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Gives me a happy


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Alex's Grandma
10:12 / 23.12.06
But did you make the "special" with her, Stoat?
12:48 / 23.12.06
A gentleman doesn't say.
Mourne Kransky
13:12 / 23.12.06
Pfft... It's not like we would tell anybody. You can trust us totally Stoatally.
13:14 / 23.12.06
You have your own brewrey to share with the ladies?
14:49 / 23.12.06
Mildly amusing: Justin Timberlake sends himself up on SNL with his Christmas song, Dick in a Box.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
15:00 / 23.12.06
You have your own brewrey...

He certainly should have one. Or a recycling plant.

Gawd bless yer, merry Stoatlemen!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
16:17 / 23.12.06
It's my 27th birthday! And three of my closest friends are coming out to the island for some SERIOUS DRINKING. That makes me happy, and I'm not even bothered by the inexorable creep towards oldness.
electric monk
16:09 / 24.12.06
Enjoy your birthday, Methusela!
09:34 / 25.12.06
Today, my little cousin with Marfan's Syndrome, and maybe some other complicating factors, who cannot play sports at all due to impacts dislocating his joints, pwned us all at the family Wii Sports Marathon.

It was really good to see him be able to compete and do stuff, and not have to worry about it.

Also, I plaid wii tennis with my grandma, which was hilariously good.
09:40 / 25.12.06
But did you make the "special" with her, Stoat?

Of course not. This is Barbelith. God bless us every one.
14:38 / 25.12.06
I was grinning for hours after I saw Jerome Murat.
15:54 / 25.12.06
I am having a great Holiday. My family is healing, finally. All this wonderful karma is ripening right now. The love is big. I finally understand why my mother did some of the stupid things she did, and does. I understand myself better, (Hail to Ms.Friday).

My family is finally going to heal and move forward. I actually became a catalyst for peace and healing in my own family, extended family even. Age old pains from world wars, and hurt from those whom have already departed us, those who thought they were forgotten, secrets that burdened some of us, crippling diseases that left emotional scsars..., everything is capable of being healed now like I have never seen opportunity for. This is it. There are no loose ends. The tethers are cut and I am free to move forward. Even better, my entire family has been freed.

I am going to Athena park to kiss my Goddess's feet and leave Her offerings.
18:20 / 25.12.06
That is very brilliant. Well done, Trix.
Saint Keggers
22:09 / 25.12.06
My mum made apple pie. I havent had apple pie since last christmas.
Bubblegum Death
19:13 / 26.12.06
I was feeling a little bummed, because it was getting late and I hadn't heard from my son. His mom finally called and... he might be coming to live with me long term!
21:59 / 02.01.07
WOO! She got in touch with me and we're meeting up this week!

(Special prize for anyone who can figure out exactly WHEN I turned into a fucking teenager again. It's weird. I'm thirty-fucking-five years old. This is not normal).
00:05 / 03.01.07
we just had an ultrasound scan at 11 weeks and 5 days - it was amazing! so hard to believe that a little person is wriggling around in my girlfriend's belly...waving its arms and kicking its legs and doing the copa-cobana. and everything looks normal so far so big relief there too.

happy happy happy!
08:38 / 03.01.07
Go fetus GO!
09:13 / 03.01.07
Big congratulations, dude!
09:44 / 03.01.07
Up the foetus! Congrats, dudette!
16:39 / 03.01.07
Somehow, without me noticing, various people I'd always thought of as casual drinking partners seem to have mutated into, y'know, actual friends.

This is good.
16:47 / 03.01.07
Casual drinking buddies have a horrible way of being undesirable when one is sober. You are teh defier of tradition!
17:00 / 03.01.07
Ah, the booze has always been good to me.
18:08 / 03.01.07
Baileys, christmas cake, a sleeping baby and good telly makes me happy.

All of the above is currently the case. Apparently I win.
18:24 / 03.01.07
Video version of lulabelle's "Giving drugs to spiders" thread
18:28 / 03.01.07
Good money that in exactly 23 years Boboss will be handing out the Worther's Originals.
18:55 / 03.01.07
Grandad wins!
20:01 / 03.01.07
20:42 / 03.01.07
It's probably been said before, but this thread is giving me a happy. And I mean that in the least ambiguous sense possible.
Tabitha Tickletooth
13:28 / 04.01.07
My application for British citizenship has been approved. Technically, I'm not actually a citizen until I do the ceremony (according to the IND website, I have to 'listen to' the national anthem, not necessarily sing it - although I may do so if I wish to). Ever so soon I will have a lovely EU passport in my mitts. Oh joy, oh freedom, oh travelling again here I come. And, of course, my heart swells with pride that I will now have the opportunity to meaninfully swear my allegiance to the queen (you never know when the Home Office is reading).

Mon Oncle Ignatius
15:15 / 04.01.07
Can we come and listen to the national anthem with you? We can all dress like John Bull and eat tikka masala afterwards to celebrate just how British you will be!
Tabitha Tickletooth
15:21 / 04.01.07
I am contemplating how 'public' my ceremony should be, but there will definitely be a booze up to celebrate to which all and sundry - yes, even foreigners, because the British value tolerance above all - will be invited.

Apparently I also get a commemorative medal! It has been suggested that this will have a picture of the queen (gawd bless 'er) on one side and a short poem on the other side saying how much I love her. I can only hope this is true.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
15:55 / 04.01.07
Fantastic! Will you wear your medal with pride, perhaps on a special red, white and blue ribbon?
16:02 / 04.01.07
Tabitha, why do you want to be a British citizen? Is it just something to do with being able to go travelling? I mean can you travel more if you're British or something?
Whisky Priestess
16:17 / 04.01.07
It's troublesome to leave the country if you've not got citizenship yet, as they are apt not to let you back in ...

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