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Gives me a happy


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This Sunday
18:37 / 25.04.07
Just ran onto that .gif Olulabelle's blogged of a cormorant stealing something off wallaby or a very odd-looking squirrelgod. I really should feel bad for the mammal, y'know, show some of that mammilian unity, but the bird's just hungry, I'm sure.

Of course, now I'm singing Mary Poppins' songs in the cadence of my five year old niece.

So that's a double-happy with a bit of groan-inducing sentimentality on the side.
01:47 / 26.04.07

I live with this.
Whisky Priestess
11:49 / 26.04.07
Jesus Christ! That giant frog friend of yours is eating a CHILD!
The Ghost of Tom Winter
19:27 / 26.04.07
After five papers within four days, I am done with my semester of schooling. My god it feels amazing. Although I think my body is going on strike. Regardless I'm freeeeeeee.
This Sunday
19:31 / 26.04.07
grant, that's my new 'you can't kill yourself because...' picture to e-mail people. It's also my new picture to demonstrate that, yes, Cthulu is alive and well and adjusting to human-footed life in a nice yard somewhere.
19:31 / 26.04.07
Today, I got payed to give children handfuls of mud and help them make animals from them. I also got payed for telling them about rabbits eating poo and I got payed for miming a badger disembowling a hedgehog.

I work in the sunny sunny daylight and the willow seeds are everywhere and pretty.
19:25 / 27.04.07

Just went on my first Critical Mass!

There was a good turnout - about a hundred or more people - and we had a great time abling our way through manchester with stereo blasting and sun shining. It was such an uplifting feeling to ride without worry of traffic, and there was a great feeling of community.

Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
19:32 / 27.04.07
A week before my position actually begins, I get to get drunk with the circulation staff of the library branch I'm about to start working with, tonight. Yay.
Saint Keggers
20:29 / 27.04.07
We got new doors and windows. Last ones were at least 32 years old.
This Sunday
20:37 / 27.04.07
After roughly a week of pounding, jackhammering, pinging, and other horrible sounds of construction and repair, from five something in the morning to six at night, all over this building, the street below, right outside my window, and directly over my head... they've stopped and the only sounds to be heard is a the faint wuthering of cars in the distance and the lovely coos of the pigeons who live by my front door. A more marvelous heaven would be a hard sell, at this point. And would have to involve chocolate.
21:28 / 27.04.07
my name change has finally, finally come through!
22:21 / 27.04.07
Hello, Detective S Hammer.
09:03 / 28.04.07
When I was a kid I wanted to be called "Mickey". Glad I didn't act on that.
11:48 / 28.04.07
Steven Hawking in zero gravity:
Alex's Grandma
11:50 / 28.04.07
Not too drunk, I hope, Papers.

... Papers ...?
13:11 / 28.04.07
That Hawking photo is at once totally stone-cold ace and an Onion article come to life.
16:26 / 29.04.07
16:34 / 29.04.07
I really, really like that.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:44 / 29.04.07
I've always liked Darwinfish. You can get loads now, including FSM fish which is quite clever, and various pagan fishes which I personally find a bit meh. I mean, the fish-with-legs thing, yes, evolution, v.g., but sticking [insert deity attribute] on Darwinfish seems a bit miss-the-pointy to me.
16:47 / 29.04.07
I'm tired,a nd grumpy, and feeling a bit lost.
But I'm happy, because I realise that's just me and it will pass in a relatively short time. Meanwhile, the earth still spins, people still fall in love and dandelions still grow.

Right now, a bird is singing. The world rocks. I'm a bit crap, but not for long. I am, at some level, happy.
17:22 / 29.04.07
I have crispy peppered bacon and strong coffee with lots of cream and sugar and it's still the weekend even though I wasn't sure when I woke up this morning.

I'm going to sit here and sigh contentedly for a bit.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:43 / 29.04.07
A day spent lying in the grass picnicking under a hot sun with friends is great.

And also, oddly tiring.

But there's a new Runaways digest out this week for me to read. Hoo-hoo!
12:13 / 30.04.07
Every w*rkday is brightened slightly by the fact that it is now bunny season, and so lots of tiny newly-minted fluffy creatures can always be found on the verges outside. Yay.
15:37 / 30.04.07
A baby bunny walked into the office today. Then "the office" went out to cut willow for weaving. Then, for my training, I learnt how to make paper.

This job rocks.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:52 / 30.04.07
I got dumped on a comics project last week because the artist got a better offer, and we had a publisher confirmed and everything. And since it was a co-creation, what she'd brought to the table initially was "hers," so I couldn't just take the project and find another artist.

That made me really miserable.

But then I spent the weekend looking at how I could repurpose all of my research and plotting and story that had gone into the project, and came up with something that is not only better, but will allow me to write about where I live and hopefully pull down some grant money, and maybe even get published in France.

Now I just need to find an artist.

20:34 / 30.04.07
Princess, what is your job? It sounds lovely.

I am happy for many reasons. Reason A only exists because I came here to write the others and delightfully found out that someone else likes the kangeroo/duck gif I posted.

Reason B is that I was invited to dinner at a community house I gifted plants to via Freecycle, and I was scared to go because what if they don't like me, or I say something stupid, or I don't like them and etc. etc. dither, dither; easier not to go.

But then I made myself go and it was really lovely, and they did like me I think, and they cooked us a lovely dinner and they're going to put a news item about our jewellery in their monthly letter to lots of creative people, and I helped them with ideas for their garden. (And discovered they have Japanese Knotweed, which is dreadful but at least I was there to identify it and can help by pointing to the relevant Defra articles.)

Reason C is that I now also appear to have become involved with an urban greenspace regeneration project by dint of being in the right place at the right time and knowing a little bit about plants.

Reason D is that I've had sudden bracelet inspiration and I can't wait to make it. Looking forward to going to work is one of the nicest things about being alive.

Reason E is that it's Beltane and my beloved will be home in a minute.

And that's quite enough for now.
16:45 / 01.05.07
I'm wondering if it's a genuine reason to be happy that my area has no B*P candidates standing in Thursday's elections. For some reason UKIP are making a stand, which is nice, especially if they plan for the parish council to Secede From Europe - but just the absence of the aforementioned asterisked party makes me happy.
16:50 / 01.05.07
I'm a Ranger at Conker's Discovery Park in the middlof the national forest project. You should all come and visit. It rocks. Book a group of your kids to come and do one of our programs, they are really cool and also educational.

ANd there is me, which should be enough for anyone really.
20:11 / 01.05.07
A ranger, you say?
Mysterious Transfer Student
10:23 / 02.05.07
Something solely and only related to Barbelith that gives me a frankly disproportionate happy is reading a thread in which a certain poster's name appears, turning to the next page and then discovering that that poster has changed zir screen name in the intervening time. And Flyboy has just done this very thing. Three cheers for Flyboy!
Whisky Priestess
13:27 / 02.05.07
A ... Rescue Ranger?

15:49 / 02.05.07
Rescue ranger? Puhlease.

I'm all about the mighty morphing.
15:59 / 02.05.07
I'm a Ranger at Conker's Discovery Park

That gives me a happy. Because I imagine Boo-Boo stealing a pickernick basket and a pirate queen in black sequinned skull&crossbones ballgown jumping up and down on hir hat cussing bears. And playing conkers.
17:03 / 02.05.07
I've got the same pirate queen speaking Elvish and waving a once-broken sword around.

"And now, children, come in close... single-file line... and on to the Paths of the Dead!"
Happy Dave Has Left
11:48 / 03.05.07
I just looked down at the countdown I have embedded into Firefox, and with all the running around and writing of invites and booking venues and supporting my fiancee (who I met through photography and the interwebs) through giving up her job and moving here from the US to be with me, I'd lost track of the fact that there's only 12 days til she gets here!


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