Mordant Carnival
18:22 / 08.11.05
I am going to find some of those threads that started out with a harmless, even promising opening few posts, and then degenerated into bitter infighting. The fifteen-page ones. The ones with all the big gaps where people deleted their text in disgust. The ones that left a taste in the mouth as nasty as rancid aerosol cream. At least a dozen or so.
Nina Skryty
18:26 / 08.11.05
Well they're definitely the most fun to read...
Tuna Ghost
23:11 / 08.11.05
Hell, they're fun to make. It's like a group of people got together, each adding something ugly or sinful, and created a tumorous, evil thing that pulsates pure wickedness and regret, scarring all who gaze upon it's horrid countenance. Lots o' laughs, I tell ya.
'Lithers Speak STRONG TRUTH in the Bump Thread. |