The problem with the Shakespeare thing is that, practical though it is, it immediately marks him out as either pretentious or an Intelecktual, and that's one thing the British public doesn't like. If he weren't also entertainingly geeky and unable to keep his thoughts to himself, he'd have been out ages ago for being too clever by half. If it were me I would have taken War and Peace (have two copies, have read neither) but with this lot I probably would have taken refuge in reading 24/7 and finished it after a week.
I think [Cameron's] a wee bit on the crazy side. How he got in the house is beyond me.
How any TV producer worth hir salt could have kept him out, more like. Nice normal polite sane considerate balanced people who don't get drunk, fancy each other, swear, smoke or say nasty things may be lovely to live with but they are terminally dull to watch. Cameron on the other hand (as I believe I observed above - how smug am I?) while appearing to be normal, is in fact secretly a stealthy sexual time-bomb. And if only I didn't have stuff to do on Wednesday nights I could have watched him go off. As it were. Damn my social life - half the time I really would rather be watching Big Brother ...
Priapic Wicker Man Cameron to win! |