Not written by Flyboy, probably from WPriestess:
The thing is, these people are exactly the sort of no-talent Mr. and Miss Averages that market research tell us we want on our TV screens (Carol Smillie, Handy Andy).
What else could they possibly do to get their mugs on TV and noticed by Channel 5 producers desperate to cash in on fame without shelling out big bucks? Sing? I think not - did you hear them the other night? I imagine Brian tried out for every boy-band going until he was banned from auditions for being tone deaf. Can they dance, then? Do something clever? Speak with fluency and assurance, even? Walk and talk at the same time?
Well, exactly. This is the only chance Tania, Nush et al have to make their lives impact on many others whom they don't know, (not necessarily in a good way, but beggars can't be choosers) for their names to be in tabloids up and down the country, for their words and actions to be watched avidly. Sad, innit?
Jon Tickle, on the other hand, will be the only true winner of BB4. He can actually string a sentence together (even when that sentence is "Naughty tomato plants!") and he's got a compelling, oddly charming geekiness that viewers just lapped up. We English love our eccentrics. He's probably hell to live with, but then again we don't have to. I expect he'll be bought up to present Tomorrow's World or Robot Wars, if not simply given his own show and let loose. And with that name, how can he lose? Go Tickle!
/Not written by Flyboy. |