Pants! What language do your students speak (or is it several)?
I don't know nearly enough about Chinese to say for sure, but I think there's at least Mandarin and Cantonese going on. Is that even an intelligent response? People seem to be from all over China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, other places. I'm hoping to start learning from them, maybe some English for Mandarin conversation trade outside of classes.
Everyone there, old or young, has some kind of cool personal computery thing that translates. there's always lots of beeping going on in class during writing exercises.
I don't know anything about buffalo/shishi poems but I'll follow the links and see what's up.
For more happiness - new comics! and the comics store person told me to read BPRD, and I had no idea what it was, and it's rad. now it's like I can get Hellboy twice as often. |