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Big Brother 4


Page: 12345(6)7891011

Tryphena Absent
11:56 / 24.06.03
Oh dear no. Steph's awful, she's like a midget sports teacher. There to torment all the people who skipped off that lesson continuously for five years. Her teeth are freaky and her hair makes her look like an elf and she smiles with that vague my-brain-has-been-addled-by-years-of-running-and-jumping expression. Every time she appears on screen I want to beat her with a stick, it's irrational but true. Watching her dance is hellish because she has absolutely no natural grace. She is the scary relative at a wedding I tell you. Arrrggghhh.
12:23 / 24.06.03
anna is OTM about steph! yay anna!

steph is boring for one thing.
she's lazy. plus, you can tell she can be a real bitch.
i know it's mean to dislike someone cos of their teeth, but at the end of the day i'm sure she can afford to visit the dentist and get them sorted out. i can't help it, her teeth just really bother me. but also her clothes and hair. and her voice and if i was in the house with her, i'd have started a fight with her! & have you notcied how she RUNS to the showers every morning like a selfish psycho!
Spatula Clarke
12:36 / 24.06.03
I dunno. All seem to be qualities shared by Tania, only Steph doesn't have an inflated sense of self-importance.

12:49 / 24.06.03
Damn right..

I thought it was Tania that ran to the shower every morning? Do you think maybe you've got the names the wrong way round?

Anyway Tania out this week and Nush will win.
Alphonse commands you!
14:47 / 24.06.03
God, I can't imagine anyone less interesting than Nush to win, except possibly Scott. And yet, like Kate, Brian and Craig before her, it is always the peacekeeping milksop say-nothings that prosper.

I really wish that one year a complete psychopath would win BB by appearing to be nice as pie and then revealing their rapacious, exploitative, OK-Magazine-suing side as soon as they were out of the house. Like Nasty Nick, but less stupid.
Tryphena Absent
14:58 / 24.06.03
Yes but Tania's just soooo weird and self-absorbed plus you know she probably didn't play hockey at school. She's just ridiculous and not at all manipulative whereas Steph... it's just her smile. Oh god I miss Elizabeth so much right now.
17:42 / 24.06.03
Elizabeth... ooo vague memories make me cringe; Her pathetic "ooh dear"-ing at everything, and nicey niceyness. ARGGHHH!!! Put some passion into it, girl. Did she not leave after week one or so? I can remember very few of the old housemates and to which BB they belonged.

I am still in two minds with Tania. She seems like someone who would make my life hell in real life, but in big brother i'd probably get along with her fine. Come on, the girl brought chocolate and champagne as her luxuries.. is that not the kinda BB-best-bud you need?

Steph, however much i liked her at first, irritates me with her patronising crap. It all a bit quiet now. ssssshhhh...ssssshhhhh....
All so peaceful untill... du du du du they decide to put a new interesting housemate in, which i doubt they will after guy returns.
21:26 / 24.06.03

*explodes in hyperventilating fountain of snot 'n' saline*

"People can get sick from that kind of comment..."
Spatula Clarke
21:32 / 24.06.03
Also: "Where I come from, that's a rude comment." Yeah. Fuckin' savages.
Tryphena Absent
21:50 / 24.06.03
I loved Elizabeth because she was completely off her trolley and she was in BB2 for ages! She was just so stylised and blah love Tania again because she gave a speech to the cameras about her complete inability to nominate someone. She's so strange.

I'm actually going to ring up to vote Steph out. I haven't voted so far this series.
00:31 / 25.06.03
Hilarious. Tania is just hilarious. I've never seen anyone get so upset from a comment that most people would just laugh about.

"I wanna go if he's gonna talk to me like that"

C'mere piggy piggy. Can you say insecure?

Gonna be fun when she goes on Friday, huh?
Cherry Bomb
09:22 / 25.06.03
There DOES seem to be a lot Tania-hate-on at the moment... I'm not sure why exactly. OK, she's slutty, she chain-smokes and she wears make-up to bed but that's PART OF HER CHARM! I just know she's going to get voted out this week, though.

Your description of Steph is dead on the money, Anna. She seems to have strange teeth as well.

I'm trying to decide who I like on the show now that Jon's out and the answer is really, none of them. Except for South African import Gae. If only *HE* could stay!
09:33 / 25.06.03
Just waiting for all the pig signs on Friday, like Graham Norton said last night if that comment upset her wait until she watches some of his shows!

Yeah Gae seems cool he's go the right idea since he's only there for a week and can't be voted by the UK housemates he's decided to fuck shit up a little...

But you were right about Steph it was her running for the shower, very sorry but I still don't see the evilness of her.
09:48 / 25.06.03
I actually saw the piggy incident, and I know if that had been me I would have been incredibly fucking upset (of course, I wouldn't participate in a 'Let's all define me' game in the first place, but, ya know...). Most people have a few things about which they're really sensitive. It was no effort at all for me to put myself in her place, and I felt really sorry for her.
Mr Messy
11:47 / 25.06.03
I did think that it was a bizzare thing to say. I mean, to firstly call someone Piggerish, so as to soften the blow, to then realise that no-one understands this word, and then just go ahead and say Piggy. Its bizarre.

I love Tania. She is hilarious. I do think that if someone I'd just met used the word Piggy to sum me up, then I'd be a little hurt, but her reaction was fabulously hysterical.

I don't get the anti-Steph brigade. Personally I have a hatred towards all of the boys. Their schoolyard pranks are so tedious. I can easily visualise all of them in school uniform. (Not a sexy image I hasten to add). I hated the moment when they dared to kiss each other, (Note, I use the word kiss here lightly, since it was more of a fumbled head-but/butt?) and then just had to curl up in revulsion and delight at what they had just done. ITS PATHETIC. I WANT FULL TONGUE ACTION OR NOTHING.
11:55 / 25.06.03
Boys kissing!?! That's nearly as bad as kissing a girl.

There doesn't seem to be much sexual tension was it last year we had that Welsh girl and that guy in the little room?

And what the deal with Scott is he good looking? Allegedly everyone on the outside (we the public) think he's really hot - Do we?

It just doesn't seem to have it this year, even the housemates seem to have had enough and are ready to go home.

Release the real live Tigers I reckon.
12:15 / 25.06.03
scott is hott!

i agree that saying that to tania was really mean. i felt v sorry for her. but i have suffered from an eating disorder myself, so i think it just really got to me. i don't understand the anti-tania hype: what's up with everyone wanting to get rid of the lively interesting people this year?
Spatula Clarke
12:32 / 25.06.03
Thing is, the longer they stay in the house the more likely we are to have them on TV in the future and I think there's an element of that in the public voting. Tania's only interesting in an awful, guilty, gawking at the freak manner. Jade II - This Time It's Posh.

of course, I wouldn't participate in a 'Let's all define me' game in the first place, but, ya know..

I think that's the main point. Anyone with an ounce of common sense wouldn't ask others to define them in three words without expecting some kind of negative in there.
Alphonse commands you!
12:38 / 25.06.03
Scott is NOT hot. He is dull, dull, dull. Last year I could see the charm of Alex, who was (according to the ladies) hot, because he was a minor obsessive-compulsive and loathed Jade with an all-consuming loathing, which was super entertaining to watch. Plus he had a habit of saying very funny things (albeit inadvertently) completely deadpan.

But Jesus, why are they all so nice this year? If I wanted to watch the bloody Teletubbies I'd tune in earlier.

Teletubby Brother. Now there's a thought.
12:48 / 25.06.03
Scott is Matt Damon's little, less jock-like, brother.
Tryphena Absent
13:24 / 25.06.03
Last year I could see the charm of Alex, who was hot, because he was a minor obsessive-compulsive and loathed Jade with an all-consuming loathing

Plus that sudden glance at the camera and 'that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it' is possibly one of the greatest TV moments ever (while creating an awareness that Alex, unlike every other member of the house, has never forgotten the cameras).
13:42 / 25.06.03
well my GBF & me think scott is hott, it doesn't have anything to do with personality: if you're going for looks scott has to be it.

i mean, if you *had* to have sex with one of the housemates, who would it be?

scott! right?
13:48 / 25.06.03
But he has one of those weird Robbie Williams faces, giant dimples that make him look like he's wearing a rubber mask or someone elses face - maybe he's one of the lizard people...

But people keep saying Tanias hot and I can't see that either, probably just me then.
Mr Messy
14:46 / 25.06.03
Scott gets minus points for his nasty black striped shirt.

I like sleek heads, so I guess if I had to choose it would be Ray. But no no no no no, see above comment, can't go there.

They all seem to have shlurped together into a horrible sugary lump of mediocrity. Which in fact isn't nice at all, its horrid.
Whisky Priestess
15:38 / 25.06.03
If I *had* to have sex with one of the housemates? Oh god no, they're all so unattractive ... except Orkney lovely Cameron of course. Who is more attractive than Scott simply because he has something approaching a personality. Plus he would probably whisper the Song of Solomon in your ear as he was undressing you.

Mmm ... [cod Orkney accent]

"O daughter of the prince: the joints of your thighs are like chains, the work of the craftsman. Your navel is as a turned bowl, not wanting liquor; your belly is as a heap of wheat set about with lilies. Your two breasts are as two twin fawns ..."

Mourne Kransky
18:37 / 25.06.03
If I had to have sex with one of them, I'd have sex with Scott (because he wrote a play for Radio 4, it was probably shit though) and Ray (arse, I know, but a fit Erse one and he does have bugger lugs).

Tania out. Dull +++

Noosh I quite like with her dippy hippy shit and Steph I used to loathe but now I just want to gaffa tape her mouth shut (so I can't see her teeth) and shave off the crap hair.

I'd kind of like to have Gos as a spare mother.

I miss overbearing Akela Jon and I miss the feelings of blind fury inspired by the weegie scum, feeble Fed. It was oddly ferapeutic.

Thank God for Gae, who even tried to get them to talk about the War in Iraq. Good try, Gae, but these Brits are not going to let an honest opinion escape about something that matters. Now he looks like a man who would give an excellent prostate massage.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:27 / 26.06.03
Gae is a master of the art of understatement, as he proved in the diary room:

"I guess I expected them to be a bit more... lively."
Whisky Priestess
07:46 / 26.06.03
Did Scott write a play that was performed on R4 or did he just submit it?

Our challenge for the day is to find a copy of this play, if it still exists in cyberspace ...
Cherry Bomb
08:03 / 26.06.03
I think the BB4 editors are playing up to the "pig" comment, as yesterday in the highlights show they had some close-up shots of Tania taking three huge spoonfuls of some sort of muffin dough while all the girls were in the kitchen, while poor Gaetano has been ostracized. Bet he can't wait to hop the plane back to BB Africa!

Gae is the clearly the sexiest boy in the house and also the smartest (intellectually, if not socially/aware of british cultural norms), and really the only one worth shagging at the moment!

Xoc I can't believe you would prefer steph or nush out as opposed to tania! Nush is so DULL!

On the other hand, they're all kind of dull. I wish they'd picked people who were "a bit more lively..."
Whisky Priestess
08:12 / 26.06.03
I wish they'd picked a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics, or homeless alkies, or people who might actually need the prize money ...
William Sack
08:57 / 26.06.03
Well, I think there is a sub-Jackass programme called 'Bum Fights' Whisky. I believe that's just footage of drunk homeless people fighting.

According to the BBAfrica website, their task this week has been to make masks of mythical figures. Apparently Cameron has impressed with his design for an elephant's head mask. Hang on a sec. Ganesh hasn't posted here for a while. Xoc, is there something you're not telling us?
Spatula Clarke
10:13 / 26.06.03
Got to love Scott's attempts to calm the waters between Tania and Gae. "I don't think he meant it in a nasty way. Maybe a better way of putting it would have been to say you're a gannett... or that you tend to pig out."

Clever lad.
Alphonse commands you!
10:40 / 26.06.03
... or that you're a fat pink human dustbin ...

Ah, tact.
Fist Fun
10:49 / 26.06.03
Yeah, the severe close up of Tania vigorously eating was telling.

Shame for Gaetano. He looks lost.
11:00 / 26.06.03
I just liked the bit where Nush and Tania said he "needed educating" and that he "should have some education" and that they didn't care wher he came from, "he should be educated".

Really? Even if "pig" really does ave different connotations in other parts of the world? That's really, actually, entirely due to the fact that someone is badly educated?

Am I just tryng too hard to find racism? Or was declaring that other people using English differently to us were ill-educated and, by inference, stupid jsut a really dumb thing to say?

Also, can we ensure that he gets a carear over here (maybe a three month try-out period to decide if we really want me in the media)?

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