

However, we don't stop there. Later, we find that Rachel has arrived in the canon X-Men universe (Earth 616, in case you're keeping track). She wanders about a bit, and is very nearly enslaved and lezzed up by Selene, the Black Queen. This was during a time when pretty much every female mutant was at some point enslaved and/or lezzed up by Selene, the Black Queen. It was a thing. Anyway, she is rescued by the X-Men, and taken in by them, ultimately taking on the powers of this universe's equivalent of her mother, Jean Grey (again) and becoming Phoenix II. When the X-Men were presumed dead, she joined Excalibur with Kitty Pryde, whose future and parallel earth equivalent, it turns out, sent her back in time in the first place. And probably lezzed her up. This bit of X-Men history is mainly Chris Claremont.

Meanwhile, Nimrod, an experimental sentinel, has arrived in pursuit of her. Nimrod is unlike the normal run of sentinels in a number of ways. Most obviously, he is about 7 feet tall rather than 30, and is also a rather shocking shade of pink for reasons that I don't think were ever satisfactorily given. He terorises the X-men for a bit, while adopting a secret identity as a construction worker and living with a human family (thus inspiring the tendency for introspection that Jack Davenport expanded upon). He is eventually destroyed, but crops up again later as a human, the only clue to whose identity is the remarkable pinkness of his skin, who is seeding people with nanobots in order to turn them into mini-sentinels activated by the presence of mutancy.

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, Devanfeld.
Cat Chant
14:10 / 02.08.05
Okay, thanks. Now I have another question. Anyone know a way to circumvent this only-one-name-change-a-month thing?
15:39 / 02.08.05
ask Tom? very nicely
16:03 / 02.08.05
You made your bed, Divanfold. Now you have to lie in it. With a pink mutant-hunting robot.

16:12 / 02.08.05
Ah. Well, there's your Venn diagram, stoatie. Sort of.
16:22 / 02.08.05

Nimrod will not be defeated.

Nimrod will prevail.

Nimrod will not feel at all self-conscious.
17:50 / 02.08.05
Thanks for looking into that for me, Deva.

Oh, your intuition is correct - Boboss isn't my real name. It's an abbreviation.
All Acting Regiment
20:40 / 02.08.05
Boboss, I beleive I have the answer, though I'm not entirely sure about the specifics. I think you can set up an account with I think then you make a site. Then, so long as you get 30 hits on that site every 90 days (by using it as your start page, you crafty thing) I think you can get an email adress of "". I think it's free. My friend assures me that it's simple.
Benny the Ball
21:59 / 02.08.05
Nimrod (named after the biblical great hunter) used to turn into a black man, and had a nice relationship with a black friends' younger son, and through this he also learnt about prejudice, in a charming little side story. He was, despite being pink and quite easy to beat but not easy to keep beat, a really good character in a really good run of X-Men. Along with all that Haus said.
Cat Chant
08:11 / 03.08.05
Nimrod... had a nice relationship with a black friend's younger son

Now that I think I can work with.
Cat Chant
14:11 / 03.08.05
I have just started making songvids* and am on the look-out for generic video clips that can fill in gaps in the lyrics. At the moment, I'm doing a Judy Garland version of I'm Just Wild About Harry and, while I have a few ideas for most of the lines, I'm a bit stumped by or like the honey from a bee. Does anyone know if there are any sites with free downloads of stock footage? At the moment, I'm particularly keen to get hold of a clip of a bee pollinating a flower and/or of a grand piano (for another song), but I'm sure the future will hold lots of other as-yet-unsuspected imagery needs...

*For them as don't know, songvids are fannish things whereby you prove the truth of your own preferred pairing by choosing a love song and then editing together lots of clips of the characters looking soppy/ falling into each other's arms/ angsting to illustrate it. (There are other kinds of songvids, of course, but, as ever, I'm only in it for the slash.)
14:16 / 04.08.05
I have a bloody stupid question for Wedding-Heat. What's with the recurring marriage / wedding business in yer name, and the occassional shouts of "Marriage" and that?
14:26 / 04.08.05
I'd say it was simply an in-joke if it wasn't Wedding-Heat doing it. It's just his sense of humour, basically.
Char Aina
19:15 / 04.08.05
i am trying to upload shit to my NTL webspace.
they've closed their 'help' line for the day, and the last time i talked to anyone they didnt seem to know anything about FTP or dreamweaver.
how the shuddering fuck do i find out my details?
i'm trying to do th site definition in dreamweaver and i keep getting told the remote host cannot be found.

does anyone know enough about this shit to walk me through?
i have the flu, so in all likeliehood i am just being a cloudy-headed idiot, but i dont know how.

patience="thin", hulk-smash="true", etc.
11:11 / 05.08.05


That is all.
11:44 / 05.08.05
Ta, Boboss. It was bugging me that it might be some comedy ref I wasn't getting.
Essential Dazzler
15:22 / 05.08.05
Does anybody know what would happen if somebody decided to drink Amyl Nitrate? I'm 90% sure it would result in horrific death, but clarification would be nice. Arm yourself with informationand all that jazz.
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:38 / 05.08.05
the chao goes mu - Gods NO! I wouldn't suggest anyone drink it.
07:46 / 06.08.05
Um....will I fuck up my eyes if I stare at a candle for a while? I decided to try to meditate at work, but since I can't close my eyes (I'm not allowed to sleep here, and closing my eyes makes me look like I'm asleep) I figured I'd stare at a candle flame instead. I stared at it for...oh, a few minutes, I don't know. It was kinda cool, because the area around the flame started glowing, too. But then I had to stop, because I noticed that my eyes were hurting, presumably from staring at a candle flame. So will this fuck up my eyes? I mean, I guess I could stare at just about anything and just forget about candles. One time I stared at a building long enough that it started glowing. That was pretty cool.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:16 / 06.08.05
I don't think you'll damage your eyes in this way, fb, but it sounds like you're straining them. Try changing the distance between you and the candle, see if that helps. Or as you suggest yourself, you might want to use a different meditation focus: crystals are popular with some, or you might use an image such as a tarot card or one of the tattva symbols.

You may also wish to look into different meditation techniques, such as walking meditation. Good luck!

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