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Big Brother 4


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The Natural Way
10:46 / 03.07.03
My Mum's spent the last 4 months making this shit happen (and I mean literally), Khao. It ain't flexible.

But she's amazing - she'd never let me know any of it.

Not that the secrets are that good.......
The Natural Way
16:28 / 03.07.03
I'm sure the budget could never withstand unlimited alcohol.

But anyway....


This fucking nob! Jeez! NOB!

What the bleedin' fuck is all this shit about how BB 'bollocked' her? What a load of shit! BB simply had a quiet word, is all....and the fuss she made! Urrgh, I could've slapped her.

Fucking. Stupid. Insecure. Child.
Whisky Priestess
16:33 / 03.07.03
_pin, I have to say I think Fed was lobotomised a wee while before he went into the BB house. Have you read his Friends Reunited entry? Big fan of long words - if only he knew what they (or he) meant ...
23:12 / 03.07.03
Was even the double evicition's date set? Cos I have no doubt that they planned one in advance, it just seemed like they went for it that week to get rid of some boys to level the numbers a bit...

And it's fair to think they're making this one up as they go along, with the raitings falling and the gimmics coming...
06:36 / 04.07.03
Hehe loved the look on Camerons face last night while Lisa was hyperventilating! How much of a maniac did he look! "Release the hounds!"

It's still shite though
Whisky Priestess
06:58 / 04.07.03
Love the way they get so anal about the shopping, giving everyone £3.75 or whatever for a personal luxury.

"What's your luxury, Cameron?"
"Any special Lisa? I mean reason?"
"Och nooooo ..."

I'm still convinced that Cameron has a chance to win: despite starting off quiet he's been through quite a few changes in the weeks he's been in there, and his reactions are entertaining even if he cannot be an inadvertant comic genius along the lines of Jon. And of course I'm still holding out the hope that he will suddenly go nuts and kill someone - especially since Lisa turned up.

Lisa, wheezing like a pug after practising the task:
"God, please don't let me die live on television
Every viewer in England:
"Oooh! That would be entertaining."

Talk about upping the stakes. Watch out for Extreme Balloon Big Brother, where evictees get chucked out onto the hungry alps below.
The Natural Way
10:14 / 04.07.03
And it's fair to think they're making this one up as they go along, with the raitings falling and the gimmics coming...

No, it's not. Not when you're directly related to someone who's had to sort all this stuff and you know how much time they've spent doing it.

As for the double evictions thing: possibly. But I doubt it.
Whisky Priestess
11:20 / 04.07.03
Psi Alan: 'Nuff respeck to your Mum - they've just come up with the most disruptive and divisive task yet - the House leader idea. At last a bit of psychological cruelty worthy of the original Big Brother!

Big Brother is to spring another surprise on the housemates on Saturday night - the winner of the challenge will become Head of the Big Brother House for a week.

The honour will, however, be something of a double-edged sword.

The winner will gain exemption from being nominated next week, guaranteeing them a place in the House until the penultimate Friday of the show.

Here comes the 'But'....

But the Head of the Big Brother House will also discover that he or she will be the ONLY housemate who can nominate this coming week. The winner will have to cast three votes, and those three people will face eviction next Friday. They cannot, of course, nominate themselves to face eviction.

Furthermore, there will be no weekly task next week. The House leader will have to determine the food budget, and there will also be other duties for the winner to deal with over the course of the week.

So how do they win?

Well, the challenge will be based more on luck than on skill. Each housemate will get a robotic animal, which will take part in a one-off race. The owner of the winning beast will become the leader, and the five following animals will also be allowed into the Reward Room.

That leaves one lonesome housemate sitting it out.

Should cause a bit of a stir...
14:24 / 04.07.03
baby baby baby are you really saying that all the plans are totally set in stone long before the first show even airs, and no subsequent deviations from the plan are tolerated? (no attention paid to life-giving feedback, closed systems inevitable entropy etc.) that's a silly way to organise anything, never mind yr channel's flagship show. they deserve the lower ratings if that's the case. [if indeed the ratings are worse. just cos i'm watching it less don't mean everyone is o cors]
The Natural Way
17:13 / 04.07.03
Well.... Hmmmm. Mater doesn't design tasks or any o that stuff - she's just part of the massive gang a' runts that make the big stuff happen.

But let's not talk about it anymore, because I always get paranoid that she'll get fired or something.
17:55 / 04.07.03
Cameron is pure genius. His bitching rant about Lisas hyperventilation today, and how he wanted to stick his thumb in her windpipe made me want to run to london and congratulate him.
Mourne Kransky
18:42 / 04.07.03
Wonder what's up? TV show cancelled at 8.30. Live feed and website inaccessible. Has Lisa murdered someone? Has Cameron ravished Dobbin? Huh? Huh? If something exciting happened after all this time and I've missed it, I will stamp my feet and say swear words very loudly.
Spatula Clarke
19:24 / 04.07.03
Is it just me, or is the entire Channel 4 site down?
Spatula Clarke
19:33 / 04.07.03
Back now. And, just on the telly:

Due to a security alert, tonight's eviction shows have been cancelled.


Rest assured that all the housemates are fine.

20:36 / 04.07.03
Ooo, someone tried bomb them all. Good work.
Whisky Priestess
20:44 / 04.07.03
Lisa's rabies is starting to present?
21:33 / 04.07.03
Lockjaw would be wishful thinking.
Spatula Clarke
00:50 / 05.07.03
Nope. gingerbop's almost there.
pointless and uncalled for
08:27 / 05.07.03
If you're thinking a cheap, budget friendly trick to try and scam last years ratings for the end of the show, you are not alone.

Based on the news reports there are a number of inconsistencies. It is stated that a patrol dog led security to the some boxes in the nearby studio. It later goes on to say that the boxes contained electrical equipment.

If anyone can provide some non-tangental explanation as to why a patrol dog would draw attention to boxes of electrical equipment at a film studio, and this be deemed so extraordinary enough an event that a 100m cordon be instated, then they can claim a quid.

On a diferent note,I have decided I want the job of the narrator. Spending an hour a day recording myself stating the fucking obvious to pre-selected footage has got to be one of the cushiest jobs in town. I realise that this may be a valuable service to the optically challenged but if so then he's selling them entirely to short.
The Natural Way
11:43 / 05.07.03
Right, I sense myself getting drawn into a similar type of argument to one I had with Rothkoid many moons ago. This conspiracy stuff is largely shit. Channel Four have had their schedule fucked by this and, as far as I can know, it's been a massive headache for everyone involved.

Telly people are not all devious, hand-rubbing schemers. They're largely harrassed people like my Mum, who don't get enough time off, and certainly don't co-ordinate massive cover-ups involving the police and controlled bomb explosions. It's all a lot more boring and unimaginative than that.
Spatula Clarke
12:08 / 05.07.03
Anyone making the decision as a ratings-booster would have to be a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic basket, too.

"Hmm. Viewing figures are down on last year. How do we get more people to tune in?"

"I know! Let's take it off the air!"

Don't think so.
12:14 / 05.07.03
Dogs making mistakes? I think not.
13:48 / 05.07.03
well, it was really annoying...first they said bb4 would be on at 10pm & then they showed friends instead! why is it always fucking friends? couldn't they at least have put on bo selecta on early? that show's funny!
Linus Dunce
15:47 / 05.07.03
Well, it's still not back on telly or the web.

Ten quid says the security issue is a lot bigger than they've announced.

And/or the orange one has had a massive asthma attack and fallen off her perch.
The Natural Way
16:31 / 05.07.03
Errr, yes, BB Live IS back on the air. I skimmed over it this lunchtime.
Linus Dunce
18:29 / 05.07.03
Not getting it from NTL ...
18:36 / 05.07.03
Suds, I'm thoughroughly ashamed of you; Bo selecta over friends? oooh dear.
19:31 / 05.07.03
OOoh they're all going to starve now.
I think, even after Lisa's nominations exemption time is up, they should leave her voting lines closed, so she can stay in forever and ever and piss them all off. Aaah, that was cameron at his finest.
pointless and uncalled for
10:33 / 06.07.03
OK, hands up all those that read my post way too seriously. Psi, Randy, any others? Thank you.

I think what you should have done is read that the issued reasons were very crap. Surely my post wasn't so subtle as to slip past your keen gaze was it?

My apologies if it was I shall be far more blatant in the future then. Perhaps I shall borrow Rage's caps lock.
11:21 / 06.07.03
yeh they're all utter morons and you're a misperceived genius, how right you are
Gary Lactus
11:42 / 06.07.03
Is it just me or is this year's BB the most boring ever? I'm sitting infront of it right now and want to smash my head on the corner of the mantle piece in my living room.
Spatula Clarke
13:40 / 06.07.03
So subtle that I still don't see it, potus.
The Natural Way
18:04 / 06.07.03
Neither do I.
Spatula Clarke
20:31 / 06.07.03
It's got to the point now where I have to flick over when Lisa's talking.

Maybe I've read her wrong. I mean, it looks like she's keeping herself out of the group play in order to get specific housemates on their own ("Aww, Lisa looks lonely, I'd better go and check that she's okay") then crawl as far up their arseholes as she can while slating the others, but it could just be that she really feels isolated and doesn't realise how fucking creepy crawly she is.

Whatever, we've definitely got her for at least another week. No way is Ray going to nominate her. No way.

Anyone got any revised predictions for winner at this point? I can't call it.
21:31 / 06.07.03
Yeah, Lisa makes one's flesh crawl, eh? It's not just her own inconsistency and lack of a Selfawarian visa that's repellent: her presence seems to accentuate the less sympathetic aspects of other housemates. Cameron becomes unpleasantly bitchy (and not at all in a good way) while Steph attempts to fan the flames in her usual mealy-mouthed manner - "She's really nice, but...".

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