Good analysis even if you don't entirely agree with it and find yourself saying that the first ep was meant to be comedy. Or maybe if you believe there are more than two types of TV show?
Personally I think a GOOD sitcom depends on taking the characters seriously, and the situations less so. Hence the name. A sketch show, not so much, but a sitcom, hell yeah! If you don't care, it's not funny. For me, anyway. (This is why George & Mildred will always beat Terry & June).
I think Rose was a better episode than Partners In Crime because... well, it was better written. Not to say that I didn't like PiC, but to reduce it to some sort of "sitcoms" v "soap operas" thing... it kind of forgets that there is television drama, and comedy, and all manner of other things, that don't fit into either category. And I think whoever wrote that is doing them all a grave disservice. And also is being mean about sitcoms, so BLEH to him. |