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Gives me a happy


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Closed for Business Time
13:52 / 13.12.06
Well, I'm no expert, but according to my SO the girl was most thorough. I don't mind a bit of hirsuteness, but yeah, those ingrown ones I can do without.
14:33 / 13.12.06
as a point of fact anyone who can get their "works" waxed can in fact stand a tattoo and probably nipple piercing. It can be described as being hit repeatedly with a sharp electrical current on delicate nerve rich area of the body. Pursuit of beauty is not for the frail in this case.
Closed for Business Time
14:39 / 13.12.06
I hear ya. I'd go blind with the pain mefinks if I'd waxed my waterworks. But then again I'm closer to our simian cousins than most in terms of hair'n all. So all respect to the dames for their endurance of waxings, picking of eyebrows etc. As an aside, I did suggest to her, when she half-jokingly commented "look what I'll do for you", that I could do the same. She declined!
16:58 / 13.12.06
Hurrah! I've managed to put things on my blog! This means I done things! Hurrah! Hurrah!
14:45 / 14.12.06
Hooray! Huzzah! Etc!

Today I managed to do lots of things. I've been able to fix accomodation, and find my lost clothing, and get a key, and got a party arranged, and arrange stuff with my failing course.

And I've been contacted about doing an article! And I've been invited to go to a Patrick Wolf gig FOR FREE!! and the tickets to get there are dirt cheap! And I can write my article on that!

And myself and the SO had an argument last night! Which sounds bad, but is actually good, because we fixed everything instead of just be grumpy at each other.

Everything is magical!

Truly, 'tis a magical season.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
15:30 / 14.12.06
coming "home" on the plane, listening to Made Out of Babies and Current 93, finishing the last half of Hinterland with dark clouds and rain outside...just right, just right. I haven't been myself for over a year's good to be back.

And thanks to David Barnett for doing a fucking good job.
15:37 / 14.12.06
Oh my. I am going to go to University. I am so scared and so excited, and happy, all at the same time. It is just as a mature, independant student, on a part-time basis, but I am so happy, my tears are going to short-circuit my keyboard.

So many good and scary things are happenning. I just have to keep strong.
15:42 / 14.12.06
OOh! Which subject!
15:56 / 14.12.06
Don't laugh but, something in the Sociology-Anthropology department. There is still some processing to be done, and I have to consult with advisors on which specific courses, but I am going to embark on a post-secondary education in my mid-thirties. I am so thrilled.
15:59 / 14.12.06
Uhm, I am not thrilled about doing this in my thirties, more that I get to do this at all.
09:50 / 15.12.06
I *heart* pants brigade. That has somewhat cheered up a rather bollocksy week.
11:23 / 15.12.06
*I* know it's a serious story, but I haven't stopped giggling at this for about ten minutes:
Funniest Headline Evar
14:32 / 15.12.06
i giggle with you cube.

.....for me happiness = internet wilderness days are over,
got my wireless connection working after FIVE WHOLE DAYS without it.
(good to be back in the unreal world and away from nasty real-world types.)
17:12 / 15.12.06
At least I am not a loser trapped in the body of a loser.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:26 / 15.12.06
One of the problems with real-name usernaming is I can't always speak as freely as I'd like, but I'm very happy about some changes in my workplace. I am going to Electric Boogie tonight in the privacy of my own living room dance floor.
20:55 / 15.12.06
Language is my happy today. It has been a while since i really looked at it with a view to study and by god, if language isn't a wonderful thing!

I would try to explain how stumbling upon the description of uncountable nouns led me to a sharp period of 'ooh! the wonder!' but i fear it would make little sense.

So instead: Woooo! Language!
Unconditional Love
21:01 / 16.12.06
My slippers dry out quickly from having wet feet from washing, which means i can put them on my feet quicker, i havent worn slippers for years.

My shackles came off today.
Saint Keggers
21:04 / 16.12.06
I just had a photoshoot that I was up 99% of the night worrying about and it went insanely awesome! After viewing the pictures both mine and the model's ego grew to sizes only seen on sci-fi shows!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
22:40 / 17.12.06
My band, or members thereof, being invited to join a potentially interesting music/art project next summer, by a member of a reasonably-well regarded group of yore. Plus, ze not only simply got in touch via email, but the MySpace page for said project namechecks us a both as a "Sounds Like" and an "Influence" alongside a whole host of far worthier names than ours. Oh, and all the umlauts were even in place on the band name...
Char Aina
00:24 / 18.12.06
that sounds frickin' awesome.

you need to PM me the myspace so i can check out your umlauts.
Disco is My Class War
14:09 / 19.12.06
This film archive amakes me really very happy. So happy I could easily spend the rest of my holidays watching avant-garde movies rather than being off the internet, as was the plan.

Especially Jean Genet's Un Chant D'Amour -- be still my heart. And the other unstill bits.
14:30 / 19.12.06
Wow, that is exciting - I've never seen Un Chant D'Amour because I couldn't justify spending £17 on the DVD. Science documentaries and avant-garde cinema - Barbelith's served me well today!
Mon Oncle Ignatius
14:50 / 19.12.06
I've looked over the Ubu site and have been tremendously excited at the prospect of seeing some of those films when time allows, albeit in streamed low-res. But as Nighthawk says, way easier on the pocket than building a solid avant-DVD collection.

This is the sort of thing which makes the Interweb grand.
15:50 / 21.12.06
mofo no manual included motherboard replaced flawlessly! WOO!
had to apply the thermal grease for the processors with a plastic knife snagged from the kitchen area in a moment of McGuyver insight. Was like frosting the tiniest cake known to humankind with the most miniscule amount of frosting that came out of a small syringe.

Though was replacing every piece of every removeable component of the new server that essential to my pre holiday experience that they all needed to fail QA? Really WTF kinda of high weirdness was that all about? Bad memory slots? That's possibly evidence gremlins are real right there.

I'll just bask in the bloody knuckle afterglow of a fine mechanical success and wait another hour or so before trying to figure it all out.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
16:26 / 21.12.06
Hooray! My copy of the War On Terror The Boardgame arrived at last. It was ordered in September, but thanks to production delays took until virtually the last minute to be delivered. So I'll maybe even have some time to play it over the next few weeks, and to wear an Evil balaclava at Xmas. Yay.
Jack Vincennes
20:23 / 21.12.06
Thank you, lady on the bus, for giving me a tissue into which I could have a big old sob. If I had seen me on the bus, I would have assumed I was another rubbish girl crying about her boyfriend. In fact that was far from the case (the boyfriends part at least) so thank you for either noticing this fact or not caring either way.
20:29 / 21.12.06
My only votive, a lovely candle, is burning nice. Please raise you glasses to a man from Cardiff who, six years ago today, spread himself generously around the country. Daionus iechyd!
21:19 / 21.12.06

After days of battle and voodoo computing, i have managed to build and run the lovely Amarok on my OS X MacBook!

Viable alternative to iTunes Yey!

I 4M T3H L33T U|\|!x H4><><0R!
04:36 / 22.12.06
Woo Hoo!

After a hard battle over the last 3 weeks I finally got my Viz Center finished. Now I am in gaming Heaven! This is a shot of Half Life 2, on a big stonkin machine on a big stonkin screen. Graphics res is 3648 x 1080 through 2 Full HD projectors shot onto a 150 degree curved screen. Oh the steering wheel is for Colin McCrae Rally, to be installed next year.

Mon Oncle Ignatius
10:43 / 22.12.06

johnleespider : WOW!

.trampetunia: Amarok, erm, roks, doesn't it? The struggles to get it installed (or updated) under Linux are probably a little less than OS X, but it is sooo much nicer than anything silly like iTunes.
10:54 / 22.12.06
Please raise you glasses to a man from Cardiff who, six years ago today, spread himself generously around the country.

Hooray for Russell T!
10:56 / 22.12.06
A real man would play Half-Life 2 using the steering wheel.
11:21 / 22.12.06
A really real man would play it on an ipod.

Maybe, if he was looking for a challenge, in a crappy speaker-dock-set, using the remote.
imaginary mice
06:15 / 23.12.06
I'm home! home! home! at last. Arrived late last night after two days stuck at airports (Southampton on Thursday (flight cancelled) and Stansted on Friday (long delays)). Parents are happy. Aw, that's all that matters. Merry Christmas etc...
09:02 / 23.12.06
I've just spent the last forty-eight hours with someone on whom I've had a major crush for many years, but who I thought I was never likely to see again. I'm pretty damn happy about that.

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