My new job is incredibly rewarding. I spend two hours a day in prep, four hours a day guiding kids around the park and two more hours a day walking around 12 acres of near silent woodland.
Today, we had some inner-city kids come in. They where all so excited. Even over ridiculously common place animals like slugs and ants. But then, whilst crawling around through the habitat piles, we found a viviparous (sp?) lizard and *that* is endangered and thus highly exciting for even myself.
All the kids said thanks and asked the teachers if they could come again and they all kno about where minibeasts live and what eats them.
And and and!
After only two days there the rangers are sorting out new programs just to match my skills. I keep accidentally walking in on them complementing me. I'm going to be helping girl-guides with "rythm of the forest" music lessons and helping 7yo make monsters out of mud.
My job is amazing, even though my feet hurt a lot when I come home, I am really happy. |