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Gives me a happy


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22:38 / 26.01.07
*feminazi* meat bikini wrestling no less MC!

oh Call of Cthulhu games, will you not stop teasing me?
Please be one I can play!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
22:42 / 26.01.07
Then I wandered into IMDB, and found this.

A silent film in monochrome of Call of Cthulhu! Has anyone seen this? It doesn't seem to be on DVD yet.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
12:23 / 27.01.07
Aha. Yes, it is on DVD - from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society shop. Marvellous.
12:44 / 27.01.07
Its fantastic Django. Well worth watching. The best Lovecraft adaptation i've seen.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:03 / 27.01.07
Cool. I've just ordered it from Leisure Games in response to MattShepherd's helpful hint here, which also means it should be here sooner than if I'd ordered it direct from the HPLHS. I foresee a Lovecraft night of film-watching to come, as I'm also awaiting The Dunwich Horror on DVD as well. Time to make a SAN roll, I think.
13:09 / 27.01.07
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:11 / 27.01.07
Nice brass swan too.

Are those grown indoors? Or is south London getting warmer than the north already?
13:14 / 27.01.07
Grown indoors. Pressie from the mother-in-law.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:24 / 27.01.07
Oooh! Are they those little miniature ones?
14:47 / 27.01.07
They are indeed: Narcissus 'Tête à Tête'.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
15:37 / 27.01.07
Ah, so dinky as well. Bonza bonsai!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:42 / 27.01.07
I am ridiculously, LUDICROUSLY, overjoyed these days. I mean, it's really really silly how happy I am and why.
21:16 / 27.01.07
I've been at a wedding all day (and I fucking hate family gatherings, even though I love my family) but now I'm home, wearing normal, non-smart clothes, and I have my Sheena back. I feel like I've been away for years and have just come back, rather than like sixteen hours or so.
22:50 / 27.01.07
01:26 / 28.01.07
[conga line]
I just did my tax-es!
I just did my tax-es!

I'm gonna get a re-fund!
I'm gonna get a re-fund!

Didn't get jacked like last year!
When we missed-the-Earned-Income-Credit-by-like-25-dol-lars!


I just did my tax-ES!
I just did my tax-ES!

New computer, here I come.
17:17 / 29.01.07
I've just taught myself how to make yarn from dog hair. And I made a lot, and now it is tied into my cool blue dreads and I look like a space pirate. And it's like I've got a tiny little bit of home tied onto my scalp.

And it was fun to groom my mahusive dog, and I'm not drunk anymore, nd the builder at my parent's house is hot.

The smell of a dog is an obvious downside...

but meh.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
18:51 / 29.01.07
My partner and I have started our own small business, something that we had talked about at length, but now we're actually doing it. We've bought a domain name and everything. It's kind of intimidating, but the startup costs are small, in the grand scheme of things. I'm happy because I may be able to stop working for other people and making them money and start making money for myself.
Lama glama
01:13 / 30.01.07
Joy! Just finished my Doctor Who short story for the Big Finish Short Trips competition, and it's not as awful reading it back as I thought it would be. I have no aspirations for victory, but the sense of achievement from completing it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Also, Princess, some people actually like the smell of dog. Not that I'd wear it if it came bottled as some sort of stylish fragrance or anything, but I can think of worse smells. Like new car smell, which gives me a massive migraine and makes me want to projectile vomit. Also, those little car fresheners have a hideous aroma too, so huzzah for doggy odour!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:00 / 30.01.07
Doctor? Doctor!
08:53 / 30.01.07
That's so wicked. Thanks for linking to it.
Essential Dazzler
12:29 / 30.01.07
I'm just back from the newsagents, and I'm still in a mild state of shock. The Sun have a frontpage which includes chav as an example of hate speech.

I suppose an apology from them would be too much to ask?

Maybe they're just enjoying the opportunity to print a frontpage of hatespeech.
12:40 / 30.01.07
I suppose an apology from them would be too much to ask?

Essential Dazzler
13:01 / 30.01.07
But.....but.......I clapped twice and said I believed!

What of my Hope, Haus?

The power of my Hope?
Char Aina
17:19 / 30.01.07
random shit arriving in the post gives me happy.
music especially.

i only wish my flatmate hadnt hidden it!
in plain sight, the fucker!

gogogo, mr N.
17:56 / 30.01.07
We've just been given £40k. You'd think I'd be happier, but I'm just anxious it won't be enough in Brighton's fucking ridiculous property market.

I am annoyed and a little distressed by my reaction to the news.
18:02 / 30.01.07
I'm listening to the OTR adventure serial Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! (1938-39), and Winamp started skipping while I was opening another program, resulting in this illuminating dialogue between arch-badguy The Octopus and his henchman Zabul:

The Octopus (triumphantly): ...and then I shall begin my great work of conquering the world with my death ray machine!

Zabul: And how-

The Octopus (triumphantly): With my death ray machine!

Zabul: And how do y-

The Octopus (triumphantly): With my death ray machine!

Zabul: And how do you plan to-

The Octopus (triumphantly): With my death ray machine!

Zabul: And how do you plan to do this, master Octopus?

Unaccountably, this completely made my afternoon.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:06 / 30.01.07
That is pretty damn funny.
Char Aina
18:07 / 30.01.07
or wait.. thirded?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:28 / 30.01.07
To the boy in question who currently has possession of my heart:

You make me so happy, I can scarcely breathe.
18:29 / 30.01.07
Sounds like he might've got your lungs, as well.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:31 / 30.01.07
Oh, he pretty much has everything.
18:37 / 30.01.07
Does he have David Tennant's coat?
18:42 / 30.01.07
But do you like it when?

That's the question isn't it.
Char Aina
18:47 / 30.01.07
man, that's twice with that 'when' at the end thing.
tell me who gave you this style of sentence! i will only stop asking when!
22:35 / 30.01.07
I have received a reply to a crushy email I sent asking for a shipping address to mail chocolate. I haven't read the reply yet as I'm nursing the giddy foot hopping glee.

Funny how part of me is all prepping with the 'whatevah who cares pssh' attitude and the other part is all like 'shut it! delight and mischief are at hand!'.

If I could only afford to send chocolate to every sexy sick mofo out there...sigh. Obviously I need some sort of funding.

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