God. yes. I'm with 'nesh. Bastard. Haven't been for a few years but Fist was a thing of joy. 
And actually, same goes for all 'concerned citizens' in these kinds of cases. People, poor innocent people, who manage to accidentally find their way to places that are never advertised, then along dark alleys, down three flights of stairs, past alert security, and suddenly, mysteriously find themselves surrounded by perverts.
Fuck Off.
Oh and argh:
People who treat good friends like suckers, upset them, lie to them, fuck them over, leave them stranded in all sorts of ways and *then* act like nothing's happening, playing a 'lil miss innocent' routine and lying through their teeth.
No-one you know, but I feel the rage everytime I think about this. Have been closer to punching someone than I have been in a *long* time.
Thank you Runce. I needed that. |