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Big Brother 4


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20:21 / 18.06.03
Federico, post-nomination.

Stupid. Fucking. Arsewipey. Little. Boy.
Tryphena Absent
20:49 / 18.06.03
Crikey, he does add petulant drama to the house! I am of the opinion that Federico should stay. I enjoy his bendy arms and he rants rather nicely. John should also stay because his voice grates, he stood outside and watched a rainstorm (and it was exactly what I do when there's mega rain), his superhero face is completely mental and he's a geek.

Thus Cameron. Far too biblical. Freaky eye thing going on- he creeps me out with the eyes following the people. Boring. Cameron should go.
Spatula Clarke
21:08 / 18.06.03
Ain't going to happen, Anna - two this week, remember.

Federico deserves to go, obviously, but it'd be a shame to lose him when there seems to be serious friction building up between him and Tania. Personality clashes have been sorely lacking so far, so that'd be quite nice to see. Alas, he's bound to go.

Jon and Scott get points for winding her up about her shitzu.

Very much sick of Ray. He seems to have all of Federico's dubious qualities, with the added bonus of a possible violent streak.
Tryphena Absent
21:23 / 18.06.03
Groan... I forgot that two were going. Oh, if only Steph had been nominated! She's so gruesome and yuk and I just want Cameron to go away, he keeps perving on Tania, it's gross. He's too Orkney bible to perve. Get rid of Steph, Cameron and Nush and inject Ray and Fed with testosterone because I wanna see them fight! To the death! In a cage!
23:06 / 18.06.03
Fed would fail the task of being injected with testosterone. He'd accidentally puncture a femoral artery and kill himself before he reached the cage.
14:26 / 19.06.03
Flashback moment : very civilised of Jon to agree to be the guesser in the Relay Charades task - gives up the chance of the reward whilst (let's be honest) seriously upping the chances of the charades being guessed.

And : "I am colourwoman" ? What the..?
Alphonse commands you!
15:34 / 19.06.03
Rock! I knew there had to be a BB thread somewhere!

Jon has really grown on me as entertainment. As company I'm sure he'd be hell to live with, and I do find his voice and manner annoying, but he's joyful to watch in comparison to the rest of them. Any man who scolds tomatoes and tells everyone about their peculiar Freudian dreams is pure TV gold as far as I'm concerned.

Cameron should be retained precisely because the tension between his spooky-perv side and his forgive-me-Lord-for-I-have-sinned side will eventually prove too much if he is kept in for long enough. I would nominate Cameron as most likely to go on a killing spree with a length of pipe, and surely the chance of that is worth keeping him in for?

Did anyone see him and Nush pretending to kiss last night? I swear the mental age in there is about four. If they fancy each other (and she certainly wouldn't do that with anyone she was repelled by) they should just cover themselves in olive oil and fuck bare-arsed on the living room rug. That would give the ratings a boost.

Fed is a tough one. On the plus side, he's rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way, and he's a whiny self-justifying little shit with delusions of grandeur, and on the minus side - er, see above. If he stays in he should definitely be made to fight someone, though, whether it's Tania or Ray (or a TAG TEAM!! Yes!) just so that we can all have the pleasure of watching his skinny arse being soundly kicked.
19:52 / 19.06.03
anna: dude, i totally agree with you about steph! she really winds me up. i can't explain why. i think it's just her *face*. is that really mean?
mr livedog, you've scarred me with bizarre mental images. i won't look at a bottle of olive oil in the same way ever again.
Cherry Bomb
08:18 / 20.06.03
Things that are creepy about Cameron:

The way he pervs at Tania and then talks to Big Brother about "some people's behavior." Or even talks about how gorgeous Tania is but how "wild" she is. What impure thoughts he must be having.

Also his obsessive praying and bible-reading.

I think he's a wee bit on the crazy side. How he got in the house is beyond me.

Jon did the right thing, bringing the complete works of William Shakespeare in there. That or something like the Norton Anthology of literature is really the way to go on the "One Book" front.
Whisky Priestess
14:11 / 20.06.03
The problem with the Shakespeare thing is that, practical though it is, it immediately marks him out as either pretentious or an Intelecktual, and that's one thing the British public doesn't like. If he weren't also entertainingly geeky and unable to keep his thoughts to himself, he'd have been out ages ago for being too clever by half. If it were me I would have taken War and Peace (have two copies, have read neither) but with this lot I probably would have taken refuge in reading 24/7 and finished it after a week.

I think [Cameron's] a wee bit on the crazy side. How he got in the house is beyond me.

How any TV producer worth hir salt could have kept him out, more like. Nice normal polite sane considerate balanced people who don't get drunk, fancy each other, swear, smoke or say nasty things may be lovely to live with but they are terminally dull to watch. Cameron on the other hand (as I believe I observed above - how smug am I?) while appearing to be normal, is in fact secretly a stealthy sexual time-bomb. And if only I didn't have stuff to do on Wednesday nights I could have watched him go off. As it were. Damn my social life - half the time I really would rather be watching Big Brother ...

Priapic Wicker Man Cameron to win!
Spatula Clarke
16:42 / 20.06.03
Tania has apparently told the others that she's working class. She bases this on the fact that she hasn't got a job. If she doesn't go soon my Tania hate-on's going to swell to bursting point.
Whisky Priestess
22:38 / 20.06.03
Somebody should make it clear to her that the claim "I don't do anything" does not automatically make you a horny-handed son of toil. Sitting on your fat trust fund and painting your nails all day is not quite what Marx had in mind when he described the proletariat, methinks.

Jon is out. I feel bereaved. I may start stalking him just to get my fix of entertainment.
13:21 / 21.06.03
my bbf said to me today: "the two most entertaining people have left the house. i'm not watching bb4 again!" and i had to agree.
it's usually around this time when things start hotting up, but now fed & jon have gone it's official: all the quiet ones (& ray) are left. yawwwwwwwwwn.
15:52 / 21.06.03
The more i watch him, the more i grow fond of Cameron. As entertaining as everyone reakons Jon was, i was more than happy to see him leave. It also pissed me off, that as soon as he got out the house, he started putting on a totally different act, as if we wouldnt notice- after all, its not like we;ve been watching him for the last month. And that he also followed suit with fed, revealing his nominations; It made me growl at the TV.
21:32 / 21.06.03
I liked Jon's Speical Shirt For Being Evicted In. Very... special.

I don't think Cameron is a secretly a randy fuck under that exterior, I think he's two different people who, soon, will split into two seperate phsyical entities and duke it out, one with a giant phallus protruding from his secret special nether regions and the other with a giant phallus protruding from his forehead, like a be-wanged Superman III.
21:39 / 21.06.03
Yeah but Jon's socks were even better. Bright. Yellow. Shining from his ankles. Superb.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:41 / 22.06.03
I have to admit did take a certain pleasure in seeing Cameron have to nominate 5 of the 6 to have the special meal. Although when I turned on I thought it was a nomination for Friday night. I thought, “come on you wet blanket just get on with it”. I didn’t realise he had to exclude just one member from a celebration. This is TV cruelty, it reminded me of the psychological experiment of the prisoners and guards. I wanted them to tell big brother to fuck off and all stand in solidarity against BB, but I guess that is not human nature.
Spatula Clarke
00:53 / 22.06.03
You and me both. The thought of giving up the reward room in the name of fairness didn't even seem to cross his mind - Ray (or Scott) suggested it just before they went in, but nobody else took him up on it. Shame.

I dunno, though - is it just me, or did the whole thing seem overly sadistic? Pointless, too. There would have been more entertainment value in either leaving two people outside or letting everyone in. Don't understand the reasoning behind that one.

The website, seemingly written by Daily Star staffers, has just called Federico 'hunky'. I've seen more hunk on the Mekon.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:41 / 22.06.03
Sorry to offend anyone with a “fin” haircut, but this single attribute will negate any positive attribute being placed on you. And if you do have a “fin” haircut, you should not only question yourself but your friends as well.
13:50 / 22.06.03
So, uh, did anyone watch this earlier? It seems Cameron has gone to South Africa.


And we're getting one of their big brother housemates in return.

Why? Who can say?
14:26 / 22.06.03

Cameron's possibly the most interesting housemate for the cross-cultural exchange. 'Big Brother Africa' is almost entirely black (in sharp opposition to, er, Orkney) and the sexual shenanigans are much, much more in-your-face. I'll be interested to see how Bible-Boy adapts...
01:20 / 23.06.03
Goddamn, i wont see it- its only on E4. Us crappy terestial people will only the the african one arrive here.
Mourne Kransky
09:12 / 23.06.03
I can think of few things that would be more enraging than to be flown all the way to Africa and spend a fortnight there, unable to leave the house.

Cameroon's flushed little cheeks are about to be grilled to a crisp in the sun there. Presumably us terrestrial-only types will get edited highlights from the Africa House, gbop.

Apparently the BB folks here can't nominate him while he's away but he will continue to nominate. Weird.
09:24 / 23.06.03
Camerons reaction was great when they told him that he'd be going to South Africa, I heard that the new UK housemate is male and law student - should be fun. They've done it other countries (Spain/Argentina swap) and it worked really well.

Out this week? Hard to tell now that they can't vote for Cameron probably Steph.
10:09 / 23.06.03
Cameron's 'Big Brother Africa' counterpart is Gaetano Kagwa, a 30 year old Ugandan student of politics (I think) who's already 'romanced' a female housemate (in an up-and-down under-the-duvet kinda way)...

This week's nominees? Ray and Tania, I reckon.
nedrichards is confused
12:57 / 23.06.03
This is yet for evidence of a shadowy pro Cameron conspiracy among the C4 editors, by the time he returns it'll be down to the final few. What would be much better would be to make either of them rfesponsible for the other, if one gets chucked out so does the other.

And where are the identical twins?
13:30 / 23.06.03
Y'mean Jon and Justine? Evicted.
Whisky Priestess
13:44 / 23.06.03


I hope this isn't true. With Cameron gone there will be absolutely no reason to watch. And I'll do it anyway. And hate myself.
Whisky Priestess
14:12 / 23.06.03
Ah ... he's coming back. Thank God for that. I thought it was a bit drastic to have permanent swopsies, as well as unbalancing the house somewhat.

I bet Ugandan Gaetano hasn't got a chance with the cross-legged UK lovelies, mind. Be interesting to watch him try though.

Does this mean that we'll get daily Cameron updates from the BBSA house?
Cherry Bomb
10:20 / 24.06.03
Has anyone seen or read anything about Gaetano yet? He seems quite refreshing. Not sure how Cameron will fare in the BBAfrica house, however. The being able to nominate without being nominated, however, IS weird..
William Sack
10:32 / 24.06.03
Haven't seen him on the show yet, but according to the BB4 website Gae (pronounced "Guy") in his first 24 hours in the house has initiated a steamy conversation about sex, started a political discussion about the Gulf War, kissed Nush, and reduced Tania to tears by calling her a pig that "enjoys her food." In short, he seems more interesting than the rest of them put together.
11:20 / 24.06.03
the man from south africa already had sex on bbafrica with a housemate called ally - cute!
this whole thing is *sorta* getting me back into bb4 but not all that much. i just can't tolerate any more of steph. she makes me furious. i can honestly say i hate everything about her!
11:23 / 24.06.03
link for bb africa house:
11:25 / 24.06.03
Why does she bother you so much suds, I just can't see it myself..

Tania on the other hand, was watching it last night live very sad but I couldn't sleep but it didn't show you much of Gae - Big bro little bro will show more tonight though and the is pretty boring though but I do like the swap idea and I'm pretty sure they have other things planned.
Spatula Clarke
11:29 / 24.06.03
Word, Bear. Steph's one of the few people this year who I don't mind.

Wonder if we are going to see a new housemate this year or if they'll have a week with no evictions.

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