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One sentence angst


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07:27 / 07.09.02
The little panda, deciding enough was most definitely enough, stopped the thought-train by force of will (it secretly knew this had been possible all along) and allowed itself to be led off to the hairy shortarse's waiting motorcycle: climbing into pillion position and hugging its stubby claws around Logan's chest, accelerating into the sunset felt strangely like coming home.
18:59 / 07.09.02
The same truck that had earlier killed the girl who liked him ploughed into them, killing John not exactly instantaneously, but soon enough afterwards!
00:07 / 08.09.02
Or it would've done, had he not freed himself from the whole suicide-murder-angst-fantasy trip by simple expedient of choosing instead to lose himself in Logan's short, hairy love for a small tree panda...
20:00 / 09.09.02
But, erm, isn't bestiality, sort of, you know, like, wrong...?
20:14 / 09.09.02
John dismissed the incongruous thought with a snort: this love is different because it's ours...
21:03 / 09.09.02
It was a tight squeeze, given Logan's X-Factor enhanched muscles, than John had expected, but his own passion for the hirsuit mutant made him twice the panda he'd been before.
22:17 / 09.09.02
Nothing could convince him that a consensual relationship between a mutant and a panda could be wrong, despite the stares and whispers of "pssst... bestiality!" when they made love on the crowded beach, in the grocery store, in the movie theatre during a showing of Bambi and anywhere else where the feelings were as urgently real as erotic love can be between two young mammals.
23:23 / 09.09.02
And this was made less embarassing by the mutant's chosen moniker: Wolwerine; he was bestial allrigt...
08:08 / 10.09.02
Together, Panda John and Logan did it like they do on the Discovery Channel.
12:03 / 10.09.02
The Discovery Channel was a great source of sexual inspiration to them and they videotaped every bit of fauna porn they saw.
12:16 / 10.09.02
"You know," said Wolverine one day lying on the couch, his head in Panda John's lap, "it's too bad your not a girl, so I could knock you up, then we could have babies for a little while, and then when I got sick of them and wanted you to go back into estrus, I'd just eat them and we could start all over again..."
13:11 / 10.09.02
John, now a strict vegan for ethical reasons as well as for being a panda, was shocked.
16:35 / 10.09.02
He tried to express his hurt feelings to Logan, but being a Panda, all that escaped his toothy maw was a low growl of warning.
17:27 / 10.09.02
A shocked Logan just couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
17:38 / 10.09.02
The lovers' first fight already going so poorly, John became more frustrated.
17:40 / 10.09.02
And it wasn't just the thought of Logan eating their young; they hardly ever went out anymore, almost as though Logan was now ashamed of being seen out on the town with a panda.
17:43 / 10.09.02
Except, of course, when they made love on the crowded beach, in the grocery store, in the movie theatre during a showing of Bambi and anywhere else where the feelings were as urgently real as erotic love can be between two young mammals.
The Tower Always Falls
18:15 / 10.09.02
As John watched his hairy Canuck muffin sob piteously into his flannel sleeve and storm out the door, he wondered if perhaps this was the impetus he needed to finally take that first step into oblivion.
18:30 / 10.09.02
After all, he should probably be quite upset about this, but oddly he felt very little at all.
19:02 / 10.09.02
In nature, a panda that tires of life usually stops eating, allowing itself to slowly starve.
19:27 / 10.09.02
Mechanicly, and with some difficulty in operating the remote, John turned the TV to CNN.
19:28 / 10.09.02
John, ah sorry, PANDA John, took out the switchblade...
19:38 / 10.09.02
...and threw it in the wastebasket, as it wouldn't be needed for cutting food any longer due to John's decision to stop eating and allow himself to slowly starve.
Mr Tricks
20:07 / 10.09.02
Minutes turned into hours, hours into days and days into months, yet PANDA John lingered on; the shadow of his former self lay on the floor, little more than a boney black & white shag rug.
20:22 / 10.09.02
The endless drone of CNN continued on as John sank into peaceful oblivion, until he realized it was not coming from the TV at all, but from the portable radio held by the passenger in the seat behind John on the train.
20:45 / 10.09.02
John realized he really was hungry, and reached into his pocket where he had put half a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.
21:06 / 10.09.02
Panda John was startled, however, to find not crisps in the bag, but rather a small stack of photographs.
21:21 / 10.09.02
Though only a tiny sprinkling of tangy salt had fallen on the photos, they were still surprisingly tasty to a panda's palate.
22:11 / 10.09.02
Obeying the "eats shoots and leaves" commandment, Panda John managed a quick one off the wrist before lumbering after the stricken Logan.
22:25 / 10.09.02
After the rather emotional outburst, Logan's situation had deteriorated beyond belief; he was now 13 minutes in of holding his breath in public, tears perpetually running down his cheeks...
22:34 / 10.09.02
Variations of "Dirty Canadian, homo, mutie" was spat at him by the generic crowd.
22:46 / 10.09.02
It was Panda(ho)monium.
23:27 / 10.09.02
John glanced out of the window and saw the world rushing by, and the wheels of the train clicketty-clacked rythmically on the rails.
23:33 / 10.09.02
But he snapped back in into the hallucination, as it was far prereable to the clickety-clacks of the train.
23:37 / 10.09.02
And if it wasn't prereable, then it certainly was preferable.

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