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The Late Shift II


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The Strobe
01:06 / 13.10.02
Sunday 3am. Almost, but not quite, like the Faithless album.

Quite pissed. In absolute fucker of a fucking bad mood. This is now about the fourth time. Memo to my closest friends: STOP PULLING THE ONLY GIRL I'M INTERESTED IN. This is getting repetetive, and tedious. Only this time, she went to him, and not the other way around. I fucking suck.

I'm going to bed now, so I can briefly stop sucking, before spending another day alive, and thus sucking for England. I really don't know what I do wrong. I'm not a gimp, I DJ relatively bearably, and I have silly facial hair. What more do you need?

Oh, fucking hell. Catch y'all tomorrow.
02:04 / 13.10.02
I'm at work again... not too bad, except one of my friends' sister has died, which is not only tragic but means he's naturally not here, and I'm doing all his stuff as well as mine. But I won't begrudge him that, of course- just means I'm busier than normal. Poor guy. Hope he's coping alright.
Baz Auckland
03:11 / 13.10.02
Sorry to hear the bad news Paleface and Stoatie. I'm off home tomorrow for Canadian Thanksgiving and am quite excited. I'm trying to decide whether to try and get some homework done or just blow up some Chinese tanks...

...OOOH! Harvey Kietel just got shot on TV! Hee hee..... oh, on Taxi Driver, not real life.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:19 / 13.10.02
Paleface: Aw, shag. I'll have to leadpipe you if this not-believing-you-don't-suck thing keeps up, you know...

Yeah, yeah, I can talk, I spose: I suck internationally. But hey.

I'm here, incidentally, folks. If anyone's around. Have MORRISSEY tonight, so am resting my quiff in prep. And I've just scratched my new (as in YESTERDAY) sunglasses. Which is all a bit arse. But I did manage to find a pretty rare Diamanda Galas CD yesterday too, for cheap, so that's a Good Thing.

As is the sleigh-bells solo in "Song For The Deaf" - I think - on the new QOTSA disc...
03:19 / 13.10.02
My brother works at the same place as me. One of us wore a pirate costume. The other, a ninja. The mystery continues.

Just got back from the Fishbone show. I think I'm cursed. Last time I saw them, one of the members got fed up four songs in and smashed a case of beer on the stage, sending glass shards flying into the audience. Tonight, the sound was weird and tinny, everyone had earaches includign the band, equipment wouldn't work and the power went out, and the band didn't do an encore even though everyone in the joint was demanding one. Next song on the set list? The one song I wanted to hear most.

I decided to call it a night before I got hit by a bus.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:43 / 13.10.02
I'm up doing another overnight at the group home I work at, and spending the night making sure no one takes off, messes with anyone or does anything horrid when they should be sleeping. I have to do the Friday and Saturday overnights because our normal weekend overnight guy got sick over the summer and isn't allowed to do them anymore.

And my boss is dragging his feet on letting me hire someone to do the shifts.

So, after a couple weeks of doing tons of paperwork and case plans, tonight I am listening to David Bowie, writing my news parody and catching up on Barbelith. Anyone remember the old fitness/weightlifting threads? I'd love to know where I could get a new weightlifting routine without having to pay a trainer a ton of money.

*waves at May* Got a lot of e-mails from you today too on the MOB...I'll get caught up tonight on that too. Guess tonight is a lot of reading and posting.
The Strobe
09:00 / 13.10.02
OK. I don't think I suck quite that much; I mean, I don't think I suck at all, but evidence always appears to be to the contrary

I really think Tom ought to put a thing on the board where you can set it to lock your user at certain hours. So I can't post drunk, which is all I seem to do at the moment.
10:29 / 13.10.02
That would probably limit my access somewhat... especially if they keep doing like they're threatening to and block our net at work...

(finished work, by the way. Have been to an early-opening pub, am now having a couple of beers, playing Wolfenstein and going to bed. Have to be up early tonight- Channel 5 have a "Dwarves in Showbiz" documentary, which promises "creepy German fans of lesbian foot-fetish dwarf porn". 9 O'clock, if anyone's interested.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:01 / 13.10.02
Well, I'm up and about. It's about 1AM. Just back from Morrissey and feeling surprisingly low from post-concert ennui and general distancey arsiness. Fuck's sake. SO yes, sitting atop the doona, listening to The Queen Is Dead and wondering if I really, really have to go to work tomorrow. And not quite liking the answer.
Kit-Cat Club
21:43 / 13.10.02

Not only did my computer crash earlier, taking with it a good hour's work, but I have also just managed to italicise the whole of this blasted 16-page bibliography (which I constructed by carefully observing the typographical conventions), and the whole thing is now farked - not irretrievably, but it's going to take a wee while to sort out now.

fok fok splfok
Saint Keggers
21:51 / 13.10.02
Dontcha just have how inconsiderate computers are? Bastards.
22:11 / 13.10.02
Hi, it's not late here, but here I am. The weekend went a bit better than I expected, and while there wasn't an after-school special moment, he did say i was cooler than I gave myself credit for being.

Sorry about your paper KCC.
Kit-Cat Club
22:17 / 13.10.02
I'm leaving it alone for the time being - don't want to screw it up any more than it already is. Doesn't really matter, as it's really only a checklist, but still... grrr. Thx for sympathy...

I never realised exactly how many sorts of sodding primary sources there are in this world. How on earth did anyone do any research before they invented the net and CD-ROM catalogues? Mind boggles...
Saint Keggers
22:28 / 13.10.02
Yeah, but there also wasnt as much stuff to research back then. You had 10 or 20 main books that everyone went to for each subject and then there's the good old encyclopedias. Besides Cd-roms just dont smell as good as old books.
Kit-Cat Club
22:47 / 13.10.02
That's what I used to think; and then I went into the History Faculty here. One old book may smell very nice; thousands just smell of mould and must, and it rubs off on your fingers...
22:47 / 13.10.02
Pondering what the Hell sort of history lessons Utopia Kegboy inhabits, here I am. Just back from an open mic night - read some stuff, which was unusual and very scary, but seemed to go just about OK. Accomodatingly they put the best act on right at the end, so a reasonable distance away from mine. Bless them.

Sleepy. Must write article. Or not. I trust the Omega-6 oils from my hemp pesto will give me the power to conquer the universe. Yes.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:53 / 13.10.02
KCC: Ctrl-Z is your friend. Italics prob could prolly have been fixed with it...

Am still no more chipper. And am at work. Photos of Moz later today, I expect.
Kit-Cat Club
23:07 / 13.10.02
But it still needs to be partially italicised, that's the problem. No easy solution...

Hemp pesto? How? Why?
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:14 / 13.10.02
No, ctrl-Z undoes whatever you've just done - it's the Anti-Fuckup tool. Well, as much as a feature of a MS product can be, I guess.
23:15 / 13.10.02
The humble hemp seed, my child, can be used for absolutely anything. A fuel more efficient than petrol, clothes more beautiful, comfortable and fashionable than Yoji Yamamoto's favourite pants, and medicines able to cure anything from creeping bubos to death without breaking a seed-pod sweat. It is only our fascist governments and timorous multinationals blah blah blah peace and love hemp rights Woody Harrelson blah blah.

So, hemp pesto, made with the aforementioned cannabidinous panacea, contains huge quantities of dietary fibre and omega-6 oils, and is sold to credulous members of the middle classes with bad diets such as myself.

More generally, how goes the academy?
Kit-Cat Club
23:25 / 13.10.02
Rothkoid - Oh, I see... but by the time I had noticed, it was too late to hit 'undo'... such is life.

As for the academy, it is still weird to be back here (and I am frankly terrified by the amount of polyester clothing in the MCR) but I have stopped feeling as though I have made a horrible mistake, so that's something. Have been given a lot of work to do though - hence the up-at-one-making-bibliographies problem. Pon my soul dear darling arabella but life is tuough, sa basil fotherington-tomas...

Does the hemp pesto actually taste of pesto, or of hemp?
23:27 / 13.10.02
Tastes of chicken...

Actually. no. Tastes of green pesto, quite strongly. It's actually rather pleasant, but then since it costs about three times as much as pesto pesto it really ought to.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:28 / 13.10.02
KCC: sometimes, it goes down a couple of levels; you can ctrl-z a couple of times and get a certain amount of undo even after the fact...
Kit-Cat Club
23:44 / 13.10.02
OK, brain has fallen over, must go to bed (I expect the large chunk of cheese I have just eaten will induce vivid dreams of hemp pesto).

Gute Nacht...
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:46 / 13.10.02
G'night, you. Hugs.
00:07 / 14.10.02
And hugs to you too, RoR. Bedfordshire for me. Long day of tickling the soles of Orr's feet tomorrow.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:25 / 14.10.02
W00t! Haushugs. I must admit, Orr-baiting sounds better than layout-checking...
23:20 / 14.10.02
Ladeladalaa. Anyone here?
23:22 / 14.10.02
Yay. I've finished work for another week, and am horribly drunk. Probably will go to bed soon, but may stay up drinking and posting (always a bad combination). Let's see how it goes, huh?
23:26 / 14.10.02
Pleh. I've just started another work week. I'm trying not to be negative, but I think this week's going to be a wash. But who can say.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:36 / 14.10.02
I'm here, here being work. Hoping to have tomorrow off, but not counting on it.
23:42 / 14.10.02
I'm actually attempting to convince myself to go to bed soon, since I bought a car a fortnight ago, and haven't driven it yet (through reasons of drunkenness) but promised my flatmate I'd take her somewhere out of London for the day tomorrow...

Oh, and if anyone's interested, I've found someone to paint it (car) like Bagpuss for me. It's gonna cost a fuckload, but I reckon it's gotta be worth it.
23:44 / 14.10.02
Oh yeah, forgot the conversational bits- Hi, Roth. How's the Oz treating ya? (Stokey misses you.)

And Mazarine- bet the week ain't gonna be as bad as you're guessing. Make the best of it. If that doesn't work, swear amusingly at your colleagues/superiors. Always works for me.
The Strobe
23:48 / 14.10.02
I'm in, hanging up washing. Failed to write essay tonight, but have supa-detailed plan to convince supervisor with. And a really good friend who graduated last year turned up tonight, so t'was great to see him. Now need sleep - 9am lecture effectively binned, 11am binned because it's not interesting, but I must make my 10am on Wagner for interest's sake...
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:53 / 14.10.02
The Bagpussmobile will rock.

I miss Stokey, too - particularly that kebab shop near yr place, Stoatie... mmmmmm. At the moment, Oz is OK... dealing with things is often very hard, though I'm a bit better-adjusted than I was when I first came back. Still waiting for overseas visitation at Easter, though - sniff.

Yeah - will return your ages-old PM sometime, too.

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