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Big Brother 4


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09:41 / 13.07.03
I so want Channel 4 to employ Pin in place of Davina...
10:48 / 13.07.03
xoc, hee hee: do you remember my jade love last year? she was lovely, especially when she told davina that they were using her as an escape goat. actually, i still love her to bits!

ANYWAY last night i flicked on bb4 and saw cameron and ray in bed together doing their nails. i thought that was really cool. i love boys who wear nail polish. (apart from brian molko..ANYWAY)

i was really upset when lisa got booed on friday night: you could tell that davina was shook by it too. it must be horrible to be booed like that. i think that everyone deserves a chance to be heard before they're hated on by the crowd. i agree with buk, she was a lot of fun!

e randy dupre - i totally agree with what you're saying. like, every time something genuinely exciting happens such as a bomb scare or someone shouts over the wall at nush, they film the garden instead. that isn't interactive tv, that's just rubbish. actually speaking off nush, she's beginning to piss me off. whats the big deal if she does fancy scott? she's worrying about it all too much!
Tryphena Absent
14:39 / 13.07.03
Well they need something to put on the video. How else are they going to get the cash to put even more boring people in the house next year?
18:04 / 13.07.03
It's not that she fancies Scott, it's that she doens't want to get drunk with him and do something she'll really regret in the morning. Which is fair enough, really.

And thank you very much, Ganesh. I like you, you can stay.
Mourne Kransky
19:33 / 13.07.03
That bloody annoying little Steph! Poisonous gossip, always prefaced by "I don't mean to sound bad...but" or "I mean this in the nicest possible way..."

Then bitch, bitch, bitch.

Then she always ends with "Did that sound bad?" or "That makes me sound like a terrible person..."

Grrrrrr. No wonder Cameron went and wiped the traces off his face immediately with a towel last week when she slobbered drunkenly all over him.

And how long can it be until Scott erupts like a dormant Vulcan? He can't sleep for unconscious emotion bubbling up, can't sustain a graceful smile* for more than a few seconds, can't stay away from honey-trap Nush for ten minutes. And now they're sharing the big pink fluffy boudoir. Yay! Go on Nush. I'd give him one, no bother. And you know you've been dumped, after all...

*of course, he may have a problem with those vampiric teeth. Mmmm...
10:21 / 14.07.03
Is that what was read over the all by the jounralist, that she was dumped? See, I wouldn't trust that...

And as Nush and Scott have a room, does that mean Jon and Steph get one soon? What a horrible thought...
Mourne Kransky
22:54 / 14.07.03
Scott and Nush. Nush and Scott. Nice Nush and lovely, lovely Scott. I want to have Scott's babies. I fell in love with him when I saw him doing his silly dance to the Bloodhound Gang's Bad Touch. He is so smitten and so inarticulate about it but just can't stop going back for more punishment, like a beaten puppy.

Evil, whinging Steph must go this week. Nobody loves me, everybody hates, must be because I'm a whiny and orthodontically challenged person. Oh go and eat worms and give us all a break.
09:04 / 15.07.03
Did anyone hear Lisa on Radio 1? I missed it, but I jsut heard a clip... apparently, karma is goig to come around an bite the personwho made up the story that she's a man on the bum. Because she can take all the other stories, but that one's just too hurtful.

Out of curiosity, can you actually wish karmic retribution on yr own ass? Does she really feel that she's wronged herself so much that it's down to the entire universe to slap her down??
Mourne Kransky
10:08 / 15.07.03
If karma fails to slap the Moaner Lisa in the chops, there's always the ancient Greek concept of hubris.

Humans who lacked insight into their own essential naffness, who therefore might come to compare themselves to the gods, would be summarily punished for it.

Arachne, for instance, was a very good weaver but she behaved so arrogantly, boasting that she was a better spinner than the goddess Athene was. Athene challenged Arachne to a weaving contest and the cloth woven by Arachne was the better of the two, technically, although it did show cartoons satirising the gods' behaviour.

So the goddess turned the bumptious, conceited Arachne into a spider. Clever of her parents to name her Arachne really, with all this in her future.

Maybe the gods will turn Lisa into a Bernard manning lookalike for her hubris ("I know I'm a bit of a looker...").

This is such fun, pouring shitloads of contumely on the heads of these self-selected and self-regarding wannabe celebs every summer!
Spatula Clarke
11:51 / 15.07.03
Nice to see that Jon's going to great lengths to show just what a tit he really is. The Cameron thing isn't sour grapes at all. Really it isn't. Honestly. No. That's right. Mm.

Jesus Q. Public
14:08 / 15.07.03
I know people who went to school with Jon, and I know his twin-clone socially (who wants to touch me?). It's always been very funny watching the disparity between how clever his whole family think they are and reality. Oh yes, there's not a mensa application test they can't complete. Also, watching his brother get increasingly frustrated trying to hammer nails into concrete and not putting two and two together after the 15th buckled nail...
So many reasons to hate, I tells ya.
Whisky Priestess
15:09 / 15.07.03
Oh no, is that nails story true? That's heeelarious!

And that's what I love about John, just as I loved it about Nasty Nick: he's brighter than the rest of them , but not one-tenth as bright as he thinks he is. Double the fun of someone who actually really was an evil genius (which I am praying and suspecting Cameron is ... without much hope alas).
16:36 / 18.07.03
does anyone give a fuck about tonight? because i'm not all that bothered. this time last year, i'm sure everything was more exciting. and i wish steph was up for the chop! at first i thought she couldn't possibly annoy me anymore: i was wrong!
if i had to choose, i guess i'd rather cameron left. his whole thing is pretty old now and who knows, maybe scott and nush will kiss again!
Spatula Clarke
20:04 / 18.07.03
Nush out, then.

Wonder if she'll finally be able to form a complete sentence - "It is what it is, thingy, mmm. Nushy, nushy nushy, too-dedoo. It's not as if... you know what I mean?"

It'll also be interesting to see if someone can explain exactly why people think she's "using her sexuality," 'cos where I come from displaying the emotional maturity of a neutered nine year old does not = using your sexuality.
07:14 / 21.07.03

I was happy to hear some people booing her. Not interested in Scott at all huh? Riiiiiiiight oh. (If you're happy and you know it clap your hands Nush)
Whisky Priestess
13:53 / 21.07.03
Yes, and the mind of a child in the body of a 23-year-old seems to be something of a turn-on for certain members of the household. And more to the point, gun to their head, wouldn't anyone rather do Nush than Steph?
20:48 / 22.07.03
SO does anyone else REALLY love this task? It's basically jsut "Here's some rope, Cameron- just do the decent thing, yeh?". The questions he's getting seem really obviously aimed at tripping him up, what with "How may dates before you sleep with someone?" and then "How do you feel about gay marriges?". It was just perfect, watching him flouder around,but it's at this point that I start a petition to get a mean-ass Big Brother for next year, so that should soemone try and say they got their homophobia from the bible, they can be told that they're stupid fucking cretins and, should they say that they try and live their lives according to what they have learnt, they should be asked "Yeh, so why can't men who aren't you marry other men who also aren't you? And could you sound any more sublatently homosexual??"

Also, praise to Jon for his lovely "religious people are weak-willed" comment, clearly said becuase he knew Cameron would see it, and possibly slightly redeming him from his perpetual "I've got a plan, short and stout, here is it's much-hyped conception in my miiiiind and here is the lame, flaccid hissy fit reality of my snipe at Cameron The Big Rich Fish Monger" song-and-dance.

And and Ray: if a woman who is willing to sleep with you on the first date is, apparently, in some total, not the sort of woman you want to go out with, at all, ever, because they are slappers, then pray tell how it is that, as you are also willing to sleep with women on a first date ("one night stands are OK"), that this doesn't make you a big, undateable, unloveable social reject just like all those clamydia-infected "dirty women"??

Whisky Priestess
06:20 / 23.07.03
I do enjoy this task, I have to say, although as you point out the questions seem to have been designed more to make the housemates uncomfortable/reveal their prejudices than to pose any real challenge to the other housemates as to how they will answer them. I think the actual testing part of the challenge will be piss-easy:

"Housemate 1: how do you think Cameron, Bible-bashing conscientious Christian, feels about gay weddings and sex before marriage? Do you think Jon Tickle, Star Wars fanatic, believes in life on other planets?" No-brainer isn't in it.

But what it means is that they have ten minutes of solid gold footage of each housemate expressing an opinion to the camera (50 min in all!), which they can use at any time they like to make the programme more interesting. Like if all they did that day was sleep, cut to Jon talking about the time he was anally probed or Steph discussing how she would administer capital punishment. Instant viewability!
11:19 / 23.07.03
i was outraged by steph's comments about masturbation! i may have misheard because i was writing in my journal at the time, but i'm sure she said, "i don't violate myself!" gross. like, masturbation is a violation? that really creeped me out.
i'm not surprised that cameron is homophobic though.
11:21 / 23.07.03
pin, your ray comments are on the money. i was thinking the exact same thing. he more or less said he'd fuck anyone on the first date, so what does that make him?
11:26 / 23.07.03
sorry to be posting x3, it's been one of those mornings. ok i found the steph quote: "It's not about your body," she said. "It's about perversion! Are men really interested in women who violate themselves?" she continued, as the lads stayed silent.
"It's wrong. It's not something I need in my life," concluded Steph on the subject. But Jon wasn't willing to give up that easily, constructing a caffeine-based metaphor in an attempt to make Steph see the light.
"Say you'd only had granulated coffee and someone told you filter coffee existed. Wouldn't you want to try it?"
"Yes," responded Steph. "But it's different for men cos they have their genitalia on the outside."

now i know why i always hated steph so much. because she's a dumb ass!
Fist Fun
14:32 / 23.07.03
I kinda get the impression Steph was doing that for the benefit of Cameron. At one point she even said something like "I think you are the person most likely to agree with that..." - giving him a huge opening to...well, just keep quiet...the joys of not drinking
21:31 / 23.07.03
Is it just me, or did Big Brother go "Cameron, your topic for today is aesthetics- is size important?" at which point Cameron said that he though he was a bit fat but no, really, I do exercise normally, honest.

Yeh, so did I mishear it, or is "aesthetics" a really difficult word, or what?

Did eveyrone enjoy today's attempts by Jon to stir shit up? "Headache tablets. Getting up, asking for headache tablets and then going back to sleep again. They'll totally be all like Whoa! Fuck?!"

And thank you very much suds. It is nice when other people validate you, isn't it??
22:33 / 23.07.03
Ha! I was just watching this while pottering about in the kitchen and I must admit that these people are super plan forming geniuses from some big planet of plans and nothing else!

Ray: "We'll get up at 9 tomorrow"
Scott: "Yeh, put more enegry into the day"*
Cameron: "Yeh, liven it up"
Steph: "Wouldn't it be good if we could sunbathe!"
Scott: "Yeh!"

Becuase sunbathing's a really energetic and lively activity, and will really make it interesting for all involved. What the hell is wrong with you stupid people??

*Because hauling your arses out of bed 8-and-a-bit hours after you're all sat on the sofas fully dressed it really gonna make you all spritely and fun...
06:35 / 24.07.03
Davina calls BB4 boring. Ha ha ha...
Whisky Priestess
09:16 / 25.07.03
Ok, so not only is the bb4 site down, it seems to have taken the whole of the channel 4 site with it. And now I'm really bored at work with no bb nonsense to relieve it even for a second. I think I need help.
Cherry Bomb
10:17 / 25.07.03
Whiskey google digital spy big brother and you will be entertained for hours and hours...
16:12 / 25.07.03
ok so lets start betting on the winner.

i'm going to go for cameron to win because thew british public are that boring. 2nd scott, 3rd ray & 4th steph.
17:21 / 25.07.03
I think Scott is the least offensive of the lot not that I wasn't charmed by his fuzzy ghost philosophy... in comparison to everyone else's opinionated shite. But then again I only watched the highlights. Boo Camero-"Och me homophobic nooo"
17:28 / 25.07.03
Cameron winning would be awful, but possibly most fitting. He advocates beating children with belts, is blatently homophobic above and beyond pertsonal, faith-based abstention (as in sex before marriage) and it's ocmpletely inexplicable how much good will was built up towards him becuase he went to south africa- does no one realise that the show got good because of the lack of Cameron and the love of Gae??

Why can't we vote for Gae to win?
Spatula Clarke
17:33 / 25.07.03
Cameron can't win it now - the admission that he's not prepared to state his opinion on anything while he's inside the house, but will happily chat about stuff with housemates once they're out and no longer on camera is going to lose him a serious number of votes. He's effectively managed to confirm Jon's suspicions and I don't think many people who previously supported him are going to be too happy about it.

Steph obviously has no chance. She's made it this far simply because each time she's been up for eviction it's been against someone much worse.

Ray and Scott... I'm not sure. If forced to guess, I'd say Ray'll win it. Scott's a dull, dull man. Unlike Cameron, what he's shown seems to be the sum total of his personality. It's defintiely between the two of them, and my money'd have to be on Ray. I've got a 100% batting average on eveiction results this year and I'm not about to strike out now
17:41 / 25.07.03
That Steph comment about masturbation had me spluttering with rage and...well, disbelief. Only men have genitals on the outside? Where's her clit? Somewhere inside her left nostril, or what?

And 'hide the sausage'? How can she not know what it means to play 'hide the sausage'? Cameron knows what hide the sausage is, for fuck's sake. Is she thicker than Jade?

And Cameron...what a fuck. What an utter, utter fuck. And he looks so innocent and sweet, and generally seems to behave as though he is innocent and sweet. When he's actually a nasty, nasty bigoted wretch.
20:30 / 25.07.03
Cameron just won.... to quote fuckpig: Hwaoooooraghhh.
20:46 / 25.07.03
"It's naw right" - Cameron. Not half.
Mourne Kransky
22:13 / 25.07.03
Virgin fishmonger wins Big Brother. Oh well, at least it wasn't Evil Steph. Dry your tears, lovely Scott, and come see some puppies.

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