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One sentence angst


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17:14 / 13.08.02
A male eagle doesn't expect much from sex (heated pleasure, consternation as he and his lover fall rapidly from the sky while furiously copulating, a brief and sanitary orgasm, maybe impregnation, possibly two deaths if they fail to separate before they strike the ground), however on this particular occasion, one particular male eagle was extraordinarilly disappointed to see his lover ripped from his embrace by a plummeting locomotive, and torn feather from feather by the grill of its (in this case, poorly named) cow-catcher.
17:31 / 13.08.02
To his eternal shame, he didn't dare fly after her.
Mr Tricks
20:00 / 13.08.02
Instead, the Eagle caught the frail human that had only just flung himself from the gaping hole in the side of the plummeting train; "Why oh why can't a just die!!!" the frantic human howled as the mournful eagle carried him to safety.
20:15 / 13.08.02
John, however, remained in the falling train, eyes squeezed closed in hopeful anticipation.
Tryphena Absent
22:47 / 13.08.02
"I'm falling" he whispered, "falling to my doom", a beautiful white toothed smile lit up his face and to anyone who happened to catch his expression it was clear that he flossed.
12:56 / 15.08.02
Flossed so well in fact that he'd stripped his gums right down to the roots of his teeth, exposing a large amount of the precious Castanea Dentata Calvoritis lying just beneath, and this substance (also known as the Dental Antigravity Chestnut, famous in some countries, unheard of in others, and which is solely responsible for our heads being on top rather than our feet), now agitated by stress and fresh oxygen, started to not only slow his descent, but actually begin pulling him, mouth first, upwards to the sky.
Mr Tricks
22:46 / 15.08.02
As he floated free of the doomed Train, John felt the tug of countless passengers grabbing hold of his legs, for once in his life useful, hoping to survive it's near endless plunge.
Tryphena Absent
23:22 / 15.08.02
Slowly their grasping hands slipped, their shoulders dislocated as they attempted to support immense body weight with one arm and each one of them continued to fall hopelessly to their deaths, a single, solitary, tear falling silently after them as John's eyes followed their plunging bodies.
08:26 / 16.08.02
He thought: "And now they make me feel so ashamed, because I've only got two hands."
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:00 / 16.08.02
'What an odd think to thing' he thought woozily, not realising that his upward descent was already bringing him to a height above sea level not disimilar to that of someone reaching the peak of K2...
12:55 / 16.08.02
As the last passenger released their grip and fell to their doom, John, now miles above the earth, found himself very alone.
Tryphena Absent
13:22 / 16.08.02
He wildly considered that maybe, just maybe, his head would explode over the earth due to oxygen deprivation and bits of his flesh would rain onto the ground below generally causing severe distaste.
13:41 / 16.08.02
As his lungs exhausted themselves trying to pull in enough oxygen from the thin air around him, his capillaries began to burst, slowly flooding his brain and lungs with his own blood.
Tryphena Absent
13:52 / 16.08.02
It oozed out of his nose in a slow fashion as, suddenly and rather unexpectedly, he began to drift towards the ground.
14:41 / 16.08.02
Having supported his body weight at an unnaturally strained angle for long enough, John's neck finally snapped.
19:03 / 16.08.02
His head lurched forwards, smacking upon the seat in front of him as the train's spotty breaks kicked in, starteling him out of his soothing daydream of fantastic self destruction.
20:25 / 16.08.02
His head lurched forwards, smacking upon the seat in front of him as the train's spotty breaks kicked in, starteling him out of his soothing daydream of fantastic self destruction.

The déjà vu came whirling back in a miasma of broken thoughts. How long had he been reliving this horror? How long had his life been flipping - like some macabre bulletin board - from one post to the next?
20:34 / 16.08.02
Had he lost the ability to think in and of the abstract?
20:43 / 16.08.02
And yet he felt the need to live outside of his abstracts, for the sake of his woeful tale of painful self-revision...
21:50 / 16.08.02
'self revision, self revision self revision' he thought 'it's all to do with me needing a ride'
22:30 / 16.08.02
'Why pamper life's complexities?' he thought, hand running over the smooth leather of the passenger seat - yet his sexual appetite had sharply diminished since his last, dismal encounter with Yoko...
23:16 / 16.08.02
Ah Yoko, she who had broken his heart so often it all seemed to blur into one long spiral...
Tryphena Absent
04:14 / 17.08.02
Her bleached blond hair, a wave down her back, swaying back and forth as she walked with an aroma of camomile clinging to it and then one solemn day she had made him cut it off for her.
23:52 / 18.08.02
He had kept Yoko's shorn locks but now they were almost all gone: pulling the last twisted strand from his pocket he counted the individual hairs, rolling them carefully into a ball ("bezoar" he whispered) which he popped into his mouth and swallowed.
04:03 / 19.08.02
An overwhelming chagrin swept through him as he realized he'd left his brand new steam iron on, which had doubtless now melted through his very exciting, ultra-modern polymer ironing board and was descending in an ultra-heated path of molten destruction towards the earth's core, or perhaps China, or the home of that little red-haired girl whose parents ran the local butcher shop and lived above it in darkly shuttered, art deco wallpapered mystery since moving from Ireland during that very mild summer we had the year before last, when he could remember still feeling the anguish of unrequited love and ravenous, insatiable lust.
08:24 / 19.08.02
Tears of regret and missed opportunity pricked his eyes and trickled down the back of his nasopharynx, lubricating the gutward passage of Yoko's reverse-hairball.
13:49 / 19.08.02
Cutting Yoko's body into neat, one inch cubes had been necessary, though regrettable, and the bones had made it particularly difficult and time-consuming.
15:12 / 19.08.02
Of course, all he had, or would ever have of her body was the short bundles of her golden hair, the last of which even now quelled his appetite for real food.
15:37 / 19.08.02
The little, red-haired girl's remains were another matter, and he carressed with a little satisfaction the backpack that contained this forbidden treasure, though the satisfaction could not diminish his chronic angst.
16:13 / 19.08.02
Why did it always feel like it was they who had consumed him?
16:51 / 19.08.02
He mused on this unanswerable question for a few minutes, the train's humpetty-bumpetty-tikketty-tack mantra again lulling him into a transcendental daydream.
19:40 / 19.08.02
"What happens to one after death?" he wondered to himself, imagining the possibilities as it was a subject so near to his heart.
at the scarwash
23:59 / 19.08.02
He pulled a deck of playing cards featuring color shots of "Great Dentists of Europe" from his shirt pocket and began to deal a game of Kolndike solitaire on the seat next to him.
00:04 / 20.08.02
Before long, the reliably soporific flipping of cards seduced him into sleep and he settled himself into the pillow of his backpack, the little red-haired girl's bony pelvis pushing comfortingly at him in a way it never had done when she was alive...
00:27 / 20.08.02
He had not intended to reach his stated destination - at least, not alive - yet as it happened he slept through the train's arrival and departure, and several more stations beyond that.

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