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The Late Shift II


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Goodness Gracious Meme
21:07 / 08.10.02
*bends knees*'evening all.

Not that late in london-by-see, but due to an alarming number of people telling me how they would enjoy reading my blog if only i'd update it more often, have been hacking away at something i've been thinking about for a while?

Ariadne, if you're still there, your bedroom sounds vile - put some soothing imagaes on your pc and focus.... oops and have just pm'd you , sorry, forgeot.
21:08 / 08.10.02
Just sticking my head in for a sec... must grab dinner & then head off to Javascript class WHICH IS KILLING ME. It may interest you to know that asparagus, when left to grow, gets taller and taller & then the spear opens up like an umbrella or a television aerial & then bursts into feathery fronds all over. Then it sprouts brilliant red berries. Very proud of my asparagus jungle. When you plant asparagus, you can't pick it for three years. But next spring, everyone can come over to my house with hollandaise.
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:12 / 08.10.02
wow. am tress jealous, persephone. i'll bring the hollandaise (of which I make a mean version, might i add) am thinking of getting some big troughs for growing herbs/small veg, it's not very well lit but v.sheltered. what'd you recommend?
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:17 / 08.10.02
gah. being kicked out of caff, but if you've got any advice re veg, do let me know.... am going to try rocket, as a mate says its ridiculously rapacious and grows anywhere....
21:45 / 08.10.02
Rocket=arugula? Yes. It grows like such a weed, you get annoyed & forget that it's a delicacy and costs a fortune at the market. Then you pull most of it out & throw it on the compost pile, and then you feel like you are throwing away money.

Most veggies like lots of sun, but I think your cool-weather crops would do okay in shade. That means peas, lettuce, all your cruciferous vegs (broccoli, broccoli raab, brussel sprouts, but all these are a bit of a pain). Radishes.
22:01 / 08.10.02
But lettuces especially.
22:04 / 08.10.02
On the interview - we are actually down to the last five or six questions, although since one of them asks for some fairly personal (and potentially traumatic) information on the size of my membrum virile I might approach with care.

I am utterly terrified by the whole interview thing, on almost every count.

But I have just showered and feel almost human again. How is everyone?
Kit-Cat Club
22:06 / 08.10.02
Drunk... and my throat passage (can't remember proper term) approximate width of pin (metal object, not Barbeloid, though difference minimal)
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:54 / 08.10.02
Drunk? Hm. Some people have all the luck. At work. Sigh.
22:59 / 08.10.02

feeling pretty lucky
The Strobe
23:52 / 08.10.02
About to go to bed. Just got back from dancing around like an idiot whilst Mark Rae span records. Fabulous night .
the beak
00:01 / 09.10.02
May be nobody is interest but I was in paris last week end and in saturday night they transform a lot of city institution in electro concept art perfomance. They call this opération : "les nuits blanche" for exemple the last stairs of eiffel tower was a place where Sophie Calle receive some people in her bed, The national bibliotheque was transform in a big vidéo game The "pompe funébre"was a dirty place where I was listening Pierre Henry in live,The city hall was a Chill Out place with a lot of alcool and where you could listen Roudoudou in live,in the city Hall I cross the Mayor of paris Just 1 quarter before somone try to murdered Him. It was a little bit strange night for the beak.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:02 / 09.10.02
Oooh. You saw Pierre Henry live? How was it? That ROCKS.

You drunk too, paleface? Ye damned uni students... pout, grr...
00:04 / 09.10.02
Sounds like everyone's having a good ol' time.

I'm taking it easy tonight, after a very hectic week and nerve wracking day at school. Highlights for today include buying a new pair of jeans that ROCK, obsessing over Harvey comics, and finding the complete Muybridge Plates AND a Roger Ramjet video in the library. Bliss.

Think I'm going to ditch homework and do some writing.
the beak
00:12 / 09.10.02
It was a very experimental with a sort of smoking machine who making some sounnd with an electronique light organ (sorry but I don't know call it else)
00:13 / 09.10.02
Someone tried to murder the mayor of Paris? Tonight?

Are you named after Barnell Bohusk?

Learning about cookies.
00:41 / 09.10.02
I am utterly terrified by the whole interview thing, on almost every count.

I think you handled it well.

I'm sitting around, just showered, freshly clean, reminded of how badly I need a haircut, watching the Real World and being glad I've never been to Vegas.
00:43 / 09.10.02
Persephone- What kinda cookies are you learning about, the round confectionary kind or the browser file kind? Cause we all know I'm a recipie junkie.
the beak
00:54 / 09.10.02
mazarine are you choise this name because it's the name of the secret daughter of the old french préident. I'm very frenchi isn't it
01:07 / 09.10.02
I heard that he had a daughter named Mazarine, but no, I chose the name before I knew. Mazarine is also a shade of blue and a butterfly, and for those I picked the name.
01:10 / 09.10.02
Good lord, this real world cast will hook up with anything with legs...
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:13 / 09.10.02
Wait until next year. When marketing becomes more competitive, they'll have 'em hooking up with anything without 'em, too.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:18 / 09.10.02
Parisian mayor attack details.
01:26 / 09.10.02
Good lord.
01:43 / 09.10.02
Not the sort that Gek likes, I'm afraid.


Not much more to do with the evening besides wash my face and go to bed...
01:45 / 09.10.02
Hugs then sweetie, and have a good night, don't forget to wash behind your ears.
Saint Keggers
04:13 / 09.10.02
I just got here buffy mp3s are keeping me awake while I surf the net.
The Apple-Picker
05:41 / 09.10.02
Things like bugs and poems are keeping me awake. And perhaps orange juice as well.
The Return Of Rothkoid
16:18 / 09.10.02
3AM. Still waiting for this fucking modem to send my reviews.


Oh, but I'm tired.
01:36 / 10.10.02
Gaaahh... nervous nervous nervous nervous. A friend I haven't seen in like, two years is coming to visit on Friday, staying till possibly Saturday or Sunday. This is a friend from my brief stint in New Orleans.

I'm glad he's coming up, I really am, but (and this is going to sound really stupid) he's a lot cooler than me. I mean a lot cooler.

He knows me from when I was at what I consider to be my absolute worst- I was afraid all the time, and fear completely controlled my life, I had a complete dick of a boyfriend who was back in New England, I was a wreck. Right now, I'm at what I consider to be pretty close to the best I've ever been. I'm engaged and happy, and I'm actually thrilled large- I like myself, kind of a lot. But gods, I'm boring. I'm fantastic at entertaining myself and my sweetie, but can I really entertain my much cooler than me friend? Will he still like me now that I'm not a total mess?

Pleh, awake and nervous. Eep.
01:38 / 10.10.02
I'm at work and trying not to let anyone see that I'm doing this instead of writing summaries of fascinating articles about trains and personal finance...
02:01 / 10.10.02
Oh, Mazarine. It will be like the end of some Disney movie or bad saturday morning cartoon, with your friend telling you that you're the coolest person he knows.
02:03 / 10.10.02
I like trains, but I suck at personal finance. I can expound upon my fondness or lackthereof of both if it'll keep you out of trouble.
02:05 / 10.10.02
I'm doing laundry. (Now that is pretty boring) Folding up my socks like origami. Trick my mom taught me.

Tomorrow night - out with the girls from the office to get loaded and do our best impression of "Sex in the City"

Ooh, I feel so normal, how novel!
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:11 / 10.10.02
Well, I'm still here. And I'm still tired because I got fuck-all sleep last night. And I need contact. As ever.

Either that, or a whole stack of beer. Which I think will be forthcoming tonight. In here.

I just wish I didn't feel so fucking nervy today.

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