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Gives me a happy


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12:17 / 03.05.07
Despite a rather 'meeh' day, finding on a random search the 'Evil Scientist Rules The World' thread. Always has the power to make me laugh and smile, thanks to the goons.
All Acting Regiment
16:34 / 03.05.07
I've just seen a personals ad transalted by a computer, next to a great article about a chinese disneyland. It reads:

"I'm very cheerful girl! I like to eat cake in cafe speaking with my friends merrily , and I love to ride on motorbike with them."

I don't care if it's spam, it's wonderful.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:24 / 03.05.07
I am eating pieces of crystallised ginger, alternating with bites of very very dark chocolate.

I bought the crystallised ginger from the same shop where I bought the kilo of arborio rice that is sitting on my kitchen counter, soon to become the first of several creamy risottos.

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:10 / 04.05.07
Is it wrong that the drunken Hasselhoff video gives me a happy? It is, isn't it?
18:13 / 04.05.07
I am eating pieces of crystallised ginger, alternating with bites of very very dark chocolate.

*Is envious*
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:45 / 04.05.07
I refer Kali back to page 33 of this thread for more pure Hasseljoy.

Hoffed on a feeling!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
22:39 / 04.05.07
It's my last regular shift at one of the library branches today, so one of the permanent branch staff gave me a rumball from the lovely bakery around the corner as a treat. Rumballs are one of my favourite things.

Also, the other guy who's been working the same regular shift for the season forgot that he was working today and didn't come in, which is all right by me because while we do get along, it's mostly because I grin and bear it through his smug attitude and smarminess. And he's also a fairly slow worker, so everything's been going smooth and briskly today.
This Sunday
22:56 / 04.05.07
I'm not who I identified as in the Photo thread. I cannot begin to explain how happy that makes me. I'm sure Walt's probably thrilled at me not being him, too, but damn does my life suddenly look amazingly sweet.

Also, I'm the only person in this building who loves loves loves the pigeons cooing and squawking, but they roost right by my window, so clearly, they love me too. Actually, they've been here longer than I have, but, still.
Saint Keggers
02:28 / 05.05.07
This Sunday
02:41 / 05.05.07
Kegs, that nearly killed me. Drunken panda subbed Star Trek.

'I has tribble' gives me happy, yes, but I'm not sure if I'd prefer a world where it would work as a pick up line, or the sort of thing you say when you wake up with a terrifying realization about that working as a pick up line.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
02:37 / 07.05.07
Sushi is a happy tonight. We ate a bunch, and then we were still peckish so we ate more. And edaname! I hadn't had that in a while but WOW. Snacky. The fried tofu was like hot magma in my mouth so I could have probably avoided that (I used hot green tea to cool off my mouth after), but on the whole it was a most exquisite meal. A "mexican" roll with tomato (?!), a Green Dragon, a salmon tempura roll...negitoro...
Mysterious Transfer Student
07:18 / 07.05.07
Stop that at once, you hawker of food porn. Don't you know there are Barbelith posters so poor that they can only afford a massive cooked breakfast complete with fried tomatoes, back bacon and hash browns to celebrate the bank holiday?

*rubs hands in anticipation, then belly*
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:29 / 07.05.07
Weekend happies:

1. First laundry-line laundry of 2007. Smells so gooood.
2. Tax refund deposited! Of course, it all went to pay municipal taxes, so it's a kind of ironic happy.
3. Rowing a half-marathon while watching Charles Bronson in Mr. Majestyk.
4. Realizing that I have the same hat as Charles Bronson wears throughout Mr. Majestyk.
5. Spending half an hour trying to convince Kali that yes, Charles Bronson is a melon farmer in Mr. Majestyk.
This Sunday
11:38 / 07.05.07
I looked at recent Byrnerobotics threads. They were bad and frightening. I looked at old threads of Barbelith. They were less bad and less frightening (aside from our own comics forum moving into weird territory around a perceived homoerotic fascination G. Morrison and a few liberal doses of the kind of language we wouldn't have anywhere on the board, all over the place). Then I looked at several recent threads across here. It was good and not frightening at all.

I know loads of other people like to think the board's always going downhill, but I really think Barbelith just gets better with age.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:26 / 08.05.07
I'm talking about the Hasselhoff video where he's drunkenly and sloppily eating a hamburger while his daughter off-camera asks him why he does this to himself.

Oh, and he ain't wearing a shirt.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
16:19 / 08.05.07
What a horrifying image, Kali.

I woke up with the Fear this morning -- not a "happy thing," sure -- but I unlocked the bad door in my head and got out into happier stuff. Like Hellboy comics to read, a shower, a shave, prawn dumplings for breakfast with maybe some edaname on the side. It's a small happy but it's a happy.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:22 / 08.05.07
Quantum. Quantum gives me a big happy. Ya' big lug ya'...
18:35 / 08.05.07
I woke up with the Fear this morning

I hope he was gentler with you than he was with me.
19:59 / 08.05.07
I tried to counteract some rage by looking for a picture of a magic cat and it gave me a happy. Then I came to post here and Our Lady credits me with a happy!

Here is the pic. If it does not give you a happy YOU HAVE NO SOUL!

20:15 / 08.05.07
She is very cool indeed. What is her name?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
20:17 / 08.05.07
Madame Miriam Mooncat, of the Philadelphia Mooncats?
20:18 / 08.05.07
I don't know- Wilhelmina, Queen of the Stars? The Countess of Cats? Morgana le Chat? What do you reckon?
20:39 / 08.05.07
If it's wrong to be in love with her, I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT!
Blake Head
21:22 / 08.05.07
It gives me a happy that there is an Edward Gorey jigsaw puzzle.

It does not give me a happy that I did not buy it when I had the opportunity, and it does not give me a happy that it does not seem to be available directly in the UK.

However, though I am not sure it has the character or fashion sense of Madame Mooncat above, nor find it entirely clear how common images of magical cats are or why, I am made reasonably happy that in the process of searching for the Gorey puzzle discovering that the world's endless diversity extends to being able to buy jigsaw puzzles of these sorcerous felines, should one so desire.

21:26 / 08.05.07
21:27 / 08.05.07
21:27 / 08.05.07
No, no, no.
21:32 / 08.05.07
Blake Head
21:33 / 08.05.07
*glazed look*

I agree... a new thread is in order Madame.
21:37 / 08.05.07
I have been waiting for a good name, and Madame Miriam Mooncat was quite undoubtedly it!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:41 / 08.05.07
Spellcatz rool!
21:43 / 08.05.07
...and this thread was started by Cat Chant. If we keep up the happy we can catch up with the rage thread.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:48 / 08.05.07
Well Cat Chant is extra wonderful because it's also a Diana Wynne-Jones reference. So yay, basically.
This Sunday
21:57 / 08.05.07
The potential for a MagiCat archive gives me happy. And those are some knifey looking magick cats. Madame Miriam of Philly there's got one, and poor thing, she'll never be able to hold it by the handle. That third one looks like they've definitely got a magick switchblade hidden somewhere.

Third edition of the Temple Journal? Temple Presents... Cats! (with Headgear and teh l337 catty powerz!)

And, whoever posted baby badgers of the BBC ages ago? I stole and disseminated them, and they just made their way through a wake, so share the happiness with me. Someone died and those baby badgers helped people get through it when they were blown up and placed around the room.
22:02 / 08.05.07
Privates on Parade,
also the film.

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