Superman, meanwhile, hung still in his bonds, gaze fixed on Lex's lips - and no amount of green lipstick could hide the fact that they were deliciously, conclusively Lex's lips - as his arch-nemesis slid toward the Kryptonite Syringe.
John soon became discontented with the corny humor and slow action in his slash Superman comic, so he turned his face from Superman's adventures to again look out at the world that continually failed to fulfil his fantasies.
Train Conductor Gil "Muffin" Morrissey had never before had the experience of such a lean, oddly handsome young man looking at him in that lustful way, and he was beginning to feel a little flattered.
Though still flattered, "Muffin" Morrissey was becoming impatient - he had important business to attend to, like punching tickets and knocking passengers' feet off the seats.
"You shut your mouth," erupted John, rather defensively, "how can you say I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved - just like everybody else does."
"One sentence at a time," he murmured, pointing out the window at the consecutive-post-repeating panda which seemed to embody the spirit of the rules - whatever that meant at this light-headed moment,
It seemed that pandas always had the right rules and knew exactly how to break them at the right time, but they were tree pandas rather than the great pandas you'd expect.