If they have to stick to the 30s/40s middle class white male template established so far, I suppose it could be worse. I just wish they'd go out on a frigging limb for a change doctor-wise. They dick about with the companion formula a little, to be fair, but it's mostly window-dressing and as we all know, the gender balance NEVER changes.
Things they could change (doc/companion):
- Gender (Well, duh)
- Age
(Although Catherine Tate is a step in the right direction companion-wise, I'd love to see a very old/young doctor - can you imagine how having John Hurt or Ben Whishaw take on the role would skew the dynamic really interestingly?)
- Race
(Martha Jones ... meh, whatever, I guess - but it would be a real shake-up to have a non-white Doctor)
- Class/Accent/Town of Origin
(Props to Christopher "lots of planets have a north" Eccleston's, but I'm thinking of the companion here, obviously, as they've ALL been saddled with that fucking grating Sarf London Mockney Lite accent so far)
Sigh. A girl can dream. |