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One sentence angst


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07:48 / 24.08.02
The Ed Gein mother-skin horror had vanished; John wondered if she had been a 'dopaminergic fantasy'.
Tryphena Absent
19:42 / 24.08.02
Screw this, he thought, got up ripped the drip out of his arm and yelled "No more freaky arse fantasies for John-boy, I'm leaving and I'm taking the bed sheets with me'.
Monkeyzilla Vs Tokyo
20:47 / 24.08.02
But he forgot about the lawnmower accident he had when he was 14, that left him with a missing leg, and immediately fell down.
00:12 / 25.08.02
In a fit of madness he stabbed his remaining eye out with the switchblade...."it won't be long before I bleed to death now" he optimisticly hoped...
Tryphena Absent
01:25 / 25.08.02
He seemed to have forgotten that he was in a hospital: the doctors failed to save the eye but luckily a young boy had died earlier that day and John, the lucky devil, was given an eye transplant.
16:46 / 25.08.02
His switchblade now confiscated ("an unforgivable oversight" blustered Dr Toothy) and restraints - both physical and chemical - pinning him down to the sturdy hospital bed, John's corneal implant itched furiously beneath its sterile dressing as the serotonin reuptake blockers slowly calmed his impotent seething.
17:11 / 25.08.02
'Christ almighty no matter how hard i try to kill myself i can't die' he thought
Tryphena Absent
17:34 / 25.08.02
Maybe, just maybe, I really am unbreakable.
23:40 / 25.08.02
At that moment a part of the ceiling above him suddenly and unexpectantly gave way, and a stray electric wire fell downwards, tangling itself around the wire restraints and charging John's body with some ten thousand volts of RAW POWER, for, ah, an hour or two, definitely killing the sad sucker dead.
23:41 / 25.08.02
John was as dead as the dodo.
23:41 / 25.08.02
23:48 / 25.08.02
The terminal credits swam before John's vision only, disappointingly, to be replaced by the looming visage of the grey-nostrilled doctor as he removed the ECT electrodes from his patient's temples: "I'm sorry," he murmured sadly, "there's nothing I can do about the visual wish-fulfilment hallucinations, son."
Mr Tricks
16:43 / 26.08.02
The doctor continued "You must understand that you have been Dead for some time now, however, mortality is no excuse for stoping the persuit of science and your current state of post-mortum angst free's us from all moral, ehical, and legal restrictions."
17:27 / 26.08.02
"Not!" he concluded, giving John an amicable play-punch on the shoulder.
Mr Tricks
23:28 / 26.08.02
John opened his eyes, again he was on that same damnable train, the dull ache on his shoulder reminded him of his nighmarish doctor whose face echoed the features of the now grumpy passenger sitting beside him.
23:46 / 26.08.02
The same "doggedly literal" train of thought - how would he escape?
00:35 / 27.08.02
"To kill myself, I first have to kill the thread" he said aloud.
00:44 / 27.08.02
"To kill the thread, I first have to kill myself," he said aloud.
The Bitch
01:52 / 27.08.02
"That's it!" exclaimed john in a hoarse whisper, and with that the inevitable began to unfold.
03:44 / 27.08.02
The train continued its ceaseless journey, stopping briefly at a station but continuing again before John could get off.
04:04 / 27.08.02
The continuing journey of the train unfolded with ceaseless inevitability.
06:13 / 27.08.02
The scenery began to change, becoming softer, greener, less industrial, and the sun finally broke through the heavy clouds: John started to question, why was he so eager to be dead?
Tryphena Absent
13:21 / 27.08.02
The train jolted, flinging him to the left in his seat, for the first time he began to fear its sudden antics.
17:10 / 27.08.02
"Just where was this train going to anyway?" he wondered, and why was he on it in the first place?
17:15 / 27.08.02
It was far too lovely a day to die horribly on a clumsy metaphor, he decided; couldn't he just drop the cliched teen angst and decide to enjoy stuff instead?
18:55 / 27.08.02
How surprised his many wonderful friends would be at his loss of fashionable angst!
Mr Tricks
19:35 / 27.08.02
With that realization John rose from his pathetic wheelchair, standing tall to a chorus of Angels his face radiant in the glow of the heavenly sunbeams dancing accross his smile.
20:08 / 27.08.02
"Wheelchair?" a small part of him wondered.
20:24 / 27.08.02
Meanwhile, many miles away in the depths of the Arctic, Superman sat silently alone in his mysterious, hidden Fortress of Solitude, occasionally tapping the keys of a spillproof design computer keyboard.
20:34 / 27.08.02
A blue-black kiss-curl flopped over a monolithic brow furrowed at the complex ethics of saving those who didn't (or said they didn't) want to be saved - it was just too heavy for Superman...
21:39 / 27.08.02
Gradually his deeply melancholic thoughts came together in a final letter to Lois Lane: "I'm sorry, Lois, but the burden is too great."
21:56 / 27.08.02
"It's Lex, you know it's always been Lex..."
Mr Tricks
22:56 / 27.08.02
Not bothering to even finish his e-mail, Superman reached for the Lead Lined Syringe, the dull green glow eminating from it's kyptonite tip.
23:13 / 27.08.02
Placing it to one side, he began to methodically manacle himself to the green-veined rack before calling into the darkness, "Lex! Ready to play 'Captor and Captive'!"
Mr Tricks
01:16 / 28.08.02
"Oh Goodie!" LEX replied finishing the last touches of lipstick and placing the green wig onto his freshly powdered head, "you're gonna Luuuuuuuve this!"

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