An actual call I took at work (some of the description fudged, apart from the punchline):
Me, recapping: "So, he's a white male, local accent, five foot ten, slight build, dark hair… what style is his hair?"
Caller, hesitant: "Well, er. I don't know… I can't really describe it."
Me, wanting to move on quickly to get something distinctive:"That's OK, we'll move on. What was he wearing?"
Caller, more confident now: "He was wearing a blue striped polo shirt, jeans… oh, wait, his hair. Do you know Adolf Hitler?"
Me, game for anything: "I'm aware of him, yes. Do you mean the suspect has the same hairstyle?"
Caller, triumphant: "No, not the same style. His hair is exactly the same length as Adolf Hitler's." |