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Big Brother 4


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06:40 / 07.07.03
I think you should all stop slagging her off she can kill someone with just two finger you know, she does seem to love herself doesn't she going on about how she "used to be quite a looker" - fucking white witch.
07:07 / 07.07.03
originally posted by randy randy:

It's got to the point now where I have to flick over when Lisa's talking.

that's just rank, surely, or does 'flick over' mean something else where you are?
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:49 / 07.07.03
Lisa's an evil genius, I tells you! Messing with Ray's miiiiiiiind...
09:54 / 07.07.03
Saw in the paper that they're thinking of doing a special with all the best housemates, Nasty Nick, Jade and Brian - not sure that'll work now we "know" them all..

I did like Cameron saying he would like to put his thumb over her windpipe and then backtracking.

Everyone seemed upset that Gos was booted though, he seemed like a nice guy just not good TV.
Tryphena Absent
10:06 / 07.07.03
Lisa seems perfectly normal to me... but then she is in the most boring house on earth with the most boring people on earth. Who could have predicted that we'd get stuck with Steph, Ray, Cameron, Scott and Nush. Usually there's still someone slightly entertaining at this stage so give me the flesh crawling, white witch, messing with Ray's mind. I hope she bloody wins. Oh and I just loved it when she turned the bedroom light on and woke Steph up (because Steph is the spawn of the devil and clearly Lisa is an emissary from God).
No star here laces
12:27 / 07.07.03
So I watched this for the first time last night cos it's on before 6 feet under.

And I hope to god that Ray wins. He's funny. I liked it when he called that guy a prick. Swearing rocks.
Whisky Priestess
13:01 / 07.07.03
I took it upon myself to miss BB2 so I have no idea of what Brian was like in the house, but I caught the execrable Brian's Boyfriends the other night and was appalled. Brian appears to be a podgy, unfunny, charisma-free, gratingly camp little tosser, a sort of poor man's Julian Clary without the humour. Mind you, I suppose that might make him the irritant in the BB oyster that produces the pearl of good TV, though I doubt it, and I can't imagine him winning for a second.

Jade and Nick, together again for the first time, would be a laugh riot though ...
15:07 / 07.07.03
'Brian's Boyfriends' is indeed a hideous confection, clearly designed to appeal to the 'every straight girl needs a gay best friend' school of thinking - and Brian Dowling, being the most sexless creature since err, Will Young, is more than happy to play along with the 'sorting out boyfriend's problems' concept. I was quite tempted to write in saying 'my boyfriend's got cancer'. But I didn't.

Anyway. Yes.

At the moment, I'm caught between the repulsiveness of Steph, Lisa and Cameron. Must admit I'm tending toward Anna's 'Steph = Satan' hypothesis...
The Natural Way
16:41 / 07.07.03
Lisa seems perfectly normal to me...


How many people do you know that rant - RANT! - non-stop about how powerful they are and 'never cross me, I can kill' and....

I really hope she's not normal to you. I like you - I'd hate to think you identified with anyone that annoying and scary.
Spatula Clarke
22:14 / 07.07.03
Kate Whatsits, last year's winner, was presenting something on Five yesterday that made Brian's Boyfriends look like high art. What with our Craig's occasional appearance on Bo Selecta and mid-mornig DIY shows, BB's not been the fame-maker that you might expect.
07:03 / 08.07.03
It depends what kind of fame you're after. If you want to die knowing that a fiar few homes up and down the country contain people who know yr name, and have opnions on you, and talk about you, then it's probablly perfect.

But do the people who go in there still expect to get famous from it? Surely they know we know all about them, and that's just never fun.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:27 / 08.07.03
Not written by Flyboy, probably from WPriestess:

The thing is, these people are exactly the sort of no-talent Mr. and Miss Averages that market research tell us we want on our TV screens (Carol Smillie, Handy Andy).

What else could they possibly do to get their mugs on TV and noticed by Channel 5 producers desperate to cash in on fame without shelling out big bucks? Sing? I think not - did you hear them the other night? I imagine Brian tried out for every boy-band going until he was banned from auditions for being tone deaf. Can they dance, then? Do something clever? Speak with fluency and assurance, even? Walk and talk at the same time?

Well, exactly. This is the only chance Tania, Nush et al have to make their lives impact on many others whom they don't know, (not necessarily in a good way, but beggars can't be choosers) for their names to be in tabloids up and down the country, for their words and actions to be watched avidly. Sad, innit?

Jon Tickle, on the other hand, will be the only true winner of BB4. He can actually string a sentence together (even when that sentence is "Naughty tomato plants!") and he's got a compelling, oddly charming geekiness that viewers just lapped up. We English love our eccentrics. He's probably hell to live with, but then again we don't have to. I expect he'll be bought up to present Tomorrow's World or Robot Wars, if not simply given his own show and let loose. And with that name, how can he lose? Go Tickle!

/Not written by Flyboy.
11:20 / 08.07.03
Really liked Lisa’s story about being caught in her underwear by her partner’s parents. Very true and real, and not AT ALL like a sitcom plotline.

Wonder if she feels the need to talk about herself a lot because she feels she’s five weeks (or whatever it is) behind the others in them knowing details about each other?
Whisky Priestess
16:48 / 08.07.03
That's a very beautiful and charitable way of looking at it, Dave.
Tryphena Absent
17:04 / 08.07.03
How many people do you know that rant - RANT! - non-stop about how powerful they are and 'never cross me, I can kill' and....

I really hope she's not normal to you. I like you - I'd hate to think you identified with anyone that annoying and scary.

I never said I was normal, I said that Lisa was. Clearly you've never worked in a pub or you'd know just how frighteningly normal Lisa is. Around 50% of locals rant about their amazing fighting skills at least once a month. 25% of them are trained killers and the other half could cause serious damage to someone twice their size and this while sober. I don't identify with the woman at all but I think I've met her countless times.

Steph is far more dangerous. Her teeth indicate that she could kill and that worries me.
Spatula Clarke
22:13 / 08.07.03
What is it with people liking Jon? I could see it when he was in the house, but as soon as he came out he revealed that he's nothing more than a Loaded-reader wannabe with a full collection of Space Precinct videos. I like geeks, hell, I'm a geek, but Ladculture(TM) geeks are the very worst kind. He's the kid at school who even the bullied ones picked on because of his eagerness to go along with anything in the name of popularity.

And Lisa! Again! Gah! Someone take her to one side and tell her. Look, you can't honestly expect anyone to give a shit that the others are excluding you, because the only reason that's happened is you went in there looking to cause friction and got sussed out after five minutes. Expecting them to give you a break now, and when you make no fucking effort whatsoever, is utter stupidity. You are a waste of skin. Go. Now.
22:19 / 08.07.03
I liedk it today when BB cut in to her anecdote about how she got up... AND WAS REALLY SICK! by playing music over her to shut her sutpid face. This is a pattern that should be repeated, eventually leading to playing that chord that makes people shit themselves over and over again until she promises to never ever talk again.

But she has to stay there and make disparaging remarks with her eyes, while people throw knifes at her.
The Natural Way
09:36 / 09.07.03
Ladculture(TM) geeks are the very worst kind. He's the kid at school who even the bullied ones picked on because of his eagerness to go along with anything in the name of popularity.

Yes, Randy! Yes!

I've nearly posted this about Jon sooooo many times, but couldn't be bothered. Thanks for articulating it so well.
The Natural Way
09:45 / 09.07.03
Actually, this is why all the 'Jon's one of us!' stuff on this thread really gets to me. He's not. As far as I can see, Jon's really conservative, reactionary and misanthropic, and not at all like most posters on this board. He's bright and all, but he spent too much time in his teens buried in books and computer games, when he should have been out taking drugs with the other kids.
09:56 / 09.07.03
You mean people on Barbelith aren't like that?

Maybe so although I didn't see the whole Ladculture thing with him but I haven't seen much of him out of the house I liek the fact that he didn't sell his story to the Sun because he didn't really need the money and just wanted to get back to his normal life...anyhoo

So who's out this week then, Lisa?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:15 / 09.07.03
Just to note: the post of Jon-love was not me. Almost certainly the Prietess, since Winkle is her lovegod. I must remember to log out of things.
Whisky Priestess
12:55 / 09.07.03
That's what you'd like them to think, eh Fly? I've seen the way you looked at Jon - I've seen the things you've been doing to the toaster ...

And my appreciation of Jon is not based on whether he is a moral being or not, but whether he was interesting to watch, which is all that matters. Which he was. Compelling in fact. I have hardly seen anything of him since he left the house so cannot comment on his Clarksonesque tendencies.
13:42 / 09.07.03
"That's what you'd like them to think, eh Fly?"

Ha ha, nice try Whisky. You might have gotten away with it but for two crucial mistakes. Firstly, Flyboy is a man of the people; he would never write "no-talent Mr and Miss Averages." Secondly, only an underpaid actor or actress could get that angry about a no-talent Mr Average like Brian coining it in off the telly. Take her away, officer.
Whisky Priestess
14:54 / 09.07.03
I'll get you, Inspector Saveloy, if it's the last thing I do!

(Actually I honestly didn't realise I was posting as Flyboy - who should indeed remember to log out of Barbelith on my PC - until I saw the post with the wrong name attached: and then I decided to leave it for reasons of sadism.)
16:20 / 09.07.03
was it merely the editing on last night's show, or is it me pmsing like what, but i felt really sorry for lisa last night. she was sitting alone so much, and made everyone dinner and they were just like, yeah thanks.
i feel really bad for her and i feel like i judged her too soon. is anyone else thinking along these lines or is it just my hormones?
Whisky Priestess
16:43 / 09.07.03
No, she *is* lonely and they *do* hate her - but it's pretty much her own fault - imagine any of the others coming in in week 6 and what they would have done to try and fit in, and you could be sure they'd have made a better job of it than she did. She's just shit at handling people.
16:45 / 11.07.03
i must say last night's big brother was the best i'd seen in ages. i am tee total myself, but i think jub's assertion about giving the housemates unlimited alcohol was on the money. it was really funny to watch nush and scott tied together in the bathroom, and lisa having a go at everyone!
i really hope lisa doesn't leave on friday. she's totally shaken things up. bloody graham norton keeps going on in his smug way about how she's going to be leaving on friday and i just want him to be WRONG!
Whisky Priestess
17:06 / 11.07.03
I almost want Steph to go because of the almighty shitstorm that would arise between Cameron and Lisa when they realised they were going to be trapped in the house together for another week. I have a mental picture of someone being shaken warmly by the windpipe ...

But what would Jeeeeesus do, Cameron?
20:08 / 11.07.03
Tip to Lisa: stop chewing the fucking cud.
22:02 / 11.07.03
How much does Lisa have to stop saying how HONEST she is, how no one surprises her, how much she knows what everyone else is doing, and also how shocked she is by Ray.

But why the hell did people let her go?? Why is Jon back?? I don't like New Jon, and is anyone else thinking they've been briefed? Annoyingly so?

We'll see...
Mourne Kransky
00:41 / 12.07.03
suds, I love you: admirable & perpetual friend to the underdog. However, sometimes the underdog is just a dog. "I'm very big in Cardiff" - ha! Anna de Logardière has told us all about Cardiff, the town that time forgot.
Fist Fun
11:44 / 12.07.03
Shame Lisa went. She was fine and fun.

I think Jon is going to stick yo his messing with minds idea for about two days then just slip back into a routine.
Spatula Clarke
12:59 / 12.07.03
Totally, although he'll probably keep on claiming to have some fantastic game plan up until the end. He's full of himself when the camera's on him, but doesn't have the chutzpah to follow through on his promises.

Chutzpah's a good word, no?

Putting someone back in strikes me as an utterly ridiculous idea. The whole basis of the show has been abandoned now, and they've opened themselves up to further allegations of having a stooge in there, allegations which, this time, they can't defend against. The other problem they've presented themselves with is that they may piss off a huge amount of the audience with this. One thing that's been obvious over the last series is that the people voting don't do so with the aim of keeping the 'entertaining' housemates in, but to get rid of the ones who they wouldn't like IRL and keep in the pleasant ones. Shoving a reject back in is likely to make those who voted him out in the first place stop watching. "You decide!" Except you don't, because we'll just override your decision whenever we feel like it.

They've really set themselves a challenge for the next series, too. Either they take the whole thing back to basics and leave the contestants to get on with it themselves or they take the interference to ever more stupid extremes. That'd be fine if those extremes were ones that brought about conflict, but that's something that they seem to have forgotten how to do. Lisa, regrdless of the claims from some, didn't make a blind bit of difference to the dynamics of the various relationships in the house. Yes, she created conflict, but only between everyone else and herself which just led to her being ignored and actually strengthened all the other relationships.

I'm also not sure what the point of the reward room is, as it's a poor substitute for the 'poor' and 'rich' sides of last year.
13:12 / 12.07.03
If anything I think we need more screwing around with the its obvious that the public at large haven't grasped that for some form of watchable show they must at least leave in a few agitators... I mean can you imagine how boring the show would've been this week without Lisa!
19:45 / 12.07.03
How briefed did people look?? Esp offering Lisa 24 hours to "make up her mind", which sounded like it was 24 hours to show her everything everyone said behind her back.

Surely it could all be summed up with "You're a bad person", and possibly embellished with "We don't care if yr resturant anecdotes are verifyable, they're fucking dull and yr insistence on talking about them will only lead to knifey-knifey", and then topped off with the query "If your'e so hellbent on everyone growing up, then why the fuck do you insist that it's terrible of Ray to try and fucking be nice to yr STUPID FACE, YOU STUPID FACED BASTARD?? What the fuck do you mean by "grown up"? Do you mean "petty"?? FUCKING DIE!"

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