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Gives me a happy


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13:38 / 12.04.07
My local library rocks. I've picked up the Tom Waits Orphans and the Nick Cave B Sides & Rareties triple box sets. Both excellent as well.
11:39 / 13.04.07
This video is excellent. Especially since it's made by Red Symons.
12:22 / 14.04.07
"I dunno honey. Could you turn it off and on again?"

Geek love is giving me a happy.
12:45 / 14.04.07
Barbelith. Barbelith gives me a happy. Full of intelligent interesting people. Yay.

Also, going to see Pacific State on Tuesday cannot fail to make me smile.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:54 / 14.04.07
Barbelith gives me a happy.

Hmmm, you're not a local are you?
14:54 / 14.04.07
It's a LOCAL board, for LOCAL people!

I think I found my favourite new name for Barbelith.
14:58 / 14.04.07
The sun makes me happy. Playing bass in the sun makes me even happier. Playing bass in the sun and drinking a beer is bliss .
16:29 / 14.04.07
The sun really makes me happy.

Also getting this bulletin yesterday made me happy:

--Go to

--Click on Maps

--Click on "Get Directions"

--From: New York, New York

--To: Paris, France

--And read line #23
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:39 / 14.04.07
Old meme lol.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:17 / 14.04.07
Making my kitty do "teddy bear face."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:41 / 14.04.07

You don't actually have to meet me really, you can watch Spaced for a bit and it'll be about the same.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:52 / 14.04.07
Spaced. Ah, Spaced.

I should go rent that again.
Essential Dazzler
18:04 / 14.04.07
Prepare yourselves for the Doom Comic.


"Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good!"
19:06 / 14.04.07
Waking up to find that Sheena The Dog has decided to sleep with her beak resting on my shoulder.

That never stops giving me a happy.
19:19 / 14.04.07
That Doom comic is fucking shiii-it.

But in a good way.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:24 / 14.04.07
Stoatie: Look, you really have to issue some kind of warning if you're going to deploy that kind of lethal squee in a public place.
Blake Head
20:51 / 14.04.07
A little too “I remember the eighties” (just about) for the ‘bring back’ thread, but by combining the powers of the internet and an idle, idle brain, tonight I re-discovered Sectaurs. Why should you care? Good vs Evil. Heroes and Villains. Insectoid action figures. Riding giant insects. With gloves. That you wear. Insectoid action figures riding giant insects with gloves that you wear. And I never knew what they were called. I had the “Battle Beetle” I think – it had real fake fur! You could sort of pull on the finger hoop thing and its claws would snap… how cool is that! This has bugged me (haha!) for so so soooo long. Anyway, this then, surely, has been the greatest and happiest of nights!

Also, not quite as cool but pretty good, memories of the toy line from Visionaries, action figures and weapons that incorporated magical holograms! All kids toys should be made this way.
22:05 / 14.04.07
I had a few of those hologramy ones
00:09 / 15.04.07

00:22 / 15.04.07

I had the bear guy with the archer thingy.

He was the shit.
07:48 / 15.04.07
I see your Visionaries, and raise you Ring Raiders.

... No. Seriously. Was 1989 a Magical, Innuendo-Free zone or did I miss the memo?

Also, it has the most overblown plot you can think of for an 80s-Children's-TV-Show-Created-For-Merchandising;

By now, almost too late, the great nations of the world are aware of the Skull Squadron's plot. They band together to produce one super aircraft that gives them a fighting chance against the Skull Squadron's onslaught. They produce Air Carrier Justice, an incredible airborne carrier that can travel through time. They outfit the carrier with a small crew and send it back into time to gather the best planes and pilots of all time and all nations, and train them for battle against the Skull Squadron.

The pilots are gathered right of the greatest air battles of history. Each pilot and plane are beamed out of battle and on board the Justice. The pilots are selected not just because of their flying skill, but because of the characteristics that make them real heroes, like honesty, bravery and a noble sense of fair play. When they finish their training, each pilot is given a ring from which they receive instructions and improved flying skills in times of crisis. Because of their rings they call themselves the Ring Raiders.

Then again, it did have a stultifyingly odd catchphrase;

The show used the catchphrase "The command is in my hand" when characters wished to transform their planes, using their magical rings to make them more powerful.


It depends, I suppose, on whether, like me, you're unable to shake a decidedly puerile sense of humour. I'm trying to get rid of it, honestly I am, but the characters list reads like it was written by Garth Marenghi...
12:48 / 15.04.07
Fuck me, Feverfew. I thought I was the only kid on Earth who ever raided a ring! That was such a boss show and, even as a nipper, was vaguely creeped out by the Geiger-esque biomechanics when they transformed/melded with their planes.

Seriously, it was like Geiger meets The Borg meets Amelia Earhart. I loved it.

It also had the most thumping intro EVAR.

I am loving the Barbelith 80s Nostalgia Weekender.
18:07 / 15.04.07
I am an Uncle!

But I won't be able to see the little 'un until June. boo.
12:31 / 16.04.07
A lovely lady friend of mine invites me for a picnick near lake last night. Then she gives me a copy of fear and loathing in las vegas in the morning.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:57 / 16.04.07
Couldn't you just have a cigarette like normal people?
13:37 / 16.04.07
I am hapy because my job interview involved making wooden shelters, crafting stick puppets and looking at ducks. I am happy that I got a free lunch. I am happy that they said I had "shone" and that I was perfect.

But what really makes me happy, really really happy, is that they've decided to offer me a job that's\not even been advertised. They think I'm so amazing that they've given me long term employment on the basis of my stick puppet.

Life rocks.
13:55 / 16.04.07
That is GRAND, Princess! Congrats!
13:57 / 16.04.07
A veritable hog's trough of happiness.

Excellence, to you all.
16:51 / 16.04.07
they've given me long term employment on the basis of my stick puppet.

This makes me incredibly happy. I'm glad to live in a world where these things happen.

YAY for Princess!
16:55 / 16.04.07
Lady, that we did as well.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:18 / 16.04.07
Based on our calculation when we did my taxes this year, I was supposed to get back $342 as the refund. I just got the refund cheque -- the government recalculated, found forgotten tuition credits, and I've ended up with a three thousand dollar tax refund(!).
Dead Megatron
18:51 / 16.04.07
I had sex with more people in the last ten days than I had in the entire last year. It was all great (and safe, btw, and before some cynical 'lithian says it, no, there was no monetary exchange involved) and next ten days look even more promising.

wow, I feel de-stressed now
18:53 / 16.04.07
Did you go to a sexy party?
19:08 / 16.04.07
Did you Bleed?
Dead Megatron
11:54 / 17.04.07
Actually, yes yes

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