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Gives me a happy


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Mon Oncle Ignatius
22:27 / 10.07.07
Apparently the DVD is based on the only extant print which survived in the Cinémathèque Française; so there are both English AND French subtitles simultaneously on the disc. Though of course it is possible to just watch with only the latter visible, assuming one speaks French.

Th other thing which gave me a happy recently was seeing someone drive past me on the street in a Sinclair C5; I'm not even sure I saw anyone drive one of them in the Eighties, so it's great fun seeing one now.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
01:36 / 11.07.07
13:28 / 11.07.07
The best thing about Incubus, actually, is the way that even in an incomprehensible language, it manages to feel just like an old Twilight Zone episode.
13:29 / 11.07.07
There's a cloud which looks just like a dinosaur skeleton in the sky. I love cloud spotting when at work.
Saint Keggers
13:45 / 11.07.07

I must have spent 2 hours just picking them off the bushes in the yard. I am slowly becoming raspberry fat this summmer.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
13:55 / 11.07.07
Raspberries! It's the time of year I can eat three cartons in a row and not feel guilty.

I have a coffee date with a friend of mine this afternoon, and I'm picking the Accomplice up from work. Days off are awesome.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:12 / 11.07.07
I loooooove days off. I slept in today. Which is the awesome.
Mug Chum
14:12 / 11.07.07
I've just discovered the Ben&Steeeve threads for the first time.

(I bet a lot people are jealous of me now. There's no better Steve than first-time-Steve)
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
14:23 / 11.07.07
No sleeping in, I'm afraid, too hot and gross. But I've got the windows open, it looks beautiful outside, and I'm thinking about breakfast. Frankly, the thought of food usually makes me happy.
All Acting Regiment
15:58 / 11.07.07
This is rather wonderful.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:17 / 11.07.07
Bicing gives me a happy.
Mug Chum
16:24 / 11.07.07
No way, his name is KENT COUCH?!

There IS beauty in the world!
16:36 / 11.07.07
Now we know how All-Star Superman #9 should have finished

"Your lawnchair only has room for one, Superman"

Beautiful stuff.
16:47 / 11.07.07
There's a cloud which looks just like a dinosaur skeleton in the sky. I love cloud spotting when at work.

That's Skellostegosaurus! You must flee!
Mug Chum
16:51 / 11.07.07
Too late, Trips.

There will be no answer. Too late.

And yes, your fault.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:03 / 11.07.07
"Of course, my grandfather changed the name to 'Couch' when he and my grandmother came to the New World - originally it was 'Chesterfield'."
Saint Keggers
17:09 / 11.07.07
That's Skellosaurus!

That made the biggest smile on my face.
Its like all the cheesy saturday morning cartoon villains merged as one and wrapped up in awesome.
Mug Chum
17:18 / 11.07.07
Oh! Look! He's alive!

(whispers to Kent Couch through radio to abort Operation Skellosaurus)
17:53 / 11.07.07
17:59 / 11.07.07
Undead cloud dinosaurs give me a happy.
01:17 / 13.07.07
My life is so full. It's full of things I want to be doing, some of which may also fill my wallet to some degree. My life is full of people I love and things I enjoy doing and it takes place in a home and a town I love living in. It's so full that a month ago I'd have been curled up in a terrified ball at the thought of all the THINGS I HAVE TO DO.

But, and this is the "Gives me a happy" part—I can do them. And if there's something I can't work in, the world will not collapse around my ears. There is no one standing over me with a guiltystick making me do horrible things. Some things are tedious, but I don't mind because doing them makes happen things I want to happen.

Thank you for the abundance of things to do, and thank you for the abundance of strength and energy with which to do them, and thank you for the abundantly rewarding results.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:29 / 13.07.07
Old Transformers episodes on YouTube give me the happy today.
14:34 / 13.07.07
Thank you for the abundance of things to do, and thank you for the abundance of strength and energy with which to do them, and thank you for the abundantly rewarding results.

hellya with a side of huzzah!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:56 / 13.07.07
I'm happy because the happy thread is only lagging the rage thread by 600 posts.

Happy/Rage lag is now down to 482 posts!

16:18 / 13.07.07
Having just realised that my afternoon of paranoia, insecurity, depression and non-specific anxiety yesterday was directly traceable to having drunk too much coffee at work the night before* (yes, these days caffeine seems to give me the same comedown amphetamines used to when I was younger) gives me a happy. And I wanted to help the happy thread catch the rage one. Y'know, while I'm in the mood.

*You want a control group? Nothing WHATSOEVER has changed in my life between today and yesterday, other than the date. Yesterday was full of gloom. Today is all joy!
16:39 / 13.07.07
Interesrting Stoats. I am having a very similar experience. Well, I did have a great chat with a very dear friend, but other than that, there is no really good reason why I should be so damn happy today.
19:37 / 13.07.07
I'm happy 'cause I really love my little house.
19:40 / 13.07.07
Oh, and, Stoats, not quite the same comedown one would hope. I seem to remember amphetamines leaving me feeling revolting physically as well as mentally.

Please tell me tea isn't going to do that in a couple of years.
Whisky Priestess
21:06 / 13.07.07
Right, I'm on the Happy Project too. (i.e. helping it catch up with Hate & Anger)

I do not have green fingers. If you want to euthanase (or dysthenase, more like,) a plant, give it to me. I am particularly a bad earth-mother when it comes to basil plants, especially the potted ones that come from a supermarket and arre meant to last and live and thrive and provide you with basil for the rest of your natural life. They usually last about three days.

However! I bought some last-legs basil (cut, mind you, not in a pot), so dying it was discounted, and stuck it in a glass of water on my desk to revive it a bit so I could have it in sarnies the next day. A week on, the two remaining uneaten stalks are surviving, thriving, and growing little roots and more leaves. I have an actual mini-hydroponic farm in a highball glass on my desk!

(And potentially infinite basil. Anyone want a cutting?)

I would post a pic, but I'm not that useful. Trust me, they have little roots.
imaginary mice
21:25 / 13.07.07
I’ve been racking my brain for ages trying to decide where to go on holiday this year. Then tonight someone mentioned volunteering and I remembered that I’ve always wanted to try a conservation/working holiday. It only took me half an hour to find this one.

+ gallery

= happiness
21:54 / 13.07.07
That looks like a beautiful village and hall of residence, meece. Go you.
Essential Dazzler
23:08 / 13.07.07
The local tesco has these step-less escalotors/moving floor things taking you up to the first floor.

They make me happy.

I have a fair idea of how fast I can move, and how much effort I have to put in to move that fast, but if I put in the same amount of effort on the moving floor I move much faster!

It's so simple and weird, but every single time I sprint up them there's a few seconds when my brain goes, "Woah, way too fast" and I feel like the God-Damned Flash.

Tescos makes me feel like a super-hero.

Yes, this is the right thread.
All Acting Regiment
23:32 / 13.07.07
Fuck you, fucking gentrification and infestation of this city by Young Professionals, observe the wonder (or at least, interesting place) that was HULME!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:22 / 15.07.07
Stunning new installment in the Matrix Epic!

It's so beautiful. I fear I may weep for joy.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
00:37 / 15.07.07
And frankly that explains the ENTIRE trilogy to me.

How did I miss it before?

(beats self about head in a flagellating manner)

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