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The miserable thread


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14:21 / 07.06.07
Thanks for the kind words Matt, it means alot.
I kept my job, barely, the boss really is a nice guy, and i'm tryin reaall hard to give it another go.

To MW, hang in there, and best wishes.

I'm glad your pets made it EL.

And i secondthat idea of working at an animal shelter.

Thanks for listening everyone, i'm not a regular on the "Lith" but it felt good to post here and have someone listen.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:29 / 07.06.07
Well, for heaven's sake, couldn't they have given you a bit of warning?! Doctors... EYEROLL.

On the day I was due to be released from hospital my doctors (after a little discussion) prescribed me some anti-biotics, along with everything else I had to take. I went for a walk with my Dad to clear my head and as we walked past the car-park a man shouted from a passing car 'Don't take the anti-biotics!' I realised he was one of the doctors.
I didn't hear anything else about it so when I went home I wasn't sure what I was meant to do so I phoned the hospital and found out that was what they had decided. And that's how they told me...
This Sunday
14:47 / 07.06.07
MW, I do wish you the best out of all of this, of course, and really hope the Lee Child and the dashing eyepatch are doing you some good. I'm sure the friends and family mean well, and having the 'I've heard more from your family than my own' laid on me again, yesterday, from a friend in hospital for over half a year now, I know I'll have a hard time being as reactionary as usual to the familial visits while I'm in that stupid robe, even when they're panicky and frustrating.

The docs? Some docs are fabulous and helpful and do their job, but I figure it lightens a few of them's day to sort of play with patients.

When my regular physician retired, his replacement was a youngish type who I unfairly prejudged as likely to get out of trouble by throwing his hands up and trying to look cute. But I stuck with the clinic through the change-over. Thus, did I find out certain headache medications remove my ability to speak cohesively or manage basic motor skills in a not-toddler-like fashion.

His response when this landed me back in the clinic? He laughed, threw his hands in the air comedically, and said there'd been a pencilled note from the previous doctor, to never give me the stuff, but no reasons listed, so he thought it would be worth a try. He has since been removed from active practice.
Blake Head
14:48 / 07.06.07
grach! Take care miss w, and demand better drugs! I was meaning to post to see if anyone knew about Reacher audiobooks (in order to introduce the man to one of the uninitiated) so you've already helped me out on that one. Really hope you're feeling better and back on the board soon.
miss wonderstarr
06:26 / 08.06.07
Thanks again! Don't worry I am all over Barbelith this days as I can't go out. I'm sure it's better to have the "bad boy" meds, as they fight bacteria that can live without oxygen at the back of your eye, apparently. Funny though how the cure can make you feel so bad.
miss wonderstarr
14:46 / 10.06.07
Still closing one eye to do this, as wearing a patch all day cuts into your forehead. But a week of drinking only the alcohol-free, juice and spring-water "cordials" I would previously have sneered at has made me look about ten years younger, skinwise, so... swings and roundabouts.

And the thing about my left eye is, even though it can't really see (it's not quite the 5th dimensional alphabet of a week ago, I think... or maybe I'm getting used to it)... it's looking more like an eye. It's looking more like my right eye. It is a beautiful thing to watch, like a baby forming into human shape; swelling goes down a little, and the lines change, and gradually it starts to morph into something that you can actually hope is going to ... at least almost, or mostly match. Which, considering it was kicked in and cut open twice, is a miracle. I really feel it's a miracle. My left eye is still mishapen and bloodstained, and it's got cuts and bruises round it, but feel I'm looking at myself again.

The me before it happened. You understand.

I appreciate more now what Twice 5 Toes said above, about thanking hir donor every day. I feel like thanking my surgeon every time I look at my face. If I have a face I can look at in the mirror now, it's no longer because of genes, or God. It's because of Mr Huppa.

Do you think it would be... an appropriate thing, if I were to write him a letter of thanks? I feel like it.
17:26 / 10.06.07
Bloody absolutely, I'd have thought. Who wouldn't want to know they've made someone feel like that? So glad you can recognise yourself again.
17:56 / 10.06.07
Yeppers, right that letter
18:09 / 10.06.07
Absolutely, why not? I'm glad your eye is getting better, here's hoping it's 100% soon.
Essential Dazzler
22:57 / 10.06.07
I love Her, and I care about us, but me? I hate me.
23:32 / 10.06.07
One of my friends has, in an actually quite touching and flattering, though horribly, horribly misguided attempt to "stick up for me", just gone apeshit on another friend of mine who a couple of months ago did something which really upset me but which we have since resolved between ourselves. The worst thing is she didn't remember doing it fifteen minutes after it happened, so I will almost certainly have to tell her about it tomorrow. Which I am REALLY not looking forward to, because then as well as the guy concerned being pissed off, she'll be all guilty and upset, and I hate being the bearer of bad news. But she has to know, otherwise the next time they see each other HE'S bound to say something...

(And, for any of you who know me in meatspace, I'm not talking about the person you THINK I am. Yeah, I know, I'm as surprised as anyone about that. Mind you, she'd just been the subject of an even bigger fight- which she ALSO had no part in! and had left, really quite upset... I'm starting to think I should have left Stokefest when Durango and Lilly did, to be honest... it was a lovely day until about then).

Don't get me wrong... I understand her intentions were good, and it's nice to know that people look out for you, it really is. It's just... that was SO WRONG.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
00:00 / 11.06.07
But, Pacific State, She (if it's the She I think you're talking about) obviously loves you. And her judgment's got to count for something, right?
09:28 / 11.06.07
I've been screwed over in a really unnecessary manner.
(misery and rage in one volatile little package)
Fuck You Backstabber. -x -x -x
All Acting Regiment
09:31 / 11.06.07
I've got the fucker in my cross-hairs.
Mysterious Transfer Student
09:41 / 11.06.07

Listen to Leigh.

Leigh is wise and knows ramen.

Trust in the ramen.

I swear I'll get to the point before too long.
09:51 / 11.06.07
PS, I don't hate you. I think you're great
Mysterious Transfer Student
10:07 / 11.06.07
PS, I don't hate you

Paul McCartney put his guitar down and decided that one needed work...
20:27 / 11.06.07
Never been so bad.
Everything hurts.
21:06 / 11.06.07
Wondy, I'm well fucking chuffed for you and your eye. Big ups!
miss wonderstarr
06:28 / 12.06.07
Well, it happened ~ this morning I can pretty much see with both eyes, and both eyes look pretty much the same.

So, I think that's a long, painful journey pretty much over.

Thank you everyone.
miss wonderstarr
06:28 / 12.06.07
PS I think I might compile all my posts on this thread into a separate document, like a sort of journal.
07:11 / 12.06.07
I am really, genuinely very happy for you, and totally amazed by your tenacity
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:32 / 12.06.07
I think that's a great idea, miss w. It would be a fantastic resource for people going through similar experiences.
12:31 / 12.06.07
W00t for mw and hir vision!!!
12:38 / 12.06.07
PS I think I might compile all my posts on this thread into a separate document, like a sort of journal.

That is a wonderful idea, misswonderstar. I am glad you are feeling much better and healing well. Like Boboss, I am also amazed by your tenacity. Bless!
12:42 / 12.06.07
Woo and in a very real sense hoo. Great news, Miss W - I'm very happy for you.
jentacular dreams
13:39 / 12.06.07
Heartily seconded! I just read everything since the 3rd in one go, and after a harrowing period I was very relieved there was a happy ending. Congratulations and hooray!

Does anyone else suddenly feel they've been taking their eyes for granted?
miss wonderstarr
14:30 / 12.06.07
I haven't read the earlier posts since I wrote them, because they were so bleak and I couldn't face them. But now I can feel an end to this, I'll revisit them.

Is there anywhere anyone can suggest I post the whole thing? I don't have a blog or anything. If we had a health and personals forum, I'd put it there, but I don't know where it could work as a thread.
miss wonderstarr
14:42 / 12.06.07
You will be pleased to hear I have spent some of the day half-naked working out and taking photos of my new face, feeling like a BEAUTIFUL VICTORY.
14:53 / 12.06.07
Congrats MW that's fucking brilliant! Also, there's your new screen name right there- miss wonderstarr- BEAUTIFUL VICTORY! I hope you continue to dance around in pants and compliment yourself on being able to see properly and also being teh sexxy.
\m/ -_- \m/
miss wonderstarr
17:28 / 12.06.07
The total, of my posts alone, cutting a couple of dialogue posts out, is 34 pages! I'm happy to post it somewhere useful.
17:35 / 12.06.07
Sell it as a feature article.

(and kick back a percentage of profits to the guy who suggested it).
miss wonderstarr
17:38 / 12.06.07
I don't think I really want anyone outside a small and relatively anonymous community seeing me that low.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
18:39 / 12.06.07
Well, whatever you decide to do with your journal, good news is great news in this case.
18:41 / 12.06.07
I have spent some of the day half-naked working out


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