Well, you CAN get David Lynch coffee.
And why are we still defensively trotting out the old 'But you have to watch it as a mooooovie' argument? We all know that. I get the impression that most of the people posting about how awful they think this film will be simply feel that way because they've seen 300 and, weirdly enough, thought it was utter shit. Not because they love the, ahem, graphic novel or anything like that, but because the film dived headlong into self-paraody at every turn.
Well, the argument's particularly relevant in this case because Watchmen is just as famous for what it does WITH the medium as what it does WITHIN the medium, and that's something that can never translate faithfully. Now, it doesn't mean it's not going to be shit, but it does mean that, for me at least, issues of fidelity to the source material are secondary if it FEELS right. Which it may well not do, admittedly.
...this is gonna be the part where everyone loses all respect for me because I really loved 300, isn't it? |