First impressions:
They're all very young-ish, and pretty-ish, and on the face of it, deeply, deeply hetereosexual. Hmmm. And yeah, a lot of them do seem with their parents, or to be very close to them - which I don't think is something that people are necessarily saying is bad, Cholister, but which does seem to be an unusually consistent trait. Does it say something about the sort of people who apply for the show, or the sort of people who get picked? (By the way, I'd put money on the people doing the picking or the criteria for selection having been changed since last year - just a feeling.)
Most likely to come out in the first few weeks, if he survives that long: Jon. I'm sorry, but Foreshadowing reared its godly head when his brother said "he's the original bachelor boy, and I don't understand it because he's good looking enough and girls seem to like him..."
Cameron could really go either way - so far he seems to be more well-adjusted and socially adept than I might have expected from someone who lives in Orkney, and maybe his Baptist Christianity will express itself only in good ways - but I also won't be entirely surprised if one day he starts to explain, very calmly and reasonably and pleasantly, that he has no problem with homosexuals themselves but what they do is a sin in the eyes of the Lord...
I think Gos is in for the long haul unless he suddenly reveals/develops any particularly unpleasant characteristics and/or opinions. He'll benefit from a certain stereotype - nothing to do with race though - he's a jolly large man, and a chef - that's gold! Plus he seems genuinely quite likeable - if Cameron turns out to be a nice Christian rather than a nasty one, I see these two forming a solid, benevolently paternalistic power base in the group.
Most likely to miss his internet connection: Scott. Specifically, Scott will miss staying up all night posting to Barbelith whilst listening to gloomy rock. I mean, geez, does this guy ever smile? He's vvvery nervous, very twitchy... I can see him getting evicted this week, actually, unless he adapts very quickly and the grumpiness goes. More likely, it'll get worse, so I'd actually like him to stay so I can watch him crack.
Nous: 6 ft of blonde Home Counties NIGHTMARE. She appalls me deeply.
Tania: see Nous. At first I thought "chocolate and shoes, she might be cool" - but no. She says "Ciao" - she is this year's Tim (comprende?). If you fancy her, you probably also fancy Liz Hurley and should have your eyes put out.
Federico: looks like someone I know, disturbingly. Clearly fancies himself as a ladies man, and I suspect this will blow up in his face - already, he's had his hand resting on Steph's back at the dining table, and then she nominated him! (She gave a different reason though...) He seems smarter than he looks, and also potentially quite aggressive. He won't win, but he may be very entertaining...
Anoushka: hide the wine. When she first stepped out the limo, I was quite, how shall we say, impressed with her height. But she's clearly mentally 15. I worry about her. She'll be alright as long as Cameron learns to see her as a child for him to shepherd... like Jack Fear and Rage!
I quite like Sissy - she endeared herself to me by yelling "tune!" after putting a record on in her 'story' clip montage. She's alright.
Can't be arsed to talk about the rest. I will be hooked early this year, I think, then I'll decide it's boring in about two weeks, then get seriously hooked again two weeks after that... |