Yeah I could see the whole running around in dark tunnels... Terminator Red Eyes in the darkness etc...
I still think there should be a direct relation to the effects of Charles' Cerebro 2 experience...
Perhaps a Mutant Massacre would work with a group of Reavers... the continuation of all of stryker's weapon plus Adimantium experiments...
It would be Grand to see the Hellfire club rise... Again with Sebastian Shaw picking up the government contract Stryker left behind. Again we could play Donald Peirce Against Shaw; Peirce pushing a cyborb tech solution while Shaw is pushing Giant Robots that breed Morrisonesque hunter killers. I can totally see a set of Giant Robots Sentinals dredging Alkali Lake in persuit of a mutant energy reading...
Meanwhile Shaw's inviting Magneto to join as White King and take over the world through subtler means. Archangel could certainly tip off Charles or Scott to what's going on... perhaps durring a side conversation at Jean's funeral.
IMO attacking the mansion again would seem played out... If the X-men fail to help the morlocks in time then perhaps introducing Muir Island as the next target for a Sentinal attack might work... Or better yet. While peirce's Reavers are just butchering Mutants Shaw's Sentinals are collecting them on an orbital platform for use in genetic experimentation later. This is where the Hellfire club would meet and make for a magnificant location for a pitched battle. One group of X-men (Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler,)must sneak onto the platform with the help of Archangel... where they find Magneto, Mystique, Pyro staging a coup against Shaw, Emma, Lealand, and Jean "blackqueen" Grey.
Meanwhile Storm, Colossus, Iceman, Rogue (let's have a morlock escape and with it's dying breath tranfer it's consciousness and powers to rogue... giving her flight or strength--for the fan boys-- and the determination & info to huntdown and stop some reavers) and Beast who perhaps had a falling out with Forge amidst the development of mutant testing/tracking technology...
Big show down Spacebase Hellfire... Blackqueen remembers herself and turns on the Hellfireclub. Magneto collects a few choice mutant of from captivity... Sabertooth, Quicksilver, Bloob, Avalance and starts a selfdestruct sequence. The X-men escape with the remanding mutants... Gambit, Multipleman, Cannonball, Husk, Danielle Moonstar. Jean must now use her Phoenix powers to safely land their highjacked space shuttle. Magneto turns the remains of the Spacebase into his Astroid M. The surviving Hellfire club members are detained... some by Magneto...SHAW? And some by the X-men Emma?
Meanwhile it turns out the President's child is also a mutant and after the big showdown at Muir Island or another set of Morlock tunnels...(or maybe the initial tests for the Sentinals/Reavers where in some of the morlocks' smaller settlements leading up to the big purge under Manhattan)... Storm's X-team trace the reavers back to Pierce and thus save the president's child... Happy Ending the President ends Project Wide-awake realising that he must now protect his own children as well...
After the Chaos at Muir Island Proteus is Free...
Moria appears to reveal her dark secret to Charles 7 the X-men must try & Stop Proteus.
meanwhile Magneto's now got his own Cerebro on Astroid M and figures adding Proteus to his group of Acolytes will enable him to force a massive Pole shift on the planet clearing the earth of humans and "with Proteus" he can literally reshape earth to his liking.
The epic Race & chase has the X-men (Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm, Wolverine, Nighcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, Iceman) trying to stop Proteus as well as Magneto's crew from getting to him. Magneto's Acolytes (Mystique, Pyro, Sabertooth, Avalance, Bloob, Quicksilver) are trying to capture Proteus. Proteus wants to find professor X and brings the battle to the mansion, while the Professor is trying to stop magneto (via Cerebro) from wreaking havok from astroid M!!! |