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Big Brother 4


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08:57 / 11.06.03
DPC, There were 4 non-white contestants in BB UK, Anoushka - now out, Gos, Ray and John, all three of whom are still in.
09:06 / 11.06.03
Reckon Sissy will be gone this week, pity as I kinda like her - or maybe Jon he's pushing his luck a little don't you think? It wont take much for the public to change their minds and get him chucked out.

Is it just me or is Anoushka the cutest thing ever? Wish she'd stayed in.
09:24 / 11.06.03
I'd have said ('Pseud-a') Fed would be top choice for eviction this week...
10:18 / 11.06.03
Yep, I woulda thunk Federico was likely (task liability and fibbing), but Sissy's been a bit unsympathic for the viewers in the last couple of days, so hmmm...
10:27 / 11.06.03
Fed should go because he is, quite frankly, vile, egotistical and extremely duplicitous but Sissy probably will due to the fact that all the teenage girls who watch clearly fancy Fed and will therefore want to keep him in.

If Sissy goes it could be amusing - the rest of the girls will completely freak.
13:57 / 11.06.03
i used to think fed should go because he's a liar and annoying but then i thought: dude is at least doing something that gets people talking about bb4! same with jon. i'm sick of steph & nush & ray and their boring robot emotionlessness (is that a word?). i have to go now.
The Natural Way
15:01 / 12.06.03
Don't you all think he would fit in perfectly on Barbelith?

I really, really hope that there are NO Lithers like Jon. I don't mind geek (I'm a geek), but I mind DORK. Twisted little dorky men like Jon really do my head in. I can't stand the stupid, portentous way he speaks and the way he waffles about "hey, that's just the way I am..." in that that horrible, forced casual tone. Christ, even the way he holds his mouth reeks of dork!


Keep him.
Tryphena Absent
15:08 / 12.06.03
I wish Steph would go. She really gets to me, reminds me of my evil sports teacher with her bouncy bouncy and wrong tone of voice.
15:25 / 12.06.03
Did anyone see their "dares"? It was on live last night, and will be on it 2nite- it was sooo lame, i wanted to run in and shake them all violently. -"kiss scott on the lips!" -"oooooh noooo way!" For christ sake...

Sissy is doin my head in- she has to go.

I just found out i'll be away when it all finishes. Argh.
22:31 / 12.06.03
OOoh so cruel.
Surely the girl's discussion of federicos nether-regions will put off a large proportion of the male population from applying next year. Poor boy.
Cherry Bomb
08:09 / 13.06.03
That was, without a doubt, the best moment on BB4 so far - discussion of Federico's tiny package. I wonder did Tania do it maliciously? Must've... she must have known that would get on TV! Kind of made me start liking her.
08:21 / 13.06.03
What was he saying before that got Ray so pissed off, something abouting paying for meals when on a date he said something about calling the girl a slag...The games afoot!
10:32 / 13.06.03
Interesting argument among The Lads about whether men should pay for women on 'dates' - sparked by Steph asking "If you asked a woman out, you'd buy the first drink, wouldn't you?". Ray, the traditionalist, reckoned he'd insist on paying all evening, but Fed suggested that "if a woman doesn't pay her way, she's usually a slag". Cue Fed dredging up hackneyed old 'women want equality but want men to pay for them' argument, and telling Ray "you remind me of myself when I was 18 years old". Sure-fire dispute-winner, that one.

Today, Fed tries to clarify his position: "I never said all girls were slags. I probably said most". He then added a geographical spin, with "up north, the girls aren't beautiful".

Fed's dead, baby. Fed's dead.
10:35 / 13.06.03
Actually, Leap's been fairly quiet on the board, of late... Could he and the bug-eyed, tiny-winkied Glaswegian be one and the same?
12:19 / 13.06.03
ganesh: yeah! i was shocked when fed said all that stuff! what the fuck? it's actually quite weird because most of the boys in the house are really sexist which makes me sad because they are exactley my generation.

sissy annoys me but i want a boy to go. possibly fed, because he's mean - because of his shortcomings ;-)?
Spatula Clarke
14:30 / 13.06.03
I'd love for Sissy to go as she's just irritating at the moment, but there's a chance that if the current Sissy-hate in the house keeps up it'll make for entertaining television.

Which is what Federico is providing right now. Sure, he's an idiot, but without that we'd be subjected to some extremely dull stuff.
15:11 / 13.06.03
god, tania's hilarious! i hope she wins!
Whisky Priestess
16:06 / 13.06.03
I cannot possibly see how Fed can survive the large female vote after last night. Does he actually want to get thrown off, I wonder?

Girls' bedroom chat exceeds all expectations: I was busy rolling my eyes as Nush excused Federico's Neanderthal misogyny as being "angry at the world" ... but after they had all agreed that he was hung like a Chinese mouse, Nush's suggestion that maybe that was why he was angry at the world was absolutely priceless. Nice recovery, girl!
Mourne Kransky
18:24 / 13.06.03
VOTE FEDERICO. Pusillanimous, sexist worm. "Self preservance", ha! Seems very uncool to mock a man because he is winkily challenged but what the fuck, I loathe the little weegee slug.

Apparently they all discussed "social issues" in the garden the other day but, without cable, I was not privy. Might have helped to know where they each stood on "gay adoption" and "feminism" for example, which were dealt with, as is my understanding.

God they're still so booooooring. Always takes a while but this lot are so uninspiring. I am beginning to see the attractions of Jon. And, more worryingly, of Cameron, everybody's Mum's favourite.
19:37 / 13.06.03
Hmmm... male:female ratio now 2:1. I guess we can now expect increased cockiness from the cockly-challenged one. Incidentally, has anyone else read Fed's Friends Reunited entry?

"In all it's entirety an overview of my own experiences since my insertion into the civilian landscape would not only render any reader unfairly incomparable, moreover the banality in which you contrive to exist in your futile landscape implicates to one's own that indeed I must strive to march forth with my own avant garde approach to life. I wish for you all the justification of my own endeavour."

Translation: I've been working as a waiter in my Dad's restaurant. And I have a relatively oversized thesaurus.
Spatula Clarke
20:38 / 13.06.03
Tell me you didn't hunt that down yourself...

It may get slightly more interesting now. Sissy's yell of "Tania" when she was asked who should be the next to leave seems to have been heard by... Tania. Maybe. C4 cut transmission at exactly the wrong second to find out for sure.
21:29 / 13.06.03
Nah, I nicked it off Charlie Brooker's TV column in last week's Guardian Weekend.

Sissy came across as ridiculously immature: everyone who nominated her was a "snake"; everyone who didn't was great and good - because the world really is that black-and-white.

Best bit was her unintentional meme-propagating when asked about Ray's huge endowment: "I didn't see it, but I saw Fed's an' it was tiny!". That one's gonna run and run...
21:51 / 13.06.03
Actually, this puts a whole new 'envy' slant on Fed's stated penchant for donkeys...

Oh yeah, and the live footage seems to indicate that Tania did indeed hear her own name called out. Cue another round of paranoid navel-gazing in the girls' bedroom, with Cameron an honorary female.
Spatula Clarke
22:18 / 13.06.03
That immaturity seemed to be a trait of hers, really. Slightly shocked when I went on the website, a couple of weeks in, and discovered that she's 26.

I'm as hooked as ever, but I can't shake the feeling that this series is working as a form of televisual(?) wallpaper, rather than being actively interesting. More of a fishtank experience so far than it has been previously - dull but hypnotic.
02:04 / 14.06.03
Ah, Big Brother.

Sissy, she was a complete idiot. (All that "I knew when a girls name was called out (for nomination) that she'd be going" shite) Good.

All I wanted to mention is I stayed up one night watching it live on C4, when they were playing spin the bottle. And one of the "dares" was Jon kissing Cameron. And the look on Cameron's face was priceless (all throughout this section actually, I've never seen anyone so scared/uncomfortable on telly). He then preceded to run away from Jon (round the table they were all sitting) until finally Jon caught him and planted.. yes, the incredible dare... a peck on the cheek. Good lord. Cameron then went off and hid somewhere, shamed forever.

Actually, this "spin the bottle" bit was one of the most interesting I'd seen. It seemed odd that Ray was prepared to ask the girls to do so many things they were obviously completely unwilling to participate in (snogging, etc) and yet he seemed fully afraid to kiss a man on the cheek. What baffles me is how - from most of the TV coverage I've seen - is that Ray is popular with the ladies. And that comment he made to Tania a while back as well? Come on!

I hope we get a new housemate though, because I realised that we have had a replacement in every big brother so far, and it makes it a bit more exciting. We can only hope for another as irritating as Tim (who I actually glimpsed on some documentary the other day, still denying the fact that he is ginger).
06:53 / 14.06.03
This has certainly been the straightest 'Big Brother', with little or no hint that any contestant is anything other than straight-down-the-middle heterosexual. I wonder whether this has contributed to the Boys Against Girls feel; when, in previous incarnations, there were openly gay - or even 'not-so-straight' - housemates, there seemed to be more blurring of the social boundaries.

Graham Norton seems much less a barometer of public opinion than he was last year: he's been pretty much alone in targetting Gos, for example, on the grounds that he's (yawn) fat, or Tania that she's (yawn) slept with more than one man.

But yeah, 'wallpaper's about right.
Whisky Priestess
09:13 / 14.06.03
Jon must stay because he's fascinating like a car-crash, Jade-style (though not in quite so extreme a way). I can't believe Fed's Friends Reunited entry. People who write that badly ought to have their hands cut off. If Steph weren't so bland and nice she'd be out next because she's a) dull and b) by far the least conventionally attractive of the remaining girls, and the male audience will be needing some totty to see them through the final weeks.

When there are six of them left I think they should all be given murder implements (lead piping, gun, rope) and character names (Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum) etc. and be forced to stalk and murder each other in some sort of twisted reality-TV Cluedo. Now that would be fun.
Cherry Bomb
09:02 / 16.06.03
Now that they've picked off the dull girls I think it's time to start picking the dull boys. Cameron and Ray, OOOOOT this week, please!
Spatula Clarke
10:34 / 16.06.03
I don't get the Tania thing at all. She's constantly got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle and her favourite topic of conversation is Tania.

Two housemates out this week. Could be interesting, and presumably means there'll be a new face in there soon.
Whisky Priestess
13:13 / 16.06.03
Ray's got to stay because he's "hung" and the girls all secretly fancy him, leading to fun sexual tension. Why not dump Scott? I don't think I've ever heard him say a single interesting thing. He's human wallpaper - no, not even that - he's human wall-paint.

Cameron has to stay because he's developing a huuuge crush on Tania and won't know what to do with himself in a couple of weeks. His primitive Orkney mating rituals will not have prepared him for her London-sophisticate decadent sexual expectations, like being taken out to dinner and complimented on her shoes. She won't notice, let alone acknowledge, his interest and her indifference will eat into him like acid, until one day towards the end of Week Seven he will snap and fall on her like a mighty horny oak.
13:18 / 16.06.03
Someone was just saying that Fed has already messed up the task so if anyone messes it up again they fail.
15:00 / 16.06.03
This year's Big Twist is, it would appear, the fact that at least three housemates will be up for eviction this week, with the top two being flung out on Friday (to make room for new blood going in? to make it less likely that Fed'll be booed?) Could Tania be the only girl in a houseful of boys?
Spatula Clarke
15:37 / 16.06.03
I would have thought that she'd be the *most* likely of the three women left to be voted out, should nominations provide the opportunity. Nush and Steph are completely inoffensive and are less likely to polarise opinion - and, therefore, garner votes - than Tania. Sissy's outburst also points to Tania's eventual walk from the house being accompanied by heckling.

That's if nominations go that way, of course. With Cameron and Ray obviously fixated on her it's doubtful. Mind you, Ray did manage to relieve himself of that particular tension the other night, so maybe he'll stop thinking purely with his John Holmes.
Whisky Priestess
15:53 / 16.06.03
Ray has "relieved himself" over Tania?! Honestly, I go away for one day and this is what I miss ...
11:25 / 17.06.03
i totally agree with you guys about fed. his sexist attitude is really shocking: especially since he's from my generation and i personally grew up with a lot of feminist ideas in my childhood. i was happy the way the other males in the house responded to his sexism, especially gos. i was plenty impressed.

and fed dude already fucked up the task changing into "camp man" - god, is he a homophobe too? i wish he'd leave the house & soon. i will be there BOOing him when he does!

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