Hah. Chips and cheese is, I fear, a code of behaviour comprehensible only to the dreaded inner circle. Chips and cheese are chosen precisely *because* they are the least worst option.
If you are ever found on Carfax at 2am, Rothky, you shall understand. Oh yes.
The Oxbridge Academy kebab is a thing of evil. The chicken kebab is acceptable, from certain vendors, when protein is an absolute necessity. Other forms of kebab are simply not acceptable. Chips and cheese, with its merry mix of complex fats and carbohydrates, is the choice of the discerning late-nighter.
But what about the peppers? You can't go without that aluminium-in-mouth tang so prized by the post-drink tastebuds, surely? Shurely?
Damn. I just can't get used to the chips-and-cheese thing. It's damn odd. Although if the only kebab options revolve around rotating cocks-o-death, I guess I can understand one's demurring. If indeed that's the right word.
Sheesh, haven't you all heard of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or popped corn? Though I suppose pb&j might not blend well with alcohol. (Carries on crocheting and looking generally elderly and fussy.)
Oxbridge Academey kebab: everyone is right. Though chips and cheese isn't as much an option here as the more common "chip butty", where "butty" for some reason = "pitta bread".
I mean, what the fuck? But yeah. Gardies. God. The thought of it makes me ill at the moment. And I've onyl just had breakfast.
Up and not drunk. Cannot be drunk. Must be on toes. Four page single-spaced philosophy of language essay/test due tomorrow. Currently about a third of the way down page two. Not coming together as easily as I had thought it would. Something tells me sleep shall be very scarce for me this night. Ugh.
And I like PBJ. Especially w/crunchy peanut butter (extra crunchy or "Superchunk" if possible) and strawberry jam. MMMMMMM! And whole/multi-grain bread! MMMMMMMMMMMM!
Back when I was a precocious youth at a camp, the most popular meal was two slices of pizza with a fistfull of thin cut french fries on top, soaking up the grease off the pizza. It was really amazing.
Ham, roast beef, turkey, swiss, lettuce, honey mustard, horseradish sauce, on white, in a deli with the second largest collection of Doctor Pepper Memorabilia in the U.S. My mouth waters just thinking about it.