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Gives me a happy


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21:55 / 20.06.07
My zen master has published a book!

Soon my cult will be famous! And i was one of the first! World conquered soon!

zen master avatar prem anadi bunny rabbit the third takes violin lessons
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:47 / 21.06.07
I'm happy because the happy thread is only lagging the rage thread by 600 posts. With a little effort, Barbelith can be more overcome by happy than convulsing in rage!
Janean Patience
13:51 / 21.06.07
Julie Burchill is retiring from journalism.

Surprised I'm the first to mention this.
Mysterious Transfer Student
13:52 / 21.06.07
Surely there must be six hundred people here who can find something to say that they're happy, or at least mildly cheerful about?

I'm going to see Deerhoof on Saturday, hooray! That's one.

*flings relay baton away at random*
13:57 / 21.06.07
Oh, I'm happy. I have a new job for a start, plus I get loads of overtime this coming payday as well, and I've just got a great book on graffiti out the library. I'm getting better at Olympic Weightlifting and a 40 kilo snatch is within my grasp. The continuing fusion of tantra, voodoo and reggae also gives ne a happy as did to seeing the Surreal Things exhibtion at the V & A recently. Nuff reasons to be cheerful.
Happy Dave Has Left
13:58 / 21.06.07
I'm listening to Sir Henry at Rawlinson End. I'm laughing so hard, yet silently, that my desk at work is shaking.

Simply awesome.
Sibelian 2.0
14:01 / 21.06.07
I'm enjoying some delicious watermelon! Yum!
Closed for Business Time
14:08 / 21.06.07
And I just realised what an awesome awesome job I'm gonna do for the next 4 years. And my SO and I just found a new flat with a brilliant garden that (barring unforeseen and not very likely problems with reference checks) will be ours in about 3 weeks! No more flat-hunting, no more estate agents YAY!!
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
15:35 / 21.06.07
after a long string of annoying things that continued on even after my post in the "oh dear" thread, some nice people managed to help me turn the bad mood around. yay.

also, I'm now volunteering as an assistant English teacher for adults in Chinatown and I am enjoying it even more than I'd hoped. which makes my dream of one day doing the same thing in China seem less unrealistic. and generally is just fun enough on its own to raise my spirits.
15:58 / 21.06.07
Pants! What language do your students speak (or is it several)?

Here: Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.
Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.
Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.
Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.

It's the beginning of a poem that's the Mandarin answer to "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."

Which is a grammatically correct sentence.

That has been obsessing me for days. I just walk around saying, "Buffalo buffalo BUFFALO!"
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:06 / 21.06.07
Janean Patience: Please supply proofs for your assertion, this could be news that makes my whole life worthwhile!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:08 / 21.06.07
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."

DUDE! That's so so so cool.
16:12 / 21.06.07
My mother has returned from Portugal. I get to see her tomorrow for the first time in four months. And take her to the first jazz concert I have ever been to. She'll also get to see the 2nd last fitting for my wedding dress So I'm happy.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
16:18 / 21.06.07
Pants! What language do your students speak (or is it several)?

I don't know nearly enough about Chinese to say for sure, but I think there's at least Mandarin and Cantonese going on. Is that even an intelligent response? People seem to be from all over China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, other places. I'm hoping to start learning from them, maybe some English for Mandarin conversation trade outside of classes.

Everyone there, old or young, has some kind of cool personal computery thing that translates. there's always lots of beeping going on in class during writing exercises.

I don't know anything about buffalo/shishi poems but I'll follow the links and see what's up.

For more happiness - new comics! and the comics store person told me to read BPRD, and I had no idea what it was, and it's rad. now it's like I can get Hellboy twice as often.
16:36 / 21.06.07
My abstract for the Bristol conference got accepted!

And, erm, I have a doctor's appointment! Like, soon! Hurray necessary medical care!
16:38 / 21.06.07
I should have put those in two separate posts, huh?
18:34 / 21.06.07
Hey, is that the gay spirituality thing?

18:36 / 21.06.07
I would just like to say, Aquafit is making me happy.

18:37 / 21.06.07
DUDE! That's so so so cool.

At first, I thought that that had had me, but then I saw that had that had me, I had not had that that that had had.
18:40 / 21.06.07
Is that even an intelligent response? People seem to be from all over China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, other places.

I've heard people refer to "Shanghaiinese" as its own dialect. There are bunches - some are more like accents (like, I get the impression Sichuanese is to Mandarin as Austrian German is to the German they speak in Hamburg). Yo! Ja?

The Beijing dialect is the official version, though.

18:57 / 21.06.07
We signed a 1 year lease on a sweet loft style apartment with one enclosed room for himself to make digital music in late at night, water views/access, wood stove, laundry on site 1 &1/2 baths (wtf?), pocket garden, walk to work, tiny basement, and so far excellent neighbors. It's just on the far edge of our price range. Belt tightening and celebration!

Plus we have a week to move and a friend is taking over our current space.

I feel a bit anxious as I haven't moved in seven years and keep wondering if I'm insane for giving up my wee crooked shack. Even if it is for a bigger nicer cabin.

Celebration and nail biting to commence.
19:10 / 21.06.07
I'm an aunt!

Massive congratulations to my younger sister and partner and now to keep looking for totally unacceptable gifts for the little girl, ie like the one I found and posted in OH OK...thread.
Lama glama
19:15 / 21.06.07
Happy for everybody else's happiness. Yesterday was the most abysmal day ever. I came home from work with zero self esteem and the biggest heap of existential angst this side of My Chemical Romance. Then, today- woohoo! Superb day at work, everything going fantastic, I've passed my much dreaded chemistry exam and will soon be heading into my next year at college and I got three new Doctor Who DVDs in the post! Joy!
19:24 / 21.06.07
I actually called a girl today (who I met last night) and asked her out for a beer. May not sound like much, and I doubt much will come of it, but would you believe in my 35 and a half years on the planet I've NEVER done that before? I've always been too scared. Every relationship I've ever had has been due to them making the first move.

Fuck it, even if it all goes very badly, I'm pretty chuffed that I actually managed to do something I've never been capable of before. (Being too hungover to have any sense of what I was doing kind of helped).

I've also got a wicked new haircut (well, I say "new", it's kind of the old one rebooted) courtesy of Lilly Nowhere.

And my fridge is full of booze.
Janean Patience
19:28 / 21.06.07
Regarding Burchill, Our Lady:

The long nightmare is over.
19:32 / 21.06.07
Wow. That's not quite as good as "Manning bows out of life", but it's pretty cool nonetheless.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:35 / 21.06.07
with one enclosed room for himself to make digital music in late at night

ANYTHING that will lead to more Sublinear gives me a big happy.
00:04 / 22.06.07
The newest of the new Transformers trailers over in F,TV&T are giving me a big metal happy.
08:34 / 22.06.07
but would you believe in my 35 and a half years on the planet I've NEVER done that before?

I went to this guy for dating advice, readers.

Go Stoatie! You're gonna have a wicked time, promz.
Blake Head
08:38 / 22.06.07
Well, not being poisoned overnight in the second carbon monoxide scare in a fortnight leaves me pretty pleased. In a selfish way. But the actual happy making is that the thick, wet mist covering the streets last night brought to my sleep-requiring and somewhat paranoid mind the idea that this was no isolated gas leak, but some Evil Scientist style Death Fog blanketing the city. And that cheered me up somehow.
16:38 / 22.06.07
the shadow goes

Special relativity dictates that we cannot move anything more quickly than the particles of light known as photons, but no law says you can’t do nothing faster than light. Physicists have known this for a long time, even if they generally do not mention it on PBS documentaries.

Sweet happy darkness!
I love it when my brain gets all sweaty.
16:46 / 22.06.07
That's cool.
17:39 / 22.06.07
ANYTHING that will lead to more Sublinear gives me a big happy.

Yes I have to say that was the major motivator for giving up my wee tiny piece of crooked housing and taking the plunge for something bigger. Himself now has a cave of his own.

I'm scared silly of the new place of course. The Universe seems to be trying to be gentle with my skittish freak outs by generously providing help but still I'm jumping about nervously. I am just like our more sketchy cat and it is quite funny.

It will all be worth it when I ask the spouse why he is grumpy and he tells me he can't find just the right drum track for his newest song.
18:13 / 22.06.07
I saw Q-Bert in Southampton last night and I never thought I'd apply the word "humble" to a DJ. He understood the crowd, played a set of classic and rather obvious hip hop breaks with no snobbery or ego, clearly knowing them back to front and getting a kick out of it, and complimented the crowd on their knowledge of hip hop whenever they cheered at a tune that many consider a well known standard. He really knew how to show people a good time and he was clearly having a great time himself. Plus his technique and feel is second to none.
18:20 / 22.06.07
My recently ex-girlfriend has just agreed to help me make inroads with her best mate.

I... I love my life.

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