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Big Brother 4


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19:44 / 23.05.03
So... loads of this year's contestants are either living with their parents or living in the same street as their parents or describe their mother/father as their "best friend". Middle-Class Regressives R Us?

There's a rumour going around (which, to be fair, probably circulated in previous years too) that one of 'em used to be trans. Hmmm, not convinced - but if I had to choose, I'd guess Ray. Most annoying so far is Federico, but that's probably the accent thing. And the hair. And the 'anyone who doesn't know me will say I'm a fun, jolly person but I'm deeeeper than that' schtick.

And they're gonna have to nominate this evening. Cruel and unusual...

First impressions?
Pemulis / Dee Vapr / Hungrygho
20:15 / 23.05.03
My, they are all so preeeety this year.

All seemingly very bland likeable tho, apart from that horrible Tania woman, who I suggest will be the first out => not putting as many obviously abrasive people in there may precipitate much dullity tho.
20:41 / 23.05.03
The back of Steph's hair looks similar to the astroturf.

The Blonde One and The Brown One who are The Same One- notice how The Blonde One dropped the nickname and had the same name as The Brown One just so they could giggle about it? HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY DIE??

I hope they get face cramps from smiling.
20:53 / 23.05.03
hey... I live with my parents. It doesn't make me a bad person. I actually *like* my family. In various cultures it is customary to live with one's family for quite a while.

It's a sore point, ok? Jeez.

I did not see BB. I will go now.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
21:13 / 23.05.03
Well Tania and Nush are the two most attractive gals, which for someone as shallow as me, is the first thing to look out for.
Anouska seems nice but a bit overbearing. Justine seems like a typical, cynical twenty-something with a “professional” job. I think that Steph may gravitate towards the motherly role. Sissy seems the most excitable and naive. The men, so far, seem to be a pretty effete bunch. The tension arising from a male leadership process may be reduced a bit.
Pemulis / Dee Vapr / Hungrygho
22:11 / 23.05.03
Well, Tania's not up for the public vote then


I have high hopes for this year. They seem an engaging bunch - I haven't had the immediate reaction that had last year - ("who the f**k are... these dullass people????), and they don't seem to have thrown in the mandatory childperson (i.e. Jade, Helen) that they have in years past. The demographic seems a bit younger too - typically mid to late twenties, and I'm sure it's been a bit older in the last couple of years.

Possible implications of generally higher levels of sex appeal in the cast at large? Possible implications for much wanted sex-scene inducement?

My hot tips for the winner - Cameron or Steph. However, I have been wrong EVERY SINGLE YEAR so far, so there you go.
Spatula Clarke
22:20 / 23.05.03
I caught a couple of minutes of it. I agree that the age range of people in the house seems to be different than previous years, but in that it's far less varied. Other than the guy in the green shirt, we do seem to be faced with a group in their early twenties.

Decision based on the audience population and a desire for lifestyle mag coverage, presumably.
22:30 / 23.05.03
Not moved out yet, then, Cholister?

From the official Big Brother website, we learn that

One law Federico might make would be to sterilise everyone at birth and return their fertility only when they had proved their parenting skills.

Tryphena Absent
22:41 / 23.05.03
But he was wearing a pink top.

I liked Tania... she took chocolate in to the house. I wasn't big on Anouska, she chooses to change the nappies of other people's babies, I find that weird. Sadly disappointed by the lack of male eye candy, shall have to eye up the women instead, the prettiness is imbalanced this year.
22:46 / 23.05.03
I thought Ray was quite pretty, if a tad brachycephalic. None of the blokes is ugly exactly, and the high prevalence of shaven scalps works for me...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:02 / 23.05.03
Abouskas definitely out first, which is a shame cos she is easiest on the eye and so abrasive as to be almost entertaining.

Why do 'The Public'(tm) always vote as if they were in the house, rather than to make the whole thing as uncomfortable and entertaining as possible? Tension makes great TV but the vote always follows the path of least resistance. Hmmm.

Ganesh? I believe you are in the field of answering such things.
23:17 / 23.05.03
Umm... because there's a common tendency to empathise, and thus vote in terms of 'ooh, she'd really piss me off'? Despite the situation, they're not lab rats in a cage; they're fellow human beings.

Speaking of empathy, Nush appears to be assuming too much with people she's just met; she's getting pissed and telling her life story to Federico (who she appears to fancy) and Gos (who's already been shoved into the 'good listener' pigeonhole). Hope, for her sake, the Great British Public doesn't do its usual calculation of Blonde Hair + Talking To Men = Slapper Ripe For Exile...
Tryphena Absent
23:34 / 23.05.03
My housemates referred to Ray as 'best of a bad bunch'.
23:39 / 23.05.03
Yeah absolutely no pretty boys in this years Big Brother!
04:27 / 24.05.03
I was napping while the housemates entered but remember hearing some Scottish dude repeating how "mad" it all was, now I'm not easily irritated but within two seconds he had me yearning for him to shut up.
07:18 / 24.05.03
He's Cameron, the happy clappy Bappy that deserves a slappy.
08:39 / 24.05.03
I believe the correct word was "wild". Implying that, amongst other things, the astroturf was wild. So were the artfical lights. ANd the fish, in the tank. The small, enclosing tank.

Did someone pull Sissy's eyes out for going Does ayone here not drink? COS WE'LL HAVE THEIRS OVER HERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:01 / 24.05.03
because there's a common tendency to empathise, and thus vote in terms of 'ooh, she'd really piss me off'?

Ah, now I see where I have been missing the point entirely.

Empathy, you say. Just looked it up. I thought it was a soap bar.
12:51 / 24.05.03
I dont find them a highly engaging bunch really, on the whole.

Tania- i had an initial abraisive reaction against her, but after watching her, i kinda warmed to her- she didnt seem eager to push forward a facet like some others. And she took chocolate- good girl tania.

You really think Nush is attractive? I really *REALLY* dont. Each to their own and all that. She reminds me of Sada, series one.

Anuska, no matter how irritating, we need her. She is the jade/adele in one. I think.

Cameron- aww aint he cute (in mannerisms etc). Steph seems like the kinda girl id like to be. Maybe. Sissy, shes quite nice. Federico, get a shorter name. Oooh- scott, i find him rather interesting; im sure he has an evil streak, but will hide it well. Mix between will young and jack dee, methinx.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:05 / 24.05.03
First impressions:

They're all very young-ish, and pretty-ish, and on the face of it, deeply, deeply hetereosexual. Hmmm. And yeah, a lot of them do seem with their parents, or to be very close to them - which I don't think is something that people are necessarily saying is bad, Cholister, but which does seem to be an unusually consistent trait. Does it say something about the sort of people who apply for the show, or the sort of people who get picked? (By the way, I'd put money on the people doing the picking or the criteria for selection having been changed since last year - just a feeling.)

Most likely to come out in the first few weeks, if he survives that long: Jon. I'm sorry, but Foreshadowing reared its godly head when his brother said "he's the original bachelor boy, and I don't understand it because he's good looking enough and girls seem to like him..."

Cameron could really go either way - so far he seems to be more well-adjusted and socially adept than I might have expected from someone who lives in Orkney, and maybe his Baptist Christianity will express itself only in good ways - but I also won't be entirely surprised if one day he starts to explain, very calmly and reasonably and pleasantly, that he has no problem with homosexuals themselves but what they do is a sin in the eyes of the Lord...

I think Gos is in for the long haul unless he suddenly reveals/develops any particularly unpleasant characteristics and/or opinions. He'll benefit from a certain stereotype - nothing to do with race though - he's a jolly large man, and a chef - that's gold! Plus he seems genuinely quite likeable - if Cameron turns out to be a nice Christian rather than a nasty one, I see these two forming a solid, benevolently paternalistic power base in the group.

Most likely to miss his internet connection: Scott. Specifically, Scott will miss staying up all night posting to Barbelith whilst listening to gloomy rock. I mean, geez, does this guy ever smile? He's vvvery nervous, very twitchy... I can see him getting evicted this week, actually, unless he adapts very quickly and the grumpiness goes. More likely, it'll get worse, so I'd actually like him to stay so I can watch him crack.

Nous: 6 ft of blonde Home Counties NIGHTMARE. She appalls me deeply.

Tania: see Nous. At first I thought "chocolate and shoes, she might be cool" - but no. She says "Ciao" - she is this year's Tim (comprende?). If you fancy her, you probably also fancy Liz Hurley and should have your eyes put out.

Federico: looks like someone I know, disturbingly. Clearly fancies himself as a ladies man, and I suspect this will blow up in his face - already, he's had his hand resting on Steph's back at the dining table, and then she nominated him! (She gave a different reason though...) He seems smarter than he looks, and also potentially quite aggressive. He won't win, but he may be very entertaining...

Anoushka: hide the wine. When she first stepped out the limo, I was quite, how shall we say, impressed with her height. But she's clearly mentally 15. I worry about her. She'll be alright as long as Cameron learns to see her as a child for him to shepherd... like Jack Fear and Rage!

I quite like Sissy - she endeared herself to me by yelling "tune!" after putting a record on in her 'story' clip montage. She's alright.

Can't be arsed to talk about the rest. I will be hooked early this year, I think, then I'll decide it's boring in about two weeks, then get seriously hooked again two weeks after that...
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
13:54 / 24.05.03
I would think that the living with parent thing reflects the economic climate more than anything.
I seem to think that anyone with a “posh” Scottish or Irish accent is gay(don’t know why), and that’s most of the men in there, it seems.
Nush looks like she has escaped from the set of Hollyoaks, but seems ok, in a hippy chickish kind of way. I think I’m the opposite of a lot of people in that I’m interested in the show but rarely watch it. As opposed to claiming a disinterest in it but watching it loads, so keep me up to date please.
I like sissy, but is it just an underdog thing. She’s scouse, she’s ginger and she is not particularly attractive.
I think that Federico should be voted out because he is the blandest
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:41 / 24.05.03
Five simple steps to improve Big Brother.

1)All contestants will be fitted with mechanical collars that administer an electric shock for punishment and vibrate pleasantly as a reward or to stimulate sleep.
Punishable offences are: Discussing voting, discussing potentially litigious subjects, shouting, talking while someone else is talking, sun-bathing, trying to remove the collar, complaining about the collar, acting surprised at anything Big Brother tells them to do.
Additionally, sometimes the collar will go off at random, causing interesting social consequences as the housemates try to establish what they did wrong and avoid it.

2)Eviction voting will be done together in a group, and people will indicate who they want to nominate by spitting directly into their face.

3)Evictees will simply disappear in the night and may never be mentioned again, at threat of electric shock.

4)Housemates may listen to music, but only at 3 times it’s original speed. All instruments are contraband except for jaw-harps and slide whistles.

5) When all but the final housemate have left the entrance will be dynamited and the winner will remain in the house as a testament to the inevitable triumph of the bland. Video footage of their screaming, failed escape attempts and eventual starvation exclusive to E4.

Oops, wrong thread...
Tom Coates
17:21 / 24.05.03
We need more control. It's not QUITE enough like the Sims...
19:58 / 24.05.03
It's OK, Dominic "gaydar" Mohan has discovered the Steph is one of those dirty nasty tatus, thanks to the fantastic line of reasoning that goes from Short Hair to Eats Vegetables With Feeling to Corrupts The Nation's Youth With Her Evil Mammary Luuurve.

Thanks Mohan, you big shit.

What was the fantastic twist in the voting last nite?
20:28 / 24.05.03
Nush, according to the website, "hates nuclear weapons". That's beautiful, man.

On "fashion graduate" Sissy's profile, we learn about her favourite reading matter: "the Roald Dahl novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine' continues to capture the imagination it did when she first read it as a child".

I'm looking forward to the homosexuality discussion, to see whether Cameron resists the temptation to explain the concept of Hell...
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:51 / 24.05.03
Big brother would be spiced up by the inclusion of a bona-fide serial killer. This, must be the future of reality TV.
Mourne Kransky
14:00 / 25.05.03
Ben Elton had the same thought, panarchy, and turned it into a comic novel: Dead Famous.

Very early days yet and have no cable tv with which to binge on the live feed but there are a lot of pretty boys this time around. Steph for some reason is the only woman who registers and that's because I don't like her face or her hair or her voice and particularly not her pink top. Oh, such marvellous ephemera to obsess over in the months ahead!
Cherry Bomb
08:30 / 26.05.03
Personally I'm looking forward to those Sunday roundups of the week, where they bring in the psychologists and the body language experts to tell me what everyone is thinking. I like my BB as packaged as possible.

I watched about 20 minutes of BB live last night and simply couldn't take their ENDLESS peddling on that stupid pedalboat thing they have! Plus they are all so obviously playing to the camera at this point. I'm really looking forward to when they all start going mad because they've been trapped in there for so long.

First impressions: Anoushka is annoying as all get-out but she makes good TV . Hope she stays in. Federico also annoying but easy on the eye. Nushka - a soul surgeon? What is a soul surgeon exactly?

Off to the official website now...
Mourne Kransky
14:49 / 26.05.03
Soul surgeon would suggest that, if she catches you in an unguarded moment, she will remove all or part of your soul and use it to flavour her tofu. She does have that look about her, the crazed homicidal maniac leer just below the surface of the composed public face. At least I could identify which is she.

Warming to Gos, permanently perched there in the kitchen, itching to practise his art.
Cherry Bomb
19:04 / 26.05.03
Yes I like Gos. I'm SO hoping he doesn't get voted out right off the back. I think Jon looks a little weird but I havent really heard him chat yet so the jury's out...
19:33 / 26.05.03
Jon sounds remarkably like Ben Elton when he talks - but with Lesley Ash's lips. I suspect he may be first out.
21:06 / 26.05.03
So Anouska's flirting with Federico was almost totally ignored (well, the bits about se on the pedalo were, anyway). An interesting angle to take, but then maybe they know it's the tabloid crew who are gonna get wood on this one, so are leaveing it to the papers. Or maybe the production crew are just getting pissed off with her irritating ways and want her out as much as I would if I had to look at her all day and are conspiring.

We'll see, when their recap of todays events goes out tomorrow, and wether they include her getting naked in the bathroom while Cameron was in the shower whcih seemed, from the way Radio 1 told it, to be an entirely gratuitous vote getting exercise. Oh, the shock...

Also, Shitty Irritating Fucking AARRGGHH!!!! KILLKILL Tania, as she will now be known, has recieved the cocks of both Peter Andre and Dane Bowers. But it's OK, because she didn't actually like Dane, and he was going out with Jordan. Which means she found him attractive.

Forks. Forks in eyes. No more eyes. All good.
Tryphena Absent
22:08 / 26.05.03
I like Tania. I think she's quite sweet and easily mad and I hope she stays in for at least 5 weeks (that's the point when I'll stop liking her) but yuk Peter Andre had chest implants and the man disappeared years ago. Was she 14 when she did the dirty deed or was he a has-been?

I really don't think much of Anouska, she just annoys me and Federico stays in because I approve of his tops.
22:10 / 26.05.03
Liz Hurley resembalance and Dane Bowers.

Really Anna, there can be no forgivness.
23:15 / 26.05.03
I think she looks more like Jemima Khan. And, having slept with my own fair share of monstrosities (and those who others would consider monstrous but I found perfectly pleasant), I'm in no position to judge. In fact, given suitable intoxicants and lighting conditions, I'd probably shag Dane Bowers myself.

Not Peter Andre, though. Ohhh no.

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